65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

Very nice tank.

thanks, unfortunately i have been away for the weekend so no progress made. might get down to pets in town cos i think they open late. so anyone got feedback for these ebay plants or am i ok to go ahead and order?

link to 25 plants on ebay

Hi m8 seems ok, however you do know these will be 25 individual stems not actually 25 bunches, i made this mistake a long time ago and never again lol.

Plus they have been treated to kill snails so that will make your tank a no go zone for shrimp/snails for quite some time. 25 plants would also fill up your tank.

If I were you I would have a look round the classified section here. Or have maybe 3-4 hardy easy grow plants in mind and take it slow.
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thanks for the advice, am going to start with a few vallisneria and/or amazon sword for background.
been searching around for some nice aquarium rock, anyone recommend somewhere?

also have just bought a small air pump with line, no-return valve and air stone. got a glass thermometer as heater doesnt seem to be staying on for very long, water cant be up to temp. and an algea magnet to keep the glass tip top.

have also bought 5 amazon sword and 5 java fern which i hope will survive without needing ferts, co2 etc.
all i need is some decent rock and fish!
so the air pump was really good but way too noisy for my bedroom, ive decided to return it tomorrow...i think my filter will provide enough oxygen.
good news is ive now got a thermometer, just trying to get a decent water temp cos it seems the thermostat on my heater isnt very acurate. sigh.
hopefully plants turn up tomorrow so will post up pics.
thanks for now
well i bought a large piece of bogwood (maybe a little too big!). its a great piece tho, i might chop a little off so i can position it better.
got 6 zebra danios to start off, all look male but we'll see.


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i used mature media so danios are fine with regular water changes.
looking forward to plants arriving
just because youve used mature media, it doesnt meen you can add fish straight away. did you check the stats brfoe you added the danios?
theyre fine.
would like to try and get some female zebras, might ask in classifieds
im not adding any more fish for a while, just regular water changes.
the bogwood is staining the water very yellow at the mo, will probably take a while to stop leaching. plants still havnt arrived which is a shame...hopefully soon.
if using mature media it is best to add fish right away and just test and water change as necessary. when making sponge filters, i always just grab a piece from my canister filter and it cycles within a week. sometimes straight away depending on stocking...a bit of advice...DO NOT over feed the fish right now...id underfeed tbh...like every other day until it's cycled. cuts down on water changes...good luck.
LOVE the wood!
thanks for the advice :good:
thats what ive been doing, little bit of food in the morning and 20% water change every evening, was fine like this with my last tank.
still no sign of plants, been a while now :blink:
also still havnt decided on eventual tank mates, so any more suggestions would be appreciated
cheers for now
I have that exact tank but with sand on the bottom, i have 2 amazon swordplants and about 6 rocks formed into a cave. I have 7 tiger barbs who are always swimming around and a bristlenose.
sounds really good...got any pics?
i was going to use rocks but found this nice piece of bogwood so went for it

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