Search results

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    New Site - But Which Template?

    You have a friend giving away domains ? Wow, he must also be a genius :) *winks* Next you will be telling people he is hosting the site for you too :)
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    New Site - But Which Template?

    #### get a room you two !!
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    New Site - But Which Template?

    I'm still around mate, just been doing a bot of wheeling and dealing on ebay and spending some quality time with the computer, i mean the missus. I'm invisible most of the time, but i am back to work soon :(
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    New Site - But Which Template?

    Yeah i would go with the second one, the guy who created the logo and scheme must be a complete genius... **winks**
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    Psp - Hacked Firmware

    Since i made this post i have made a few bucks buying faulty PSP's from ebay,repairing them and then reselling them with a nice 100% markup to friends and friends of friends. I have rediscovered the joy of car booting and then selling the stuff on ebay for a small fortune. Its the reason i have...
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    Psp - Hacked Firmware

    Well i got 2 spare batteries, 2 x 4 gig cards, all the bits and bobs and pre hacked for £107. The had 100% feedback and over 400 sales so i feel better but if there are any issues then i know i can use Pandora Battery to sort out any problems. I just put a bid in for an 8gig card too.
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    Psp - Hacked Firmware

    Has anyone got a PSP with the hacked firmware. If so, whats it like? I am thinking ordering one but being a gadget man i want to make sure it can do loads of funky stuff :)
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    Sponge Filter - 25 Watt Heater

    Hello Folks, I am looking to purchase a 25 watt heater and a nice little sponge filter as cheap as possible for my little tank. Has anyone got any recommended sources. Incidently i went into P@H to get the above mentioned products as my lfs did not have them in stock and they were completely...
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    This Is Simply Awesome

    Ok, the update so far: Fry are doing well, there are quite a lot of them swimming around in the breeding net but i am concerned they are not feeding, although they are still alive after a week. The Gourami has bred again and the eggs of the second lot have hatched but i have left them in the...
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    The Bacteria In A Bottle Worked?!?!?!?

    Do YOU really still think i have an affiliation with Bactinette? You muppet. I would never work for an aquarium wholesaler, have you seen how little they get paid? and they smell funny too.
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    Anyone Use The Aquarium Wiki?

    If you dont advertise it, then how are people going to find it? They wont...will they? and if no-one can find will be going there, will they? Terefore this adds fuel to the original assumption that you are spamming our forum for the better good of your own forum. That goes against...
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    Anyone Use The Aquarium Wiki?

    You made no admissions in your original post that you were the moderator of another forum on another fish related website. Instead you just casually asked if anyone used the site, therefore us curious members would click the link, pop on over and perhaps sign ourselves up. Whilst this may not...
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    Anyone Use The Aquarium Wiki?

    Jourdy you are advertising your own personal site. I believe that is against the forums rules.
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    Cherry Barb Chasing

    Cherry Barbs chase each other. This is normal for the species, they are just playing. If you catch one having a cigarette then you know its just mated. :)
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    What was the subject ? I've forgot.
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    Anyone Use The Aquarium Wiki?

    Either did i !!
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    You took the word right out of my mouth.
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    Anyone Use The Aquarium Wiki?

    Well from what i understand the accused does a lot of work on that website so the defense is trying to establish if the domain name belongs to him, if not him then what his affiliation with the site is. Your honour, if it turns out to be the case that he has an invested interest in said domain...
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    Anyone Use The Aquarium Wiki?

    Is this something you are working on? Is your name Jourdan Cameron ?
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    Anyone Use The Aquarium Wiki?

    Are you going to spam the forum with projects you are working on?
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    I am only 10 levels away from level 70 and i purposely closed my account because i just wouldnt sleep. That game is so addictive you need medication to come off it. Arggghhhhh....I am not even into those type of games, but for some reason i went out bought all th modules, all the guide books...
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    OMG ! Theres another update out? Is Litch King out yet ?
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    Yeah, no-one like a pair of small bowls
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    Is that some sort of gay slang?
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    I really would not admit that in public you know, the dude is weird with a capital whaa
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    See, yet again the random #### posts have generated the most interest which fuels the debate for our own General Chat subsection. :) Big Brother rocks.....not really but it is funny sometimes.
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    But not quite yet !!
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    I think Meatloaf said is best in one of his songs 'I would do anything for love, but i wont do THAT!!!!!'
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    Thats why he posted this topic, he is a post whore
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    Teach me to be gay then. Teach me all that you have learned before this thread gets tragically closed, lol
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    Why do gay guys always have hot female friends ? Its almost worth being gay for....
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    Your sister is cute, is she rich and single too ?
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    So...You good looking rich guy... Single huh? Hmmmm....
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    Ok, lets look at the facts...(its like Through the Keyhole) - Marginally better looking than myself - Well kept appearance and baby bum skin - You drive a hairdressers car - Your avatar is pink - You have very good taste - Never a mention of 'the other half' - Your garden is beautiful - You...
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    My female Gouramis are lesbians. Oh and Peter being Gay comes as no suprise :)
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    Ive Ran Out Of Things To Talk About

    Dont encourage me to come back with a vengence
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    How About This For A Fish Tank!

    Thats all very well, but do you not think that the chemicals on the upholstery alone would be enough to cause the fish some harm. I bet they have not thought it through thouroughly, although it does look cool :)
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    I Still Want The Newsletter

    If you feel that strongly about it, why are you not doing it anyways privately. Why create a new thread when there is already a thread dedicated to the topic. It should also be posted in the correct section (perhaps Board Suggestions, oh wait a minute, theres one in there too). Enough people...
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    Can I Feed My Fish Fishing Maggots?

    Make sure you soak the castors (Chrysillis) in water. This will allow them to sink in the tank.