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  1. S

    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    so i havnt added anything for a while. current stocking is: 6 zebra danio 5 cardinal tetra (found one dead the other day, not sure how/why) 2 peppered cory 2 albino cory i cant work out if the zebra danio are spawning or not. one of the females was REALLY fat, then the next day wasnt. its...
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    Red Cherry Shrimp

    PM'd - Would like 10 please. Thanks
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    well an update for anyone reading. the danios have grown much larger and i still seem to have 5 fat ones, not spotted any eggs/fry so perhaps my conditions arnt quite right. ive added 2 peppered corys, 2 albino corys and 6 cardinal tetras... all seem to have settled well. thinking of upgrading...
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    Cherry Shrimps, Endlers, Apple Snails, Brown Bn.

    hi do you have any cherries and platies left? would quite like 5 of each
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    hmm the "females" are no longer fat but no sign of eggs. anyway, i think its about time i got some more colourful showpiece sort of fish. difficult to know what do go for, i'd quite like to breed something. suggestions please
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    Just Want To Check Compatibility

    well my tank is well planted and the bogwood has plenty of cracks etc so i reckons they'll be fine. thanks for replies
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    thanks. starting to look like 5 females and 1 male. more tank mate suggestions please!!!
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    Just Want To Check Compatibility

    i already have 6 zebra danios in a 65l add want to add some cherry shrimp. i know danios can be a bit aggressive but i think they should be ok together?
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    cool. my plants finally arrived, they had to resend. 5 amazon sword and 5 java fern, hopefully they stand the best chance of surviving. i want to get some cherry shrimp and was hoping someone could tell me about compatibility with zebra danios, they can be aggressive little critters at times...
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    sounds really any pics? i was going to use rocks but found this nice piece of bogwood so went for it
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    thanks for the advice :good: thats what ive been doing, little bit of food in the morning and 20% water change every evening, was fine like this with my last tank. still no sign of plants, been a while now :blink: also still havnt decided on eventual tank mates, so any more suggestions would...
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    im not adding any more fish for a while, just regular water changes. the bogwood is staining the water very yellow at the mo, will probably take a while to stop leaching. plants still havnt arrived which is a shame...hopefully soon.
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    i would consider if you could post
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    Raising Zebra Danio Fry

    i would like to try my hand at breeding these but think my 6 are all male. if youve had some sucess would you consider posting females? thanks
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    Stuck With Zebra Danios

    just to share my experience of zebra danios: ive just started a new 65l tank and my 6 danios (no other livestock yet) chase eachother constantly. not the schooling fish i was expecting! they all look male to me... i think adding a few females would sort them out. or maybe some bigger tankmates...
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    theyre fine. would like to try and get some female zebras, might ask in classifieds
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    i used mature media so danios are fine with regular water changes. looking forward to plants arriving
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    well i bought a large piece of bogwood (maybe a little too big!). its a great piece tho, i might chop a little off so i can position it better. got 6 zebra danios to start off, all look male but we'll see.
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    so the air pump was really good but way too noisy for my bedroom, ive decided to return it tomorrow...i think my filter will provide enough oxygen. good news is ive now got a thermometer, just trying to get a decent water temp cos it seems the thermostat on my heater isnt very acurate. sigh...
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    have also bought 5 amazon sword and 5 java fern which i hope will survive without needing ferts, co2 etc. all i need is some decent rock and fish!
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    thanks for the advice, am going to start with a few vallisneria and/or amazon sword for background. been searching around for some nice aquarium rock, anyone recommend somewhere? also have just bought a small air pump with line, no-return valve and air stone. got a glass thermometer as heater...
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    thanks, unfortunately i have been away for the weekend so no progress made. might get down to pets in town cos i think they open late. so anyone got feedback for these ebay plants or am i ok to go ahead and order? link to 25 plants on ebay
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    yeh they seem to get good reviews, think they're a bit more than £5
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    finally got my proper camera out and got a better pic. can anyone recommend planting? was thinking of just getting 25 plants for £5 on ebay
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    black backing in:
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    thanks for the ideas, i havnt seen cockatoo cichilids before so will look into it
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    not sure what fish to get, would quite like german blue rams or bolivian rams. and have always wanted cardinal tetras. also cherry shrimp sound good ye. open to recommendations! i liked harlequin rasbora that i used to have will 22w be enough light for planted? i had trouble with 15w in previous...
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    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    Hi everyone, Having just grabbed myself a bargain upgrade for £11 on ebay, I thought I'd share my setup experience and take advantage of everyone's advice whilst stocking. Here is my first pic, it's AquaOne 500, so thats 65L with 22W lighting. Looking forward to getting this setup complete over...
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    Hood Wanted (60x30cm)

    Item Wanted - Hood with lighting (60x30cm) Condition - New or Used but good condition Price Limit - £25 Location - Maidstone, Kent Thanks
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    Harlequin Rasbora

    thanks for the replies. it seems that mine are displaying to eachother, perhaps the fact i have quite an open tank is discouraging them from laying eggs etc. also i only have 4 so they could quite easily all be one sex. i think i'll add a few plants and maybe try feeding some bloodworm or...
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    Harlequin Rasbora

    i'm now finding out why they are notoriously hard to breed! although i'm still hopeful as if they were that hard to breed they would be rarer and more expensive no? or is it just a case of importing rather than breeding?
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    Small Planted Tank

    turns out i just replaced the single lamp with another 15w one. i know this is low light levels and am looking to increase on the cheap!
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    New Lighting

    well i found out why i thought it only had the double pins on one was because the other end had broken off and got stuck in the connection :blush: so anyways i bought a new bulb and now its fine :good: i still have a slight problem in that its only 15w and my java moss doesnt seem...
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    New Lighting

    no it looks more like this i think this might be standard T8? sorry im new to lighting!
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    Small Planted Tank

    ye thats an option. because this old one is grubby i was thinking of getting a double unit
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    Small Planted Tank

    no i dont think so, i got it second hand, its quite old. can i put a higher wattage lamp in it to replace the broken 15w?
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    Small Planted Tank

    perhaps i worded that wrong, the hood can probably fit more lights but i only have one light fitting in it at the moment. its a standard tetra hood 30cm x 60cm