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    Do You Have Pics?

    Hey Krib, Here's a thought, if you haven't got something nice to say, how about not saying anything at all?? I have been reading your posts in the various topics and you sure are opinionated about a lot of things and much of it is negative!
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    Wth Just Happened!?

    I know that pH readings can change with different temperatures. I assume the tests done in the morning were at the temperature of the tank. If she took water to work and tested there then the water temperature had dropped to the ambient temperature of the room. This may have affected the pH...
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    Something Weird With My Fishes Tails.

    If you could post a picture that might help too.
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    Is It Time To Euthanase?

    I have read from several sources that freezing is not a humane way to euthanize a fish. A more humane way is use clove oil. Take a small amount of tank water (4-5mL), add several drops of clove oil and shake very well. The mixture should look milky. Put the fish in a small bowl of tank water...
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    Skin Inflammation On Gourami

    Well I'm on the final dose of kanamycin for the skin inflammation on my gourami and it looks only very slightly better. I have been doing more reading and am wanting to try "PolyGuard" by Seachem. Here is some information on it:
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    10 Gallon Tank

    It is generally not a good idea to put a betta and a guppy in the same tank. Bettas can view the guppy as another betta because of their long flowing tail and may attack it. I know they seem to be getting along right now, but that could change. It might be a good idea to separate them or...
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    Guppy Help! - Is This Ich?

    A salt bath is often used to treat ich. You can try this first before trying any potentially harmful chemicals (ie: malachite green, formalin, copper sulfate etc.). Here is an article that might be of interest to you. Good Luck!
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    Choosing A Canister Filter

    I have a Rena XP4 filter and I love it! I am using it on a 180 gallon community tank along with an Eheim 2226. The Renas give you dividers in their filter baskets so you can use more media and customize the type of media you choose for your setup. Mine also came with a spray bar and jet...
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    Skin Inflammation On Gourami

    Yes amoxicillin is an antibiotic so it will help certain bacterial infections. The question I have trouble with is which antibiotic is good for which type of bacterial infection. I am using kanamycin and if there is no improvement after that treatment then I might try neomycin. I'm sorry I'm...
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    I Think Im Starting My Platning All Wrong, Help!

    The general idea that I got out of the article on the Plant Geek website is that you don't need to have all of the fancy equipment and media but still be able to grow nice aquarium plants. I wouldn't worry about going out and buying fluorite especially for this, but if you already have it...
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    Starting A Low Light Tank

    Check out this site: :)
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    I Think Im Starting My Platning All Wrong, Help!

    I think you should also read the information on this site that I just suggested to wolfwolf. ;)
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    Low Co2, Low Light, Bad Substrate

    My wife will not let me get a proper aquarium setup for live plants so I am stuck with what I have now. That is a 20 gallon high tank with fairly large gravel for a substrate, a 15 watt nutragrow flourescent bulb, and a CO2 level of ~4 ppm. That CO2 level is from the pH/KH chart and a test kit...
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    Skin Inflammation On Gourami

    Thanks for your help. I have isolated him in a quarantine tank and have started a treatment of kanamycin (Kanaplex from Seachem). I started the treatment yesterday and the directions say to treat every second day. The inflammation seems a little less "angry" looking tonight so hopefully it is...
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    Ebsome Salt Bath?

    Epsom salts are recommended as a treatment to try for fish with dropsy along with anti-bacterial medication. NEVER use plain aquarium salt (sodium chloride) because this will most often be fatal to the fish in a very short time. Dropsy is a disease where the kidneys are not functioning...
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    Pearl Gourami - Possible Ich/whitespot

    The white patches could be an infection by the bacteria Flavobacterium columnare, formerly known as Flexibacter columnaris This is a gram negative bacteria which commonly affects tropical aquarium fish and Anabantoids like gouramis are especially susceptible. The bacteria will produce white...
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    Skin Inflammation On Gourami

    Hi, Does anyone know what is wrong with the skin surrounding the pectoral fin of my male pearl gourami? The area seems to have lost the scales and has the appearance of inflamed tissue. I have included some pictures with one of a close-up of the affected area. My water parameters are fine...
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