30 Gal Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Here is my tank, after replacing some of the plants...


Note the water still looks a bit cloudy...
TOTM for me dont the barbs nip the mollys -_- -_- -_- also 3 males and one female that female athough to be very stressed u should get a few more females

P.S get a pictures of those neons or cardinals they look healthy and nice
Thanks for the nomination 55...

well the female molly is the biggest in the tank and she bullies every one around... I don't the males can keep up with her.. I think she stresses them more than they could stress her. I even saw her attack the tiger barbs once for food. She is a SHREW!!! :)

I have 1 sword tail male molly and 2 regular males, the sword tail never seems to approach the female, he had his own female but she died :(

I was actually looking at a lyretail female dalmation molly yesterday at petsmart, if she is still there tonight I will get her. I wanted to get her last night, but I just hesitated a lil...

I will try to get some more pics tonight, the tank should look clearer and I will try to catch a good pic of the neons..
You have a lovely tank, oazanki. I really enjoy the look of well-planted tanks. :)

What algae eaters do you have?

By the way, the images posted here should be no larger than 600 pixels wide, according to the rules posted in one of the sticky topics. A large pic like that gives most of us a sidescroller.
Thanks Morgan,

I will resize this pic tonight to make it smaller..

I have 4 Ottos and 3 chinesse algae eaters.. I need to get some SAE but I am having a hard time finding them locally..
Here are some more pics I took tonight, I hope you will like

A lighter pic of the whole tank:

The Mollies and a Tiger barb peeking from the side

A neon looking straight into the camera

More neons

Tiger barb and Neons

And a tiger barb looking at me :)

Let me know what you think
looks awesome!!

i second the TOTM nomination!!

btw, im in the process of setting up an african tank ;)
Thanks for the nomination FishNix,

Although I am like you, still not completely satissfied with the look of my tank.. It still needs a lot of work..

I saw your post about the african tank. So are you going to make a sump? I was thinking about making a 10 Gal sump for my tank.. I will post a few links in that thread for a good sump design
I have 5 SFF/SAE and I had 2 of them in my smaller tank which had lots of algae which I left for them as I heard they like it (I did not buy them to eat algae) but they didn't get rid of any of it.

Why not just clean the algae manually?
thanks living dead

Cheese Specialist Posted on Feb 25 2004, 02:59 PM
  I have 5 SFF/SAE and I had 2 of them in my smaller tank which had lots of algae which I left for them as I heard they like it (I did not buy them to eat algae) but they didn't get rid of any of it.

Why not just clean the algae manually?

Did you have the real SAE? I heard that only them can eat the BBA

and its a pain to clean that algae of the leaves manually
yeah, my SAEs eat algae like crazy...and everything else! they are growing very fast!

unfortunately, i lost an Otto last night...dont really know what happened, just found him on the bottom this morning...weird :(

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