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  1. R

    Sick killing method, STOP!

    Hi all..........I think the quikest way is the best be it smashing,freezing(liquid not the freezer thats a slow death) or chopping head off.I never thought about it much,untill my mother asked me to take her Mini wiener dog of 12 years to be put down due to he had really bad artheritis,well it...
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    Angels,How to tell what sex they are.

    Hi I have a planted tank ,29 gallons.Over 6 months ago I put in 2 Blue/pastel and Black edging on fins and face(kinda like pandas),does anyone know what they are called, as the store only said they were Angels.They are doing fine ,but I seem to see little differences in them,1 of them...
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    Lionhead/blockhead/buffalo head cichlid

    Hi..They can get up to 6 inches and the hump on their head also grows bigger as they do,it is called a frontal gibbosity,I believe.They are cave spawners and the eggs need total darkness,they are very easy to breed.I treat mine as The rest of my cichlids,as i house mine with mbuna,they breed in...
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    Leporacanthicus galaxias L007

    I just purchased one of these plecos and it is quite pretty.He or she is housed with a Gold bristlenose.I have allways had some kind of pleco like the commons( got a big black 7 years old), just recently I have gotten more diverse.I have so far been successful with the Goldbristles,Clown pleco...
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    My hybrids are growing up!

    Hi...I got to say that I am a member of both forums,joined both on same day.The other one has the same type of people as this one does ,there are alot of you that think you can walk on the surface of your tanks and not get wet,you at one time, was also a beginner as some of us might be.The other...
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    P nyererei

    I put a post in the breeding section,was not sure if the African cichlid people would see it so I am asking you all to go and see my post ,please as I need some advice.Thanks hopefully this is not uncool,to post this here.
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    Banjo and Glass catfish

    Well I went head and put them all together,all seems good nobody noticing the other,all are looking healthy and eating very good.Question is stiil about the compatibility of the julies and banjos,I read some where that the banjos are posioness,is this true.Some help would be thankful. :unsure:
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    Banjo and Glass catfish

    Hello I am going to try and house these fish together ,does anyone see a major problem.I know all are different ,as far as continents and Ph and so ,but most of their water is very close in my tanks,only diff was that the catfish came from a planted tank that ran peat and the julies water is...
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    Juliedochromis ornatus

    Hi....Had a tank with angelfish, sold them and now I have their tank mates and I've got no place to put them ,have had for awhile and like them.All my tanks are africans, so thought the best place would be in my 20 long with 5 juvie ornatus,do any one think this will work.It would be 3 banjos, 3...
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    Hi :) ...and Thanks for the replies,it seems that I got a better deal and bought 5 Syno Multies(30 a pop B) ,which is asteal here,usaully about 50 to 60).They are all juvies about 2 inches long and run from one end of the tank and do a few loops around the back glass and end up at the other end...
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    Hello does anyone Know a good site for these catfish,need some information on Euruptus < spelling is wrong , I have an opertunity to buy some very cheap.
  12. R

    How would you arrange my Cichlids

    Hi,I have a 55,45 tall and 2 29's.The fish are 1 pair Wild caught C afra cobue,1 trio of P polits f1's,1 pair of M estherae,4 M maingano(cant sex em,4.0 to 3.5) all these are adult fish that have bred(except maingano).I also have 9 P demasoni , 7 P polits(1m and 6 females)f2,s and 4 A cobue (1m...
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    mixing jack dempsey w/ african cichlid

    Hello.. I also agree with the above statements,my comment was on the water.
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    mixing jack dempsey w/ african cichlid

    Hello...his was not an assumtion,it is what I have witnessed.All the petstore's Ive been to run off of 1 system and all the water in there tanks are the same.Like I said I prefer to seperate the lakes and such,but to be telling someone that they cant mix due to water is still bunk,and Im only...
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    mixing jack dempsey w/ african cichlid

    Hi...Not to start something up but your Jack and the other fish are in different water,Im thinking not,also do you think the stores have diff Ph levels in there fresh water tanks,No.While it is not a wise thing to do,people going off on different water peramiters most time's its bunk, unless you...
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    Mbuna Tank

    Hi....I have a 45 tall with all Mbuna , the mix is P red zebra 1m 1f (Petsmart best red ive seen in years)P polits 2m 2f (f1s),M maingano 1m 3f(f1s), all adults and P demasoni 6 small juvies(1 inche).Will this mix work ,if not I can move the fish apart again , just wanted all mbuna tank,but no...
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    Hello...Their clear and are feeders. :lol:. There very cheap 10 for a dollar.
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    Hey thanks for reply. I have no heater so figuring room temp(76),it gets a little sun light in the mornings.Like I said only Whiteclouds are dieing,everybody else is fine even the remaining Whiteclouds(they seem).Saw 1 of the Ghostshrimp eating 1 of the Whiteclouds today(it was wiggleling) , you...
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    HI....How long do the live , had 10 in a 20 gallon long with Checkerboards(4),1 Ram,6 Ghost shrimp,1 Bamboshrimp(cool dude) and a Goldspot pleco.All have lived about 2 years in this tank except for Ghostshrimp.Have lost 4 Whiteclouds in about 3 months time,each 1 has just turned really dark and...
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    bamboo in a tank

    Hi....I grow Philadendron out of my Tanks ,roots dangle in the tank,looks really good.I also have Lucky Bambo growing out of my HOB filters,I came across some Aquaclear covers and trimmed holes in them to hold the Bambo,It looks really good also,tried once to grow bambo on inside it seemed to...
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    Hi Cichlidaddict..... sorry for so long to get back to you.What I need now is to Know why they wont colour out for me , at fish store they were dark with faint Blue out line ,now drab colourless like a lite tan and white out line.Feed frozen krill, glassworms,Brine w/spiralina and dry is as...
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    Water peramiters

    Humm... Very interesting.Would like to here more as I dont use a test kit either, just weekly water changes.
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    Water peramiters

    Hello to you all..... Well do you?, I have been in the Hobby for 20 years and I never mess with my water as far PH or any other chemical make up of my water all I use is a dechorinater. Have been told cant put this fish with that because of different ph values. I have way back in the beginning...
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    Vaccume gravel or not ??

    Thanks for the replies, I do vaccume the gravel and have made little spots to fit syphon between plants and rocks,was just wondering and everyone was very helpful Thanks
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    Information on Shrimp

    Hi... Does anyone know anything about them or have them, as for attitude is it mean or not(kill fish , eat plants), seems I have found a site says it is a filter feeder, size and desription not much else.......Thanks
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    Vaccume gravel or not ??

    Hi.... I have started my 1st 20 long planted tank.The plants are Hygrophila difformis,Hydrocotyle leucocephala ,Rotala rotundifolia, Microsorium pteropus and a couple of what looks like a drawf Vallisneria spiralis, oh and Philodendron roots hanging in the water. Lighting is 1 20 watt fluorecent...
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    Hi.......Been looking for info on titled fish and all Ive been told in other forums is that it is aggressive.I need a little more. Anyone know a site or can give more info than I ve got.Already have 6 from size 1 to 1 1/2. In a 55 with a pair of Yellow Calvus , Horseface loach 2 and a Clown...