I Think Im Starting My Platning All Wrong, Help!


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2007
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United States
ok i thought i read up alot about plants but it seems that i didnt know enough and am very confused. have tons of questions, and i appreciate anyone who answers.

1. I have one average 15 watt and a 20 watt 50/50 rare phosphate t-something in a 29 gallon tank. where can i get better lights and what kind of lights do i need? im hoping to get about 3 watts per gallon.

2. i have a simple 2liter CO2 yeast, water, sugar, am i forgetting something. it goes through a tube and then goes into the tank through this thing with tons of small holes releasing the bubbles as very small bubbles. do i need to do anything else for it?

3. i have small grain natural gravel called sting ray gravel. but do i need another substrait for nutriens?

4. I have a HOB filter that is for 55 gallon tanks, not bio-wheel. the tank is filled high so you dont hear it at all, and the water rises over where the lip of the releasin is for the water so it hits water before falling down full length. no oxygen bubles that eyes can see and just a little current. is this ok?

5. i dont have any nutrient tablets do i need?

6. i am goin to start a project of building my own top for my tank where glass would cover the tank then have a little area for filter. then i would have a wooden top that would be built completely seperate like the ones you can buy that would have like 3-4 lights built into it. Lighting suggestions? would this work so i can grow any plants.

7. when do i know when to cut and how do i, and can i plant them by just moving cravel over then placing plant roots in the hole, and then covering it? where i get plants they are cuttings from the plants, any sites that tell how to properly plant?

8. with my lighting right now is it sufficient lighting, and what plants can be grown?

9. am i dong anything else wrong.

i have a few fish, 4 tiger barbs (mabye giving to a friend) BN, 5 tetras, few sunburst platys. and maybe and angel or 2 if i give barbs away.
i know i sound retarded saying this but i read it and am still very confused.
so ok i read alot of the forums lol it did help (thank you Attar). so if i use flourite, i will have alot of needed nutrients right? does it look like gravel or should i put gravel on top. then i will eventually uprgrade CO2.

Now i only need questions:
1. I have one average 15 watt and a 20 watt 50/50 rare phosphate t-something in a 29 gallon tank. where can i get better lights and what kind of lights do i need? im hoping to get about 3 watts per gallon.

2. i have a simple 2liter CO2 yeast, water, sugar, am i forgetting something. it goes through a tube and then goes into the tank through this thing with tons of small holes releasing the bubbles as very small bubbles. do i need to do anything else for it?

4. I have a HOB filter that is for 55 gallon tanks, not bio-wheel. the tank is filled high so you dont hear it at all, and the water rises over where the lip of the releasin is for the water so it hits water before falling down full length. no oxygen bubles that eyes can see and just a little current. is this ok?

6. i am goin to start a project of building my own top for my tank where glass would cover the tank then have a little area for filter. then i would have a wooden top that would be built completely seperate like the ones you can buy that would have like 3-4 lights built into it. Lighting suggestions? would this work so i can grow any plants.

7. when do i know when to cut and how do i, and can i plant them by just moving cravel over then placing plant roots in the hole, and then covering it? where i get plants they are cuttings from the plants, any sites that tell how to properly plant?

i still need help but am in better shape lol

right now i mostly care about lighting for my average 29 gallon tank. and nutrients and planting process. sorry for questions i know theres alot but i appreciate help!
The general idea that I got out of the article on the Plant Geek website is that you don't need to have all of the fancy equipment and media but still be able to grow nice aquarium plants. I wouldn't worry about going out and buying fluorite especially for this, but if you already have it that's fine. The plants listed in the article will grow fine without it.

For the lighting, why don't you try some plant grow bulbs for aquariums. I use "Flora Glo" from Hagen.

As for the CO[sub]2[/sub], I wouldn't bother with it at all to start with. The article states that it is not needed for a low tech low light type of tank.

As for current, plants usually don't like to be blasted with strong current so what you have is probably fine. Just make sure that there is enough aeration for your fish.

As for the DIY project, maybe someone else might have some suggestions? I'm not too good in that department.

If you have a few fish in your tank, that should be enough to provide a source of nutrients (from their waste) for your plants.

As for care and planting, you must be aware of what plant you have and their growth style. For example, Java Fern prefers to be attached to a piece of driftwood or something similar and not buried in gravel. Other types of plants prefer to be buried. If you do more reading on the Plant Geek website all the information about plant species, care and planting can be found there.

I find the best way to succeed is to first inform yourself by reading as much info as you can find before you begin.
Good Luck! :)

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