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    Neon Tetra Help!

    I brought some fish today, danios and neon tetra, when I got home I found 1 neon tetra dead in the bag, so I had 5 left, well it's been 6 hours since I put them in the tank and the danios and the platties are attacking my neons, 1 more neon just died for being attacked so I have 4 left, I have a...
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    neon tetra disease

    Yes thats what I meant guys, Protozin kills the parasite to stop it killing other fish, at list you can stop neon tetra disease.
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    neon tetra disease

    I'm not a liar, on my protozin medicine bottle, it treats a number of things including neon tetra disease.
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    neon tetra disease

    Your welcome, I'm not an expert but I know protozin medicine will cure neon tetra disease it says on the bottle.
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    angel fish

    You are 100 % Right, my first fish were from pets at home (petsmart) and all the time they kept dieing, i had like 6 neons die from them, 1 sucking loach, a platty. So we decided to go to a proper place and they founded a problem, I think it might of been neon tetra diesese and they gave me some...
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    neon tetra disease

    I think I do yeah, when I got my fish from Pets At home, all my neon tetras died, loads of my other fish died, I took them to my LFS and he said the bug is common in neon tetras, he gave me the medicine called "protozin" and it stopped this bug from spreading to my other fish. But 3 weeks ago I...
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    neon tetra disease

    Neon Tetra disease is cureable if you use the medicine protozin.
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    Platy Pregnant

    Yeah Ok, but she seemed to get sick of being harrased by him.
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    Platy Pregnant

    I need help guys, the last few months I had a male and female platy but the female died, she had like 3 batches of babies. Some of them are half grown now. Anyway, I got up this morning and I noticed that 1 of them had a black spot and she was being chased around by the male (her dad I think)...
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    Neon Tetra has a pink mark/ fungus on it's body!

    Protozin treats Neon Tetra disease, I think I will start treating them now, I just did a water % change.
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    Neon Tetra has a pink mark/ fungus on it's body!

    Shall I start treating my tank with some protozin medicine?
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    Neon Tetra has a pink mark/ fungus on it's body!

    Hi all, I dont know what this is, I dont have a screeny of it, I have 6 neon Tetras and I have noticed on one of them that there is a pink mark/ fungus on it, I have been treating my tank with melafix for 7 days and melafix dont seem to have got rid of it. I have some other medicine which is...
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    Bristlenose Breeding

    If only you lived in the uk I would of defiantly brought some of theese fry off you :(
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    Someone Please help

    Hi again guys, I did a water change and took a water sample to my LFS, he was very good, he said my water is spot on now I did a water change. He recommended I carry on doing my Melafix course and see what happends after the 7 days see if any fish die etc. Thanks for all the help guys, I didn't...
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    Someone Please help

    Thanks for your help cichlidmaster I will let you know what the results are!
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    Someone Please help

    As of today I will be doing weekly water changes, I haven't been doing weekly water changes but since you guys and since she told me to I will do it every week from now on. Hopefully tomorrow my mum will take me to the LFS to get the water tested, they test for PH as well. I tested the PH myself...
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    Someone Please help

    Thing is dude, only my platty died of suspected fin rot, the guppie that died this morning well we dont know what she died of, the women at the LFS didn't look at it under the microscope. So like I said i'm confused...
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    Someone Please help

    Thanks guys, she just said that the nitrate level or something was low and I realy needed to do a water change. From now on I will do a weekly water change. Melafix does treat bacterial infections dont it? I readed on the box about it. I dont know what the nitrate level the LFS detected but she...
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    Someone Please help

    I dont know what is wrong but I have had 2 female Guppies die, a female platy die and also a black neon tetra die. 2 days ago, me and my mum saw the female platy acting strange, we had just brought 6 neon tetras. Then within an hour the female platy died. My mum noticed that her tail seemed to...
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    Clown Loaches

    Well my tank is around a 15g tank, not 100 % I dont think I will get them, but when I buy another tank I will. I have the information I need about them now.
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    What fish protects there eggs and fry when born!

    Thanks for the information CFC. Are bristlenose's cat fish? If so I might buy them or I might even buy snakeheads
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    Clown Loaches

    It holds 15 gallons of water.
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    Clown Loaches

    Sorry for posting this thread in the wrong place :( Also thanks for the information. So basicly Clown loaches cannot be breaded at home and also a group of 3 would be good? Well at the momment in my community tank I have: 7 Black Neon Tetras, 1 sucking loach 3 platies 3 guppies 10 or more...
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    Anyone from the English Midlands....

    Grassmere Aquatics is a good place as well, so is Holy Bush, them 2 places I use.
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    What fish protects there eggs and fry when born!

    So only cichlids protect there fry untill they grow up?
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    What fish protects there eggs and fry when born!

    Is there any other type of fish apart from cichlids that do this? By the way thanks for the information guys :)
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    Clown Loaches

    Can anyone tell me about Clown Loaches, i'm keen on buying 1 or 2 and i'm also keen on breeding them. Are they easy to breed? Also what size do they grow to, I would br thinking about putting them in a community tank. Thanks, Sam
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    What fish protects there eggs and fry when born!

    They also said to my mum that if any other fish trys to go to there eggs or if they are already born and swimming round as fry, the parent will protect her fry and will possibly kill any other fish that trys to eat her fry...
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    What fish protects there eggs and fry when born!

    I see thanks, maybe it was a cichlids, they told my mum a name but she forgot.
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    What fish protects there eggs and fry when born!

    My mum went to my LFS the other week and she was talking about breeding fish, she mentioned about the Livebearers but also the lady said to my mum that there is only one type of fish that protects there eggs and when the fry are born, protects the fry untill they get bigger. Which type of fish...
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    Congrats on breeding them :) I felt like that when my Platie breeded for the first time in my community tank, the fry she had are now growing up, they survied in my community tank :) She recently gave birth to a second batch. Do you plan to keep all your fry? Goodluck Drlife202
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    Help! My male guppie wont stop hovering at the top

    I went to my local shop, my water was tested fine. The women said that it might be because the fish is old, I asked I only had it for a couple of weeks, she said because that fish might of been interbread! I was like :( Anyway things seem ok now, she also suggested Melafix.
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    Help! My male guppie wont stop hovering at the top

    Hi, Can someone help me please, I woke up this morning and I noticed my male Guppie wont stop hovering at the top of my tank near my heater, in the same place. I can't think what it could be, about 4 weeks ago I had to treat my tank for a parasite and also then had to treat for bacteria using...
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    Platie may be pregnant with pics

    Yep, they apparently breed alot, I will just sell some to my LFS.
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    Platie may be pregnant with pics

    Ok, thanks, I will wait till she looks very fat then move her into my net, Thanks, Sam
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    Platie may be pregnant with pics

    Thanks for the reply, But lately I noticed it's Gravid Spot has been getting bigger, when do you think I should put it in it's breeding net?
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    Platie may be pregnant with pics

    Hi all, Can you help me, I bought a net breader today and I dont know if she is due to go in it yet or not. I have some pics, I dont think there very clear but they will do. She recently gave bith and her last fry are swimming around my tank, about 1 week and a half ago not 100 % sure. When do...
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    Help my Platie has given birth.

    Ok, thanks alot for your help. I will get a breeding net and put the mother in it and see if she gives birth in there, Thanks, Sam
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    Help my Platie has given birth.

    I went to the pet shop and they had no breeding nets in. She said the fry are almost impossible to catch with a net if the mother gave birth and released them in the tank. One of my Platies has a gravid spot so does that mean she is pregnant still?
  40. D

    Help my Platie has given birth.

    Thanks for your help guys, 1 of my platies has a gravid spot, I think she is still pregnant shall I get a breeding net as soon as possible?