Just Want To Check Compatibility


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2008
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i already have 6 zebra danios in a 65l add want to add some cherry shrimp. i know danios can be a bit aggressive but i think they should be ok together?
I was wondering the same thing so I went out and got four ghost/glass shrimp to see how the danios would react before I spent more $ on other types of shrimp. I got them for only .65 cents compared to $4.99 for cherry shrimp. The danios don't bother them really, maybe the odd peck once in awhile, and the shrimp are not all spooked into the shadows at all. The shrimp have plenty of caves and plant to hide but they still roam most the time.

I don't really know alot about shrimp, but I think glass shrimp are bigger than cherry shrimp. I'd maybe buy a couple and see if they work with your danios, then spend a bit more on cherry shrimp. Just my opinion.
Danios and cherries will be ok together provided there is a cave system to small for the Danios to enter but large enough for cherries approx the size of a normal drinking straw is big enough.

tgo - Ghost shrimp are a generic name for shrimp normally of the normal sized clawed variety (not macro like RCS) you may be lucky and have a palaemonetes sp. which are relatively peaceful or you may have a machrorachium sp. which range from opportunistic scavengers that cut off fishes fins as they sleep to the devil reincarnated catching fish whilst they swim past.
Danios and cherries will be ok together provided there is a cave system to small for the Danios to enter but large enough for cherries approx the size of a normal drinking straw is big enough.

tgo - Ghost shrimp are a generic name for shrimp normally of the normal sized clawed variety (not macro like RCS) you may be lucky and have a palaemonetes sp. which are relatively peaceful or you may have a machrorachium sp. which range from opportunistic scavengers that cut off fishes fins as they sleep to the devil reincarnated catching fish whilst they swim past.

Man, I had no idea there are more than one species sold under this name. Are there ways to tell the difference? I go away for a couple weeks and I don't want to come back to dead fish :no:
well my tank is well planted and the bogwood has plenty of cracks etc so i reckons they'll be fine. thanks for replies
i have 1 amano in a 23 gallon with 5 leopard danios amongst others and nothing has ever harmed him,he is now as large as the danios so they wont get him now, i plan on keeping cherrys in my next community tank.

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