

New Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Phoenix Arizona
Hi.......Been looking for info on titled fish and all Ive been told in other forums is that it is aggressive.I need a little more. Anyone know a site or can give more info than I ve got.Already have 6 from size 1 to 1 1/2. In a 55 with a pair of Yellow Calvus , Horseface loach 2 and a Clown pleco. Thanks -_-
Anything specific that you need to know?

Eventually you will only be able to keep a pair in the tank, they are monogomous and a pair will end up being ruthless to any other fish of their own kind. Their basic needs are pretty much in line with most Tanganyikan rock dwellers.
Hi Cichlidaddict..... sorry for so long to get back to you.What I need now is to Know why they wont colour out for me , at fish store they were dark with faint Blue out line ,now drab colourless like a lite tan and white out line.Feed frozen krill, glassworms,Brine w/spiralina and dry is as Wardly's Colour flake and Aquatrol's spiralina.Subsrate and decor is all dark ,as is background(Cardboard like it looks murky kinda).have fish stated in 1st thread with them, they are not at the top of the chain( as in command)but they are not picked on, every one kinda does their thing no aggression as of yet.
What is the PH and KH of your water?

For diet the best staple food would be a high quality cichlid pellet. New Life Spectrum, HBH, and Hikari are all excellent foods. There is a difference between a good food and a budget food. Also, food does lose nutrition as it ages, even if it doesn't noticably go bad, so don't buy in to large quantities.

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