

New Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Phoenix Arizona
Hello does anyone Know a good site for these catfish,need some information on Euruptus < spelling is wrong , I have an opertunity to buy some very cheap.
Alia i'm planning on getting some nigriventis for my african cichlid mbuna tank, bigir at planet catfish sugested them to me i was just wandering how you liked them
Well, they are a lot of fun when you can see them. :D It was months ago that I bought them, and I know that I still have two because I had to take my big (hollow) driftwood decoration out of the tank to chase down some juveniles I was selling and the second one plopped out of the thing at the last second. But, I only ever see the one swimming in the tank, and that is pretty rare. He basically darts out of his cave, grabs some food and darts back in. They are recluses! :lol:

I will say that I saw a bit more of them when they were alone in the tank -- but even then they were nocturnal. I thought getting the eupteras would help the nigriventis relax a bit, but it hasn't seemed to make much difference. Fortunately, the euptera are less intoverted, so I get to watch them more. Or maybe it is just that all the prime cave space is taken! :rofl: They don't stay as small as the nigriventis, though.

Maybe if you get a bunch of them they will be bolder, like they say about cory cats. I remember reading that they are a shoaling fish. Whatever you decide, good luck!
I have four synodontis Euruptus (featherfin syno) in my main 75g tank. They seem to get bolder as they get larger, three of them are about 4-5 inches and one about 2.5-3. They get to about 6-7 inches I believe.

The smaller one is very reclusive apart from feeding time, while the other three jostle for a space in the middle of the tank with a bogwood branch to hang under, but also happily sit out in the open frequently. There are a number of smaller fish in this tank though so maybe that helps them feel at ease.

Very interesting fish to watch gliding around the tank, and they more than hold their own even when other fish are breeding from my sig.
Also swim right to the top at feeding time sometimes.

good luck if you get some, they can be quite pricey so if you can get them cheap i think they are worth it. How much are you getting them for??

Hi :) ...and Thanks for the replies,it seems that I got a better deal and bought 5 Syno Multies(30 a pop B) ,which is asteal here,usaully about 50 to 60).They are all juvies about 2 inches long and run from one end of the tank and do a few loops around the back glass and end up at the other end and then they haul @$$ down the front and do it all over again,all 5 hang together.Cool little dudes and I hope there some dudettes.Planet catfish is not letting me pull up the multies,says server is broke or something.Jumpman they are 7.00 bucks apeice.
You guys are confusing me with this euruptus/eupterus stuff. :S It appears that euptera may either be incorrect, or it is plural for eupterus. Sry for any confusion I may have caused, but I think probably I only confused myself :p .

Jumpman, thanks for sharing the profile. I find that my eupterus are much less reclusive than my nigriventris, which is the fish that Rhomwi originally asked me about. Those are the fish I rarely see.

My eupterus are fairly small, about 1.5 to 2 inches, and they are black with gray patterning. The kribs in the tank are quite the bullies -- the two grown ones -- but these feather-fins hold their ground. They don't go looking for trouble, but they don't run and hide, either. I like 'em. How long did it take yours to grow to 4 or 5 inches?

Rhomwi, I hope you are enjoying the new fish -- they sound a little like cories! :hyper:
Only took about a year or so, mine started off dark with a light pattern, but like that profile says, as they grow their markings turn to dark spots on a lighter body .... grow faster in a larger tank too...or at least it seems like it!!
Also I keep mine too with kribensis, and as you say they more than hold their own!! Seem very interested in the small baby snacks swimming round on the bottom!! :whistle:
Seem very interested in the small baby snacks swimming round on the bottom!! 

Hmmm! Hadn't thought about that! So you're saying I might not see another 26 fry grow up to be big boys and girls? :lol:

Btw, I can't get over that you keep neons with all the other fish in your sig -- for real? They don't get eaten?

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