Questions On Guppy Breeding


New Member
Nov 2, 2007
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I have 2 female guppies (adults) and 1 male (adult)
both females have a little spot gravid spot around the anal fin, 1 seems to be bigger than the other.
one already gave birth i dont know how many i could only find or save 3 of them.
their about a week old now and are doing great.
when i found the fry i looked at the females and one of them did seem to have alot less black/brown spot
and now they both have it, 1 bigger than the other
is it having babies like everyother day?
do u think theirs more and their just hiding?
did she have more and then they got eaten?
or was that all she had? cause I been reading about guppies just before I noticed them
will it help if i try to get some pictures off them?
As long as there isnt something wrong with your guppies they will give birth to 10 - 40 fry every 28 days. If you allow them to birth in tank you will lose many but some may survive. You likely had one give birth and the other will within a short time if she hasn't already.
so you think she is going to give birth again?
if she hasnt already cause i got a decent amount of plants and hiding places for them
and this is normal to find just three?
Yeh it is normal to only find 3 as it is likely that the ohters are either hiding or have been eaten, I found one fry once and I put it in a breeding trap and it done fine and I let it loose in the tank when it was big enought not to be eaten.

What other fish have you got in your tank, not that this will make much difference as livebearers eat there own fry anyway unless you seperate the babies or put the preg female in a breeding trap to give birth. I find the net ones are better if you decide to do this, don't know why but the preg female always seemed to die before giving birth in the plastic ones.
2 female guppies
1 male guppy
3 fry guppies
1 (i think its a barb)
5 (their orange but i forgot the name, some kind of carp.)
2 different kinds of catfish
1 tetra
1 loach
1 suckerfish

im pretty sure thats it lol

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