Platie may be pregnant with pics


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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Hi all,
Can you help me, I bought a net breader today and I dont know if she is due to go in it yet or not. I have some pics, I dont think there very clear but they will do.
She recently gave bith and her last fry are swimming around my tank, about 1 week and a half ago not 100 % sure. When do you suggest I put her in the net breader.




She has a black gravid spot by the way and she does look sorta fat.
hi Drlife,
you can set a clock by this every 28 days or so you fish will have babies it doesnt look like its ready to have babies yet to me if it just had babies a week and a half ago it sure isnt ready yet.
Thanks for the reply,
But lately I noticed it's Gravid Spot has been getting bigger, when do you think I should put it in it's breeding net?
Wait till she looks sooo big, like crazy big, and when she starts moving less/ staying in one spot. Thats a good sign that she's mellowing down and ready to give birth. My guppy female often will swim slower and move to an area and stay there so they dont get bothered by any other fish.
Ok, thanks, I will wait till she looks very fat then move her into my net,

thats how mine does it stays in one place all the time that is the best sign yours is no where bigger enough to have babies yet you will be able to tell by the way she acts that gravid spot will look like that while she is pregnant
oh and one more thing after about the third set of fry you wont be waiting like you are now pretty soon you run out of room. not unless you are rich and can afford all those tanks I can afford the tanks the problem for me is that I ran out of room to put them and I cant afford a new bigger home yet.
Yep, they apparently breed alot, I will just sell some to my LFS.

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