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  1. P

    So Sad

    Really? No one can help?
  2. P

    So Sad

    Ok, started just after i came back from holiday to Thailand and left my dad in charge of my fish. Never been a problem before, my dad is very good at looking after them and follows instructions down to a 'T'. Got home, one of my glassfish is swimming awkwardly - he's doing tumbles and spins...
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    Fish Fights

    Hi all, Just recently bought myself a royal whiptail, he's beautiful. Put him in my community tank to wake up the next morning to his top fins being ripped :(. I thought it may have been my cherry barbs, so i moved them to another tank, but his fins simply got worse! I have three siamese girls...
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    HELP!! I think my female siamese has dropsy. Her scales look pushed out so that she appears bloated. She is also hanging around the top of the tank, is this serious? i only noticed it today, is there any medication i can get her?? Is it contagious? I dont really have many options for a hospital...
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    Sick Goldfish

    I wasnt doing a fishless cycle, they were just the first fish i added after the cycle was done. Ammonia is zero, and ive just gotten down my nitrite and nitrate, so the cycle was technically complete. All i have in it are 4 goldfish for a 40 gallon. Ive dealt with white spot before, so ive...
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    Sick Goldfish

    Oh im so bummed. I love them. I have checked them over a million times, i was worried they had a fungus at first, but there is no sign of anything on zorro (my favourite - who's sick). I just dont want to watch them die..i keep thinking i should be doing something...
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    Sick Goldfish

    Just starting up a new tank, ive decided to chuck in some goldfish to get the cycle going, as ive been told they are by far the hardiest things around. Its been two weeks, ive already lost one to i think whitespot. But its weird... He started with a few white dots, they went away in a day as i...
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    Bettas & Guppies

    I think people simply like attractive looking fish, and sometimes giving your lonely little betta a friend doesn't seem like such a bad idea. That said, i have never added anything to my tank with my male, i definitely think he's a lone ranger. BUT i did decide to try some guppies out in my...
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    New Tank

    wow, thats seems clever. Maybe i'l try that.. thanks miss wiggle and everyone for all your help! Just one more the purpose of cycling a tank and establishing bacteria to ensure that all the waste your fish produce will be consumed by the bacteria rather than remain in the tank...
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    New Tank

    Wow thanks, that is one detailed method to cycle a tank. How long does it take on average? I really appreciate the help too :)
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    New Tank

    I thought doing a cycle required fish to be in the tank, something i learned off the forum :blush: ...this isn't correct? with an undergravel filter, you use no filter media, its just the grate and the pipes coming off it. No sponges, ceramics or anything like that. If i use completely fresh...
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    New Tank

    yeah, thats what i realised when i re read the post, sorry. But as i said, i dont have filter media as i used under gravel filers. What im doing is doing a water change on my smaller tank, but not getting rid of any of the dirty water that i remove. Then il add that to the new one, and wait a...
  13. P

    New Tank

    Actually i was thinking of selling my other tank along with the filters etc because they were undergravel, which i didnt want for the new tank. I have a small one, but ive upgraded to a CF1000, Aqua one filter. Do you think it will still be ok if i dont use the filters from the first? Im saving...
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    New Tank

    Ok, i guess im not exactly new to fish keeping (maybe in comparison to some) but i just want some advice about transferring my fish to a bigger tank. Obviously i have to cycle my tank with fish, but is it safe to do it with the ones ive got?? When i first started up my 90 liter, it was my first...
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    Australians Please...need Your Help

    Hi hi! good choice coming to oz. Now, im def no expert but as far as ive heard from friends etc, i dont think she'l have much success. Firstly, quarantine is exceptionally strict when it comes to water etc entering the country, and that no doubt includes anything in the water. Secondly, the...
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    Meet My Bettas!

    haha i hope not, or else i would have really failed... :unsure: :look:
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    Meet My Bettas!

    oops my bad. Sorry, i was worried that it was the newbie we were bullying... :blush: yes, yes i do agree then. not too good. Lovely fish tho OP!
  18. P

    Meet My Bettas!

    Hi everyone, just thought i might put in an opinion, not that i think anyone would be interested in hearing it. Plus i kinda think we shouldn't bully each other out of an opinion, cant we just simply write 'wow, thats an interesting opinion you got there, i completely respect it, however i don't...
  19. P

    Butterfly Fish Safe?

    Hi everyone, just wanting to know opinions; Back to my terrible two female bettas, (if your not familiar with the story, they recently attacked and killed 5 guppies that i introduced to my tank), i'm wanting to add two (or three) freshwater butterfly fish to my 180 liter tank. Just wondering if...
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    Grumpy Betta

    Thats what we thought, that maybe the guppys were being confused as other bettas, but i thought i was just making this up!! i have both my girls in with cherry barbs, and various catfish. I dont know, im hoping she'll get used to everything/everyone. im not planning on adding anything else to...
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    Cleaning A Tank With Real Plants

    um pretty sure miss wiggle just said that sooo........................................................thanks. haha that was mean sorry. Just thought it was funny, my bad :sad:
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    Thanks Hoddy

    wow, obsession much? where are you going to keep them all? is your plan to breed them and sell or is it simply the joy of having so many??
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    Cleaning A Tank With Real Plants

    Ok, thanks for the input. I haven't started yet, so im just trying to learn really. So im guessing i should simply clean as per usual until my plants really grow and my tank evolves into a heavily planted tank, in which case il try to avoid moving much at all. Makes sense!! thanks again
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    Cleaning A Tank With Real Plants

    But what about everything that builds up under the gravel, waste etc..? Doesnt that need to be cleared up? I just worry the tank wouldnt be cleaned properly..
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    Red Scout

    sorry, can't post a pic because i just saw it in the fish store, i didn't buy it as i knew nothing about it! :sad: Just noticed you were from Perth though, so do you know Vebas fish store in O'Connor? Thats where i saw them, they have a massive one in the tank at the front, and baby ones...
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    Grumpy Betta

    Wow thats quite a bit of info there, thanks! The pictures ive taken are from my phone but are too big, and im completely technologically retarded and i don't know how to make them smaller and post them on. When i added my second betta, i changed the whole display of my tank, thinking exactly...
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    Cleaning A Tank With Real Plants

    geeze..would love a reply.. :unsure: doesn't matter, i think i know anyway. geeze..would love a reply.. :unsure:
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    Hi all, i know this is probs a bit late to reply seeing as tho it seems you're all past the stage of worrying about gravel colour etc. but i used to have stark white gravel in my tank. I was told it would stress the fish after it was already in, but turns out they weren't phased in the...
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    Cleaning A Tank With Real Plants

    Hi everyone, im really new to keeping live plants but seeing as though im looking to get a knew 170 liter tank, i thought i might give it a go (btw, what do you think of the was this or a 205 a water saving fanatic keep in mind). Just curious, if im planning on getting plants...
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    Red Scout

    No, definitely not red scat. I just looked that up and its quite different. But that is still a nice it aggressive? How big do they get?
  31. P

    Grumpy Betta

    Ahh..i just saw a post of someone who thought their betta was a female, but turns out it may have been a male..thats got me worried. Im pretty sure she's a female. As i say, she's quite old now, ive had her for a while, and she has all the same features as my other females...
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    Grumpy Betta

    Positive she's a girl, she's beautiful but she's quite large and still has really small fins. She was fine when first got her, it just seems that since the other has died, she's taken over the position of owning the tank. Can bettas get possessive?
  33. P

    Grumpy Betta

    I have two female siamese fighters, one just recently died, but i got another about a month or so later to take her place and my old siamese still isn't getting along with my newbie. Its been about 6 months now, and louise (my first betta) is such a grumpy fish, she's always picking on every new...
  34. P

    Red Scout

    Anyone heard of a red scout fish?? saw some the other day, im intrigued about what personalities they have, what kinds of fish they get along with etc. I can't seem to find anything about them on the net? I know they can get pretty big...
  35. P

    Fish Tumor?

    OK, well my fish is purple and the lump seems to be white, almost transparent. Definately nothing on the surface of her skin has caused it and i dont really think theres anything under the skin. Its really quite large, she's about 5cm long and id say the lump is at least 1cm long and 0.5cm wide.
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    Fish Tumor?

    sorry. no idea what that means let alone how to do it. Im technologically retarded.
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    Fish Tumor?

    I cant. All my photos are too many Kb's for this site.
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    Fish Tumor?

    My female betta has had a lump on her side thats been growing in size for about a month now. She's still eating and swimming normally but im pretty sure the growth can't get any bigger and im a bit concerned about whats going to happen. Is there anything i can do? Its huge now and i think its...
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    Pictus With Whitespot

    Now i have read all i can about the treament of whitespot, including all of those posts on this website. Im just curious as to the chances of survival for an extremely freaked out fish. My pictus has only just got whitespot ever since the fish store that i bought it from had no idea how to catch...
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    Repetitive Behaviour In My Pictus

    I think im going to take him back. I really cant stand seeing him like this. He's only a little one a i think he's missing his mates. I really couldn't get another two so i might just call it quits..