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  1. O

    Molly with swollen eye

    one of my mollies in my community tank has one of his eyes swollen and there seems to be some sort of bags around it.. any body knows what is that and what to do to fix it? Thanks in advance
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    Hey Rose, I am suffering from hair algae as well.... what is the best way to fix that... I am adding Nitrates daily, my phosphates are good.. not over feeding, the fish are eating all the food everytime... but I have hari algae... and it sucks.. Do you have SAE? will they fix the problem?
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    My 125 reef, step by step setup

    $4200 for 1 tank!!!!! :hyper: I guess I will never have a saltwater tank... :/
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    30 Gal Planted Tank

    Yeah me too, I just lost an Otto the other day.. and I found him a couple of days after he was dead.. he was white in color... Its hard to find dead fish in a planted tank... I can keep track of most of my fish, but its hard with the algae eaters, I can hardly find them most of the time to...
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    white cloud mountain minnows

    Hey FIshNix, Why don't you use Bio Spira, it can cycle the tank in a couple of days.. I tried it on my 30 Gal tank and it was amazing.. they usually keep it frozen at the LFS
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    30 Gal Planted Tank

    thanks living dead Did you have the real SAE? I heard that only them can eat the BBA and its a pain to clean that algae of the leaves manually
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    30 Gal Planted Tank

    Well I need the SAE because I have some black beard algae on some of my slow growing plants..
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    Africans in a 20/25 Gallon

    Hey FishNix, Here are the links for the sump design Wet Dry Overflow Box
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    30 Gal Planted Tank

    Thanks for the nomination FishNix, Although I am like you, still not completely satissfied with the look of my tank.. It still needs a lot of work.. I saw your post about the african tank. So are you going to make a sump? I was thinking about making a 10 Gal sump for my tank.. I will post a...
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    Hey FishNix, how's it going with your tank... I did a major re-aquascape of the whole tank.... check it out here: pic post
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    30 Gal Planted Tank

    Here are some more pics I took tonight, I hope you will like A lighter pic of the whole tank: The Mollies and a Tiger barb peeking from the side A neon looking straight into the camera More neons Tiger barb and Neons And a tiger barb looking at me :) Let me know what you think
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    30 Gal Planted Tank

    Thanks Morgan, I will resize this pic tonight to make it smaller.. I have 4 Ottos and 3 chinesse algae eaters.. I need to get some SAE but I am having a hard time finding them locally..
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    30 Gal Planted Tank

    Thanks for the nomination 55... well the female molly is the biggest in the tank and she bullies every one around... I don't the males can keep up with her.. I think she stresses them more than they could stress her. I even saw her attack the tiger barbs once for food. She is a SHREW!!! :) I...
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    30 Gal Planted Tank

    Here is my tank, after replacing some of the plants... Note the water still looks a bit cloudy...
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    40w enough?

    check this link, it tells you basically how to build a canopy DIY Canopy I didn't use the water proof end caps on mine. I bought 4 strip lights (for my 3o Gal), took the guts out and used them (cheaper this way)
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    Top half of Java Fern leaves translucent

    Hey DrOizo, I asked the same question on another forum and I was told that this is a natural behaviour.. the leaf will get all green as it grows.. just give it some time.. Actually as I remember now, when the leaf was in the early stages, it was all translucent. so it must fill up from the...
  17. O

    has anyone used chemicals for removing algae?

    I was very close to using one of those chemicals when I had an algae bloom, but all I did was to cut down the photo period to 8 hours and everything cleared in a couple of days.. Its better to treat the problem at the source
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    Top half of Java Fern leaves translucent

    Hey DrOizo, I have the same problem.... I have 80 watts on 30 Gals.. How often do you do water changes and how much?
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    New setup - looking for feedback.

    Ok good luck and let me know what you deceide on and how it goes
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    Watchout Freshmike!!!

    very nice pics will... I also want to know what kind of camera???? I have a Fuji finepix3800 but I want to get the Minolta Z1
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    New setup - looking for feedback.

    NO, you can only use Normal Output bulbs with the twin light strip 9325K bulbs will work great for plants.. they will give you the blue spectrum needed for photosynthesis.. I am not sure about the actinic YES, you will not need CO2 at this level.
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    New setup - looking for feedback.

    I have the black beard algae and the regular green algae spots.. not sure about the blue green one though.. you should get some SAE (siamese algae eater) they eat the beard algae, and some ottos (Otocinclus) they are really good at eating algae
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    New setup - looking for feedback.

    How long has the laterite been exposed? do you have any algae problems since then? if not, then just leave it as it is, and I woldn't even worry about adding sand.. I have regular gravel in my tank and the plants are growing like crazy.. and when you get some swords, that rely on their roots to...
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    New setup - looking for feedback.

    you have to measure your KH (carbonatte hardness) and keep track of your PH, this will tell you how much you have CO2 in your water... the more CO2 the lower the PH.. however there are optimal levels for CO2.. you can check the first link I gave you. There is an article on measuring CO2 using...
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    New setup - looking for feedback.

    The fixture accepts both T8 and T12 bulbs.. the 9325K are actually T12.. However, I was chekcing the AHsupply webpage, you can get a better deal by ordering the 2x55 kit, this would give you 110 watts for $65, without the bulbs.. I myself have been considering getting the AHsupply kit...
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    New setup - looking for feedback.

    Hey javajo, at 3wpg you will definitly need to inject CO2 into your tank and you will also need to add Nitrates to keep up with the plants consuming all the Nitrates produced in the system.. check this bunch of articles, you will learn a lot: Also...
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    status of my planted tank

    Hey mrnewbie, The tank looks very good :) how many watts did you go with?
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    My Planted 29

    Ok FishNix TOTM also :)
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    Yeah the other reflector though will work and it is about 2-3 inches wide, I think that would make more sense for me and you... I was also considering grouping the two T8 bulbs and using a reflector based on the AH supply design... and using 2 of the small spider design on the two T12 bulbs and...
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    Here is a test I did quickly on CAD.. you can see how light that would have been wasted goes back into the tank.. however, if you look at the dimensions. This is one big reflector!!!
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    here are two pics: Note: Both designs are not mine, I copied those from the planted tank to show you.. so with the right angles and lengths of the segments you can minimize the amount of restrike on the bulb... I haven't really tested any of the designs.. I will try to plot them both on...
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    I noticed that one of mollies is nibbling on the black hair algae.. but I only saw that once of twice when I intentionally did not feed the fish for a day... As far as the reflectors go, you know about the material from mcmasters.. I haven't found anything on the net similar to that... I am...
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    hey, well I don't get the notifications sometimes also, and sometimes I find them in my spam folder. I guess the server is unable to handle the load of notifications.. I get those green spots too, but they rub off easily with the magnet thing.. I guess you have to do it more often so they...
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    Hey man, I found your mystery plant: Limnophila sessiliflora or Asian Ambulia check some pictures of it and let me know if this is true... I am doing some progress on the DIY reflector, I am trying to get some designs.. I will let you know how things turn out on that.. How are the tetras...
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    Amano Extreme Tank

    That is Amano himself in the pic..
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    Amano Extreme Tank

    I wish I have something like this :)
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    Looks great man.. I am still suffering from algae.. I have lots of beard algae and I couldn't get any SAE yet.. I am hoping that when I get the SAE they will be able to clear the hair algae soon.... I am getting some pearlinng mainly from the anubias, ludwigia and the grass plants.. I am not...
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    nutrafin co2 system?

    yes water its a very good system and very cheap too :)
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    Oxygen Bubbles

    Hey Fish, How is your tank going? I am having tremendous growth in mine.. its amazing... I have been doing some research to make a DIY reflector, here is a nice link I got: DIY reflector the 24"x24" polished aluminum from mcmasters costs $24, I wonder if HD carries something similar but I...
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    I need a Design for a Plant Planter!!!!

    Actually thinking about this again, I don't think PVC will be a good choice for the length you want... maybe its better to get Aluminum....