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    Help! White Cottony Growth On New Driftwood

    oh me thats a lesson learned I did soak it but not for long enough evidently, thing is they are odd shapes no easy way of putting them in buckets.... ill shall have to find away i guess tank looks empty!
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    Help! White Cottony Growth On New Driftwood

    Hi guys, I set up a 4ft tank (rio 300) on sunday, added plants from my existing diease free tank and added driftwood bought from my LFS. I poured boiling water over it and had it in buckets of water soaking before adding. After putting in my mature media and exisiting fish into the tank i felt...
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    Plant Substrate

    WOW lots of different responses well im planning to have black fine gravel on top of the substrate thinking eco complete could be good plus ive seen it in my LFS. Finding what your looking for can be difficult here sometimes! Thanks for your responses!
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    Plant Substrate

    Hi there! I will be setting up my new 300 litre tank soon :D and I would like to have lots of live plants for the fish and beauty purposes. Question is, I grow amazons etc in just gravel but have been reading and heard a substrate under my gravel will vastly improve the plants chances. could...
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    4ft Tank For Sale =£40

    typical!! just bought a new 4ft tank for a hell of a lot more!!!!!!
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    Stocking Suggestions

    oldman your fish are stunners!!! look in very good health!I'm defo considering these now, ill have to go to my stock page and add up all my inches/numbers etc so far (how sad am I?!) thou the fact they attck plants is a bit of a negitive as I would love a planted tank lol mmmmm decisions Wendy...
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    Stocking Suggestions

    brill!! thanks it was my LFS that suggested rainbow cichlids I'd never heard of them and was dubious. will they be fine with my blue rams as they are both cichlids? thanks again!
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    Stocking Suggestions

    Hi there will up the rainbows then I finally saw my first one in the LFS was really surprised at how beautiful they are, I'm aware my clown loach will eventually be to large for the tank, I'll will either upgrade in a few years (they are bout 2 inch long at mo) or rehome them. I was thinkin of...
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    Stocking Suggestions

    another question...rainbow cichlid anyone had any experience with them? the LFS said I cud have one in my community?
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    Stocking Suggestions

    Hi guys! well to say I'm excited about my first real tank (after months of saving and some researching) is an understatment! :hyper: However now I have the choice to get all sorts of fish I feel kinda overwelmed!! Could you guys offer suggestions? Upgrading the fish from ten gall (can't wait...
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    Upgrading ..

    mmm something to bear in mind then. I'm ordering end of this month as im on holiday and able to recieve it but wont fully set it up for a few months yet as i willbe away a week or two and dont want to abandon it in the early stages lol
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    Upgrading ..

    Thanks Nikki, I've never really bought a tank before so have been researching them and think juwel looks the best bet plus looks nice :D not that the fish give a toot about the outside lol
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    Upgrading ..

    hi folks, Well I have become adicted to fish keeping, I have a wee ten gallon which is insufficant for my fishes so decided to upgrade (in style!) . I really like the Juwel rio 300 in black. Has anyone had experience with theses tanks? thoughts? things to look out for and also anyone get them...
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    Upgrading Bigger Better?

    many thanks, I cant wait thou I will obviously be cycling and using some media from my exisitng tank to help a wee bit. I'll be able to keep my clown loach yey!! :hyper:
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    Upgrading Bigger Better?

    lol thanks yeh I thought no point in getting a twenty gallon when really should just get the one I want probs cost effective in the end and happy fish!It would just be the same maintance ie, water changes twice a week of 30-50 %?
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    Upgrading Bigger Better?

    Hi guys, I've got a ten gallon and 6 gallon (uk) and have decided to go for it and get a bigger tank.... I have read here numerous times to go for the biggest you can afford. So I have been snooping the net, I like the 260 Juwel vision in black thou tis expensive and one 330 litre which is...
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    Juwel Rio 125 For Sale

    where in aberdeenshire are you based?
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    Air Pump Does It Harm Plant Growth?

    mmm quite some debate here, and some interesting points. I dont mind if my plants are a wee bit slower with the airpump on as I feel the fish enjoy the current and it helps in gas exchange. But I think I will trial reducing the hrs its on just to see if theres a difference :) either way this has...
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    Air Pump Does It Harm Plant Growth?

    right well think I will leave the pump on till the weekend and order a wee valve from ebay?Then tinker with the pump on weekend and trial having it off for a few hrs. But I dont think it'll make much difference but tis fun to try and grow the plants :)
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    Air Pump Does It Harm Plant Growth?

    no i dont have c02 injection. Ok thats that helps alot, think I might try and cut down the airpump a bit to get the tank a wee bit more lush looking. I have a fertiliser tab from ebay which I have put into the substrate too.
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    Air Pump Does It Harm Plant Growth?

    Hi folks, I was wondering as the bubbles help in the exchange of gases does this mean it stopping the plants in my ten gallon from getting enough c02? Could I say have it on for the day then off at night? I have it on full time at the mo... its a Tom silent air bubbles stellar w-20. Also do you...
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    Frogbit - Sold Out Atm

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    Heh Heh Heh!

    They look like peppered corries to me, Mine like wee hollows in the gravel too, once they get settled and bigger im sure they'll be "snuffling" around the tank!
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    Frogbit - Sold Out Atm

    thanks for the info! I rekon I cud be tempted! all my fish are bottom dwellers bt im sure they will enjoy a wee shaded area lol
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    Frogbit - Sold Out Atm

    is it easy to grow as I have a basic setup no idea what my lights are as I was given the tank, I grow amazons and java fern. thanks
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    Java Moss Coconut Cave

    if thats the cave in question, I'd say thats a fair price as you have some lovely looking Java moss there! :good:
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    Live Brine Shrimp For Corys And Clown Loach?

    corys loved them! I turned of my filter to give them a chance! :) Josh yes I have two small clown loach in my ten gallon, beginners mistake and I'm aware they need a bigger tank but for now they are very happy. (they r around a inch 1/2) I will rehome or up grade when I think they need new...
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    Live Brine Shrimp For Corys And Clown Loach?

    great stuff yeah I thought might be difficult as they tend to stick to the bottom of the tank, well I shall pop some in for them to look at and see what they think I know what Manny the betta thought LOL yum yum yum thanks!
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    Live Brine Shrimp For Corys And Clown Loach?

    Just wondering are corries able to catch and eat brine shrimp? I recieved my order today and have fed some to my betta and wondered if my corries and clown loach would be able to get them as the shrimp swim all over?!
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    Can Bamboo Plant Be In A Tank?

    sorry must of missed it was caught off guard lol
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    Can Bamboo Plant Be In A Tank?

    you have how many fish in a ten gallon?!!!
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    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    no probs :) just wait til you hear the clicking noise they make, mostly when eating sounds bit like the tank breaking! but dont worry its just happy sounds lol
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    Manny The Betta Refuses To Eat...

    YEY!!!! Manny has just stuffed in the Pea!! Im soooo relieved, just finshed his water change and hes starting to bubble nest great signs! Thanks for your help folks much appreciated! :good:
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    Ahem... Where Did They Go?

    hi there, Clown loach like to feel safe having places to hide eg caves, bog wood anything like that. As they are new they will be settling in and very shy!Dont worry once they feel settled they shall come out to explore more and more. Mine disapeared for a couple of weeks when I first got them...
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    Manny The Betta Refuses To Eat...

    hi I'm doing another 80% water change tonight, as thought I saw some small white specs on the glass on the inside are these baby lice? :( I shall look him over gd and proper tonight. nitemare!
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    Manny The Betta Refuses To Eat...

    good idea, I shall go hunt in the freezer!he still comes up to the food I do offer but looks very unimpressed lol.I've ordered some brine shrimp to see how that goes down but shall try pea in the mean time! thanks :D
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    Manny The Betta Refuses To Eat...

    hi there, I have been doing extra water changes as I've been paranoid about the lice :( I think I shall order some brine shrimp then and see how he does as he's still alert :) thanks for taking the time to offer advice :)
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    Clown Swords Lol

    When I researched them I've never really seen reference to it apart from digging up plants, so was quite surprised to see them tucking in, I dont mind as long as they are enjoying their home :) today is tubifex day so the tank will be in frenzy mode lol
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    Clown Swords Lol

    Thought I'd ask if anyone else have "holey" amazon swords which are greedly attacked by their clownies? mine love to have a munch in the woken by the excited "clicking" lol. Took me ages to catch them at it!!
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    Manny The Betta Refuses To Eat...

    Hi guys, I've had "Manny" for almost 6 months now, hes a great little plakat. However he seemed to get lice or a paracite of sorts (maybe from new snails? looked like disc shapes on his sides, discolouration and stopped eating) so I treated with anti paracite treament. It seemed to work...