Banjo and Glass catfish


New Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Phoenix Arizona
Hello I am going to try and house these fish together ,does anyone see a major problem.I know all are different ,as far as continents and Ph and so ,but most of their water is very close in my tanks,only diff was that the catfish came from a planted tank that ran peat and the julies water is untreated as far as ph and such, dont add nothing but dechlorinater.Thanks also have same question in the african section just worded differently.
Well I went head and put them all together,all seems good nobody noticing the other,all are looking healthy and eating very good.Question is stiil about the compatibility of the julies and banjos,I read some where that the banjos are posioness,is this true.Some help would be thankful. :unsure:
i bought the exact same pair, its cool you can pet the banjo, he just stays in your hand...
How many Glass catfish do you have? I bought 2 the other day. I now realise that they might need a few buddies. The lfs guy said two would be cool but after reading more about them on the net I'm not so sure. One was outgoing and the other shy, but it seems the shyness has won over and they both just hide under my bogwood all day. :sad:
Glass catfish are schooling fish. 6 is a good number, they will be less shy and happier in greater numbers. :D They are also pretty tight schoolers, which means they will look awesome! :D
They seem more active after lights out. Are they nocturnal? Is that why they're half blind and have feelers? also they don't seem to go for fish flakes, do they need worms or other live bait?
I've only got a 15g at the moment so two more may have to do. :unsure:
I read somewhere they can be picky eater so you might need to start with more live food and slowly replace with non-live food. But just like any other fish, they tend to like live food.
I also read they need clean well oxygenated water to do well. I thought about them before but never had them. But maybe someday I'll get them when/if I get more space so I can get more tanks or bigger or both. :D
I would try to add a couple more. It would make them feel more secure. They are generally a pretty shy fish. Try feeding them some frozen blood worms...pratically no fish can refuse them :D
Freeze dried bloodworms were a treat. :D I still had to syringe them down to where they're hanging out. I'm going to try to slowly bring them out with food rewards. :shifty:

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