Anyone Use The Aquarium Wiki?

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I'd rather just stick to good ol', thanks.

Have you see the site? Even though we have a forum, we are wiki people, we write about fish there.


oh bleah, I already don't eat beef/pork/mammal, but Spam is just a mutation.
Yes, Joudry is technically advertising a competetive site ( it has a forum, in which Jourdy is a Mod).

Yeah, but we don't compete since we actually want to advertise the Wiki, we just added on the forum for a little more info and the research of articles and discuss the software of the WIKI and such, not compete with TFF. If anything, we'd like to work with them.
You made no admissions in your original post that you were the moderator of another forum on another fish related website. Instead you just casually asked if anyone used the site, therefore us curious members would click the link, pop on over and perhaps sign ourselves up.

Whilst this may not have been the case, it is generally frowned upon around here the advertising of any such websites, however that being said i do believe you are allowed to have a link to the site in your signature.

Some would say something smells a little fishy. Almost fish like.
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