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  1. skater1293

    Fat Flame Tetra

    yeah my tetra was really fat, i dont know what kind it was but i thought it was pregnant. but it died, so i must of obiosbly feed him to much
  2. skater1293


    yeah she is about to give birth and her eyes are all black, any day now she will give birth
  3. skater1293

    Guppy Question!

    aright 1 fry died of shock i think, cause i put water in their straight from the faucet instead of the tank water. i think thats why so your saying basicly not to worry about it, and let them free at birth. i just dont have guppies either, i want to now... and just breed guppies, but i dont...
  4. skater1293

    Guppy Question!

    Hey whats up my pregnant guppy is close to giveing birth, on the pregnancey (stages) shes at stage 6 (last one) :D i believe about a week, not sure, i will try to get some pics of her i am just a little worried cause the male and a couple other fish are constantly chasing her. I know its...
  5. skater1293


    i meen like them doin it more :shifty: :lol: and by the way do i have any predatory fish againts guppies? (click on my profile, and scroll down to see what kind a fish i have)
  6. skater1293

    Gravid Spots

    yeah i believe to not find a gravid spot is very uncommon i think 24-7 they have a really light spot, then when their pregnant it gets darker and darker, and then turns black, she gets bigger, etc. i think...
  7. skater1293

    Another Breedng Project Question

    about 2-3 females for every male :fun: hope that helps any other questions let me know
  8. skater1293

    Molly Fry

    it might have a disease :unsure: try the the disease fourms
  9. skater1293


    alright thanks
  10. skater1293


    is their any way to make guppies breed fast as posible? or anything to make them want to? :hey: :wub:
  11. skater1293

    Female Guppy's Gravid Spot Is Red?

    maybe your just over feeding :dunno:
  12. skater1293

    Aggressive Platy

    is that the biggest fish in your tank?
  13. skater1293

    I'm Going Into Livebearers!

    guppies, their the easiest to breed
  14. skater1293

    Questions On Guppy Breeding

    2 female guppies 1 male guppy 3 fry guppies 1 (i think its a barb) 5 (their orange but i forgot the name, some kind of carp.) 2 different kinds of catfish 1 tetra 1 loach 1 suckerfish im pretty sure thats it lol
  15. skater1293

    Guppy Breeding Info

    GUPPY BREEDING AND RAISING INFO Planning Before you engage in selective breeding, it is important to develop a plan. :book: Set goals to begin with, such as increasing the size and adding color.If you absolutely can’t stand the idea of not breeding the colorful fish (if you think your...
  16. skater1293

    A Couple Of Questions On Guppies

    i would turn up your heater (if you dont have one already) to about 78-80 degrees this would help the fry to grow faster :fish: i would just leave them in their about a month or longer so their bigger than all the fishs' mouths in the tank your about to put them in with so probroly just keep...
  17. skater1293

    Questions On Guppy Breeding

    so you think she is going to give birth again? if she hasnt already cause i got a decent amount of plants and hiding places for them and this is normal to find just three?
  18. skater1293


    i think that guppy thing is happening to me her eye is pitch black, im pretty sure shes pregnet, but her eyes arent changeing colors now that makes me concerened does that meen she is about to have some fry?
  19. skater1293

    Questions On Guppy Breeding

    will it help if i try to get some pictures off them?
  20. skater1293

    Just Wondering

    ok thanks for the help i was just wondering
  21. skater1293

    A Couple Of Questions On Guppies

    about a month is fine just for the parents but other kinds of fish, obvisly its got to be bigger than the fishes mouth depending how big the other fish your talking about yeah and wamer water bought 78-80 can help fry to grow faster
  22. skater1293

    Just Wondering

    just wondering is their a way to calm down a pregnate guppy or guppy fry? if not what about helping guppies to get along with each other?
  23. skater1293

    Have My First Set Of Babies Today!

    _-_sometimes when you move a pregnate guppy into another tank they get stressed causing her to take some more time to have the fry. that is the problom with that, when you think their pregnate you move them. you can just have a heavly planted tank or a seperate breading tank just for guppies...
  24. skater1293

    What Behavior Do I Look For In Mating Pairs?

    the male tends to get all excited and following the female chasing, bumping, getting really close etc. :)
  25. skater1293


    i dont think i matters that much but guppies and mollies can mate with eachother so I would start reading about guppy fry etc. :D
  26. skater1293

    My Molly Is Popping A Baby

    i have heard its possible to gently sqweeze the baby out and it does accually have a chance of surviving
  27. skater1293


    yeah same thing happened to me the third day i got 2 females and 1 male i found 3 fry their about a week old now their doing great! :D
  28. skater1293

    Questions On Guppy Breeding

    I have 2 female guppies (adults) and 1 male (adult) both females have a little spot gravid spot around the anal fin, 1 seems to be bigger than the other. one already gave birth i dont know how many i could only find or save 3 of them. their about a week old now and are doing great. when i found...