Sick killing method, STOP!

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if someone had to put a fish down because it was suffering, by that I mean half its tail/gut was bitten out or something and they had no clove oil then I think wolfies idea of backing the car over it was best..... at speed... take less that half a second to squish it, plus its done first time... right.

other than that I'd not whack or cut a fish up. In fact if you have fish you really should have no excuse for not having something as simple as clove oil to hand.

Personally I'd never kill a fish unless it was physically mangled in an accident or something..... I'd rather leave it be.
IMO I believe that clove oil is probably the best way to euthanise a fish. However, fortunatly I've never had to do this.
I never had to euthanise a fish...I let my Dad do it...
I know, I know, I'm a coward, I should do it myself because they are my fish...but...I don't know I can't euthanise my own fish...pretty bad isen't it... :(
Don't worry my Dad does it fast and painless...won't explain...Ok then I will, my dad puts the fish in a bag then...squashes the bag under one of the outside rubbish bins...I wasn't ment to know (My Dad told me not to look, but I did...really stupid of me).
i'm am definetly NOT saying that i would try what i'm about to mention....but it just came to my mind....

what would happen if you rubbed gum number all over the fish before you killed it in any way? would that numb it's body up, so that it don't feel pain?
I'd just like to point out that the freezer method id nasty Protiens denature and parts of the body die off before the fish loses consiousness how would you feel if your liver failed before you died different parts of the body swell and shrink creating presure and pain Its not a hppy way to go.

That said Wolfie while quick phsical blows may be a natural way to die and very effective thats not saying there arent other effective means the liquid N2 would ertainly end consiousness faster than a stomp. You seem to think that a violent and bloody way is the only end worth giveing them just because you dont like clove oil doesnt mean its bad a few ins under the clove oil wont hurt there skin and gills as badly as your few seconds in your hands out of the water and then in a rag. And then you complain about bleeding heart liberals wanting humane deaths when what you are trying to talk about is giveing humane deaths nee jerk reactions often come from stuped people Who speak before they think if they ever think at all.

Also see a phsciciatrist to deal with your delusions of grandure No one likes it when someone decides that there way is the only way just because Try doing some research before you make your decrees TROLL.
I find this forum very funny.... call me morbid but I do. Anything that starts with 'The best way to kill....' is just kooky. Anyways, I have to kinda agree with the whole step on it/run it over/slice and dice thing. If fish were big enough (really big) I'd shoot it in the head. I know that's sounds a bit OH MY GOD! but I speak from experience. We had to put a dog down once that WASN'T old, he'd attacked a kid and that was what we had to do. WE took him to the vet and he injected him to put him to sleep. You know, the humane way.... Yeah, if you think hearing that dog scream for about half an hour and struggle against four grown people to get away is humane, call me cruel, really. That was the worst thing I've probably ever seen or heard in my life. The vet injected him three times trying to put him down, and said he'd given the dog enough stuff to kill a horse. So yeah, I'm voting quick death.
i dont think anyone agreed w/that wolf person. I always come into these threads to late, so i wont say what i want to because it think it changed subjects.
.i tell ya what we do when we go sport fishing. you catch a fish and bring him near the boat and hold the line with thick gloves. while the fish is tired out and freely bobbing next to the boat someone pulls out the gun and pops him in the head.

we do this for 2 reasons, one because it is instant death for the fish, no struggling or anything. the bullet impact literally turns the brains into mushy mashed potatoes.

and the second reason is our safety, having a large fish thrashing around the deck, espically a shark is very dangerous, and we found they can live quite a while out of the water, so when you think its dead and go to pick it up at the dock, it may jump up and bite.

so i guess if youre little aquarium fish is dying then put him in a clear coffee cup and pop a cap in him. a 45 caliber bullet would probably pulverize an average size aquarium fish leaving a bloody mess of end trails and such, now thats a quick death.
A bit of "OverKill" there eh mel. Ive never fished for anything that big but with salmon I usualy hit them with a club to knock them out and then cut off there heads so the brain drains of blood before they get a chance to regain consiousness. And you shouldn't fish for sharks there numbers are rapidly declineing and we want them around for cancer research.

Hi all..........I think the quikest way is the best be it smashing,freezing(liquid not the freezer thats a slow death) or chopping head off.I never thought about it much,untill my mother asked me to take her Mini wiener dog of 12 years to be put down due to he had really bad artheritis,well it was sad enough as I believe he knew what was up and that we were gonna kill him.1st he tried to run away and bite us,which he never did do either before this time,then I catch him and all the while I am crying,he seems to feel that I dont want do do this and he calms himself.Well we drive to the vet 20 minutes away and get there they take us to the room and say they will be back in a minute,they come back 2 of them and gently hold him and then tell me they have to shave his little leg ,so's to make the leg sterile,Beezer his name freaks out and tries to bite in an attempt to escape this big black thing thats making all kinds of noise and coming at him,I say what the hell are you doing to him just stick the needle in and be done,but the say they cant as they have to make the leg sterile,finally after an hour or so its finally needle time ,finally his terrible ordel is done.But look at all the hell he went thru just to die an humaine way.If small smash, if big chop or shoot both are the quikest and least amount of time before death finally arrives.Sorry for the long story but this has bothered me for a couple of years and it felt good letting it goe,I hope it was not to much for some and thanks for the people who care for the feeling of the pets,fish ,dogs horses and ??????.
NinjaSmurf said:
The vet injected him three times trying to put him down, and said he'd given the dog enough stuff to kill a horse. So yeah, I'm voting quick death.

First of all I want to say that I'm sorry that you went though that and I can see why you have been turned off euthanasia by injection.

Second what you explained is an exception...not the norm.
Just as you can shot a dog in the head and not kill him/her instantly. Exceptions...and both do not usually occur.

Under normal circumstances euthanol takes seconds to work and it is painless.
perhaps you should all do your best to negate the need for the fish to be euthanized?!?!?!?!?!

running it over in the car is the worst way to do it,IMO. Average aquarium fish live for one and a half minutes out of water and by the time youve got it out of the tank, under your car wheel and started the engine and actually driven over the poor thing, itll have died a painful death anyway.
Why on earth would you go to such extreme methods as running it over or anything like that...

Quickest simplest method is to cut their head of with a knife straight down the middle of their head.

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