Help! White Cottony Growth On New Driftwood


New Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Moray, Scotland
Hi guys,

I set up a 4ft tank (rio 300) on sunday, added plants from my existing diease free tank and added driftwood bought from my LFS. I poured boiling water over it and had it in buckets of water soaking before adding. After putting in my mature media and exisiting fish into the tank i felt pleased.......until today!!!!!!!!!! :shout:

There are white cotton wool looking growths all over both bits of wood, so I paniced and removed them. I have poured boiling water over them again and have scrubbed them in clean water. Any idea what it is ? and will it harm my fish who I love?!! The only new thing is the tank and driftwood and the added Melafix. Could someone please put my mind at rest or advice me on a course of action. Many thanks!!!!!!!!
It's a bacterial bloom.
It won't do anything terrible to the fish in small amounts. You should play it safe tho. Put the driftwood in a bucket outside and the bacteria will keep growing for a while. It should die out eventually tho. You should always cure (soak) driftwood before placing it in a tank. Curing can take anywhere between 2 weeks and 3 months.
oh me thats a lesson learned I did soak it but not for long enough evidently, thing is they are odd shapes no easy way of putting them in buckets.... ill shall have to find away i guess tank looks empty!

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