Oxygen Bubbles

Do you see anything wrong with it to be used with a planted tank?
Hey Fish,

How is your tank going? I am having tremendous growth in mine.. its amazing...

I have been doing some research to make a DIY reflector, here is a nice link I got:

DIY reflector

the 24"x24" polished aluminum from mcmasters costs $24, I wonder if HD carries something similar but I doubt it..

what do you think?
hey man-

sorry its been a while :) i keep putting off posting pics, but finally i figured i should post b/c the pics are never gunna get taken...hehe

anyways, things are going really well it seems, although ive been working so much i havent had much time to enjoy it! the plants that i once thought were cabomba, actually are not, but they have gotten much fuller, taller and have turned redder! everything is pearling and the fish seem happy.

i did remove the glass like you did and so far so good! ive been reconsidering the flouresent light overdrive thing, but im not completely comfortable with it. a good reflector would be great tho. i still need to get some test kits too!

i still have a fair amount of algae, but i think some testing could fix that...

here are a couple of the plants... i mean the tall ones in the back, not the ludwigia.

Looks great man..

I am still suffering from algae.. I have lots of beard algae and I couldn't get any SAE yet.. I am hoping that when I get the SAE they will be able to clear the hair algae soon....

I am getting some pearlinng mainly from the anubias, ludwigia and the grass plants.. I am not getting big pearls however, they are all small... maybe coz my chemicals are not at the optimal levels yet, I am increasing the dosage with time..

How often do you make water changes?
hey what's goin on, man--

i got more plants last night...yeah i know... i have a problem ;)

im trying to remember what its called but it is a pinkish/reddish variety of ludwigia so im hoping it will live with my added Iron and stuff.... The guy at the lfs (not the guy i usually talk to) said that one CO2 injector and the excel should be more than adequate, b/c i was going to buy another one....i dont know if i trust him tho.

i also picked up 5 cardinal tetras b/c my girlfriend really likes them...unfortunately the angel is terrorizing them and has killed one already.... im thinking maybe if i had a bigger school it would be better, but i dont really know. i'm going to post a second topic on that and ill post some pics when i get a chance...

i do water changes about every week and i change 10%

Hey man,

I found your mystery plant: Limnophila sessiliflora or Asian Ambulia

check some pictures of it and let me know if this is true...

I am doing some progress on the DIY reflector, I am trying to get some designs.. I will let you know how things turn out on that..

How are the tetras holding? any new casulties?

I wanted to ask you, isn't the angelfish going to be too big for a 29 Gal?

for some reason im not getting notifications even though i have them turned on.... weird.

you're right about the Ambulia, i found that too. I think the other i didnt know was some type of sword as well.

unfortunately, the cardinals are not doing well... but i did get 6 neons (they were cheaper) and they have been doing fine... the angel doesnt go near them most of the time.

the angel will get pretty big, but i would say a 29 is the minimum for an angel. i probably couldnt keep a pair of them...but then most people say the angels need more room vertically than horizontally, so as long as you have a tall aquarium its ok (within reason of course -- ie. maybe a 20 gallon high?)

im having algae problems too...ive just kinda gotten sick of fighting it... im reducing the chemicals a bit..it seems to get worse whenever i add ferts so i may stop doing that. its mostly green/green spot on the glass. its really annoying b/c its hard to scrub off!

well I don't get the notifications sometimes also, and sometimes I find them in my spam folder. I guess the server is unable to handle the load of notifications..

I get those green spots too, but they rub off easily with the magnet thing.. I guess you have to do it more often so they don't build up that bad, I don't think you will be able to get rid of the green spot algae ever, how bad is it? does it cover the whole glass? Its not that big of a problem for me and its not noticable from a distance except if you leave it for more than 2 weeks I guess..

I am still suffering from the hair algae, it is growing bad and I could not find any SAE yet... I keep calling the stores and no one has them... I have them ordered at the LFS and I am sure if he gets them he will rip me off.. he sold me the ottos for 3.99 and I found them a week later at petsmart for 1.29
its not bad really,just annoying sometimes :)

i just got the notification for this post 4 times...lol

when i had the long strands of green algae, my molly ate it, but im not sure if they will eat the brown or red algae. i think the SAE is the only thing that will.

let me know how the reflectors go!

good luck!!
I noticed that one of mollies is nibbling on the black hair algae.. but I only saw that once of twice when I intentionally did not feed the fish for a day...

As far as the reflectors go, you know about the material from mcmasters.. I haven't found anything on the net similar to that... I am thinking handling polished aluminum will be easier than mylar... I haven't checked to see what Home Depot has yet.. I am supposed to go there tonight.. I hope I remember to look around or get lucky as ask an associate that really knows... :)

I am going to post a question on plantedtank to see what the guys there did.. I saw a couple of incomplete threads and some missing pics.. I emailed one of the guys he said he will look for his designs.. he hasn't got back to me yet..

but so far it seems that the spider design is the best for single bulbs..

do you know how that looks like?
here are two pics:



Note: Both designs are not mine, I copied those from the planted tank to show you..

so with the right angles and lengths of the segments you can minimize the amount of restrike on the bulb...

I haven't really tested any of the designs.. I will try to plot them both on AutoCAD and see how they work.. Or if you can make a VB program to test them out :) Do you use VB? I haven't tried it yet.. although it will be a great mix with AutoCAD

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