How Do You Prepare Peas For Feeding Betta?

Have you tried him with bloodworm? I fhe wont eat that then maybe he is ill. As for peas just boil them for a couple of mins, let them cool, remove the outer shell bit or skin and then break it up between your fingers so its in small soft pieces. :good:
He is currently in the hospital tank and when i get home 2day im going to do a full water change. He isnt eating or atleast he never eats wen the lights are on...
Quick and easy way - pour a little very hot water in a mug, add a few frozen peas and let them sit for 5 mins. They will soften up and you can then squidge the pea between your fingers to get the skin off and discard that. Then chop the actual pea up into tiny little bits and offer just one weeny piece at a time.

I had to do this very thing this morning with my male betta who had gone off his food last night and this morning - ignored his favourite bloodworms and daphnia - so I tried the pea and he gobbled it up eagerly - gave him half a pea in total.

They go like that sometimes when they've had too much of the frozen, protein foods but the pea soon sorts their digestive system out and perks them up.

They also go off their food when they are a bit stressed - either from bad water quality or from being moved from one tank to another.

what kind of betta pwelets is he on for regular food,? i have noticed while some fish accepte the cheep aka wallmart brand it gets them constipated easy, i use attisons bettas pro and have mich less porbs with it.
Cant get to the name at the moment. Something betta gold pellets.
Hikari betta bio gold? that is a good food. you should not be having many problems.

An unhealthy betta may not eat. Change the water. Try the pea.

How long have you had this guy? sometimes it takes a new betta a bit of time to acclimate and adjust. Although I get the feeling he isn't new.
You are correct he isnt new i hav him 2 and a half weeks. Its not hikari its starts with an 'S'... He had sum ich but it has disapeard...i did a water change lastnyt a full water change...but he is active bt his colour isnt blue it brownish and his fin constantly changing from blue to brown 'confused look on my face'

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