
plus if i post more...

i will become the fish addict that i am

i need more recognition around here lol
i just had my second thread locked..... can i come in here?
What did I just tell you? :p

plus if i post more...

i will become the fish addict that i am

i need more recognition around here lol

Go help in the Emergency Section!
the star of the show is back!!! :hyper:

:shifty: you know it


and to answer this forum....the bowls are far to small <<<<<<<<<<<<
Yeah...what else do we have to talk about? Lets talk about stuff that nobody ever talks about on here. Like... uh... have you guys seen the latest update for World of Warcraft? :rolleyes:

I have a vegetarian friend who insists that keeping a line of wineglasses with bettas in them on his bookshelf is perfectly fine because they've managed to not die for a few months. :eek:

OMG ! Theres another update out? Is Litch King out yet ?

Goddamn you people, I'm on the drip here, no mentioning WoW. If I reactivate my account, my fish are sure to die this time.

Edit: And no, Lich King's roughly on track for January, though - bettas coming up, and they're having the betta account contests around the same time of year they did before Burning Crusade.

Edit 2: Bah, I have to melt my disks now.

I am only 10 levels away from level 70 and i purposely closed my account because i just wouldnt sleep. That game is so addictive you need medication to come off it.

Arggghhhhh....I am not even into those type of games, but for some reason i went out bought all th modules, all the guide books and joined the giuld they have in work....

Oh God! I want to sit on the side of the jetty and throw my rod in for some fish.

If I tried that with my cat, the picture would have a lot more blood and at least one severed finger.

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