What Behavior Do I Look For In Mating Pairs?


New Member
Sep 13, 2007
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I have two blue gouramis in a tank together both behaving quite well towards each other
and now there is agression from the female
she was paler than the male and now she is just as colorful
Do you have any pics?
There are lots of articles on the internet that explain the basics of Gourami Sapwning.
Initially, if the conditions are right ie; calm water surface, floating substrate.
The male will start building a bubble nest under that substrate. That will be the first sign.
the male tends to get all excited and following the female
chasing, bumping, getting really close etc. :)
That is usually a sign of a pair getting to know eachother. Otherwise, it could very well be aggression in two males. But, as long as they are not getting rough I woud say they are a pair. Pictures would be helpful.

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