Meet My Bettas!

Honeythorn, i do believe you said you couldnt heat a tank that small, maybe you should actually read what you post.

Bettas can and do quite well in 1 gallon tanks, mine are all in 1+ gallons and mine are all very healthy and happy that way. Your saying that bettas NEED bigger than 1 gallon and without it im being selfish.

So im being selfish by taking a betta out of a little tiny dirty cup and putting him in a nice lush planted 1 gallon with crystal clear water and hiding places.

Now tell me im being selfish.
Yes I do think it's still quite selfish. You could have just as easily put him into a nice well planted and filtered 5 gallon + if you bothered to find the space ( desk anyone? ) One gallon is certainly better than a cup, I haven't said it isn't, I am simply saying 5 gal plus is better still and would have a more stable water chemistry with a filter. Heaters for 5 gal tanks are also easier to get hold of in my experience ( and experience is what we are going on here ) . I didn't say you couldn't heat 1 gal at all, just not as eficciently as a bigger tank.
Yes, but if i rescue, then im not going to go out and spend $50 on every betta i rescue.

Ok next time i see a betta in a cup, dying with amonia posining, ill leave him their because appearently im to selfish to gte him a 5 galolon, so im better off leaving him there.
Yes I do think it's still quite selfish. You could have just as easily put him into a nice well planted and filtered 5 gallon + if you bothered to find the space ( desk anyone? ) One gallon is certainly better than a cup, I haven't said it isn't, I am simply saying 5 gal plus is better still and would have a more stable water chemistry with a filter. Heaters for 5 gal tanks are also easier to get hold of in my experience ( and experience is what we are going on here ) . I didn't say you couldn't heat 1 gal at all, just not as eficciently as a bigger tank.

####!!!!will you STOP hijacking threads and spouting off with your "holier than thou" attitude. put the soap box away and accept other peoples opinions. DOMESTIC BETTA ARE FINE(!!!!) in smaller tanks and anything upwards of one gallon IS(!!!) perfectly acceptable...
I keep stock in 1/2 gallon kritter keepers that are cleaned every 2-3 days or however often as needed.and to be honest they are some of the healthyest fish Ive ever seen. With regular water changes and a steady temp (dont forget a good veried diet) they shuld be fine in a 1 gallon. But i wouldnt reccomend any thing smaller than maybe a 3 if you arn't willing to do constant tank work.

Domesticated Betta are WAY different than wilds, and have addapted to life in smaller tanks. If I had to keep all my bettas in 10 gallon tanks I would have no room in the house and I would probbably not be able to continue breeding and the like. So PLEASE stop comparing DOMESTICATED bettas to WILDS! There is a HUGE difference in the care and you dont seem to realize that....
Thankyou you guys. People need to stop saying their "oh m g, i am better because i liek bigger tanks" crap.

I have a 2.5 gallon dividedinto 3 for my breeders, which gives them oh rougly .85 gallons each! Almost a gallon, it works, its perfect, i do water changes every 2 days, i feed them good food, steady temps, and they have stimulation for their brains!
Yes, but if i rescue, then im not going to go out and spend $50 on every betta i rescue.

Ok next time i see a betta in a cup, dying with amonia posining, ill leave him their because appearently im to selfish to gte him a 5 galolon, so im better off leaving him there.
Both very good points. Not everyone has the money to afford all these 5 gallons for each individual betta, especially with the rising cost of gas.

I'd honestly would rather see a betta in a 1 gallon happy than to see the same betta in a cup, sulking.
Both very good points. Not everyone has the money to afford all these 5 gallons for each individual betta, especially with the rising cost of gas.

I'd honestly would rather see a betta in a 1 gallon happy than to see the same betta in a cup, sulking.

Seriously, with gas at about $4.58 a gallon here I could

A: buy a half a tank of gas


B: buy and set up a 10 gallon betta tank.

but sense gas is something we have to have, I'm not goung to go waist my money on a huge tank for a fish that doesn't need it.
Yes I do think it's still quite selfish. You could have just as easily put him into a nice well planted and filtered 5 gallon + if you bothered to find the space ( desk anyone? ) One gallon is certainly better than a cup, I haven't said it isn't, I am simply saying 5 gal plus is better still and would have a more stable water chemistry with a filter. Heaters for 5 gal tanks are also easier to get hold of in my experience ( and experience is what we are going on here ) . I didn't say you couldn't heat 1 gal at all, just not as eficciently as a bigger tank.

what is ur problem?? all u do is pick a fight with people because of ur opinion on stuff, ur opinion is urs yes, and granted u are indeed very much entitled to it, but there is giving an opinion, and there is TELLING some1 they are wrong, which u do a fair bit

1gallon isnt ideal no, but theres NOTHING wrong with it, people have been keeping bettas this way for years, and as long as the water is changed on a regular basis there is not a problem in doing so

Your seriously need to rethink ur attitude, because in all honesty it stinks, u come on here spout off, and are rude to people when there is no need too, u give false advice out about stuff u do not hold any knowledge of ( referring to the " u cannot get ANY plec in that size tank") and yes i am being anal about it bcoz u sit here talk about stuff u havent a clue about

maybe u shud just stop posting mindless drivel, do us all a favour
what is ur problem?? all u do is pick a fight with people because of ur opinion on stuff, ur opinion is urs yes, and granted u are indeed very much entitled to it, but there is giving an opinion, and there is TELLING some1 they are wrong, which u do a fair bit

1gallon isnt ideal no, but theres NOTHING wrong with it, people have been keeping bettas this way for years, and as long as the water is changed on a regular basis there is not a problem in doing so

Your seriously need to rethink ur attitude, because in all honesty it stinks, u come on here spout off, and are rude to people when there is no need too, u give false advice out about stuff u do not hold any knowledge of ( referring to the " u cannot get ANY plec in that size tank") and yes i am being anal about it bcoz u sit here talk about stuff u havent a clue about

maybe u shud just stop posting mindless drivel, do us all a favour

*claps* here here!!
Well done phoenixbaby!! What is it with Honeythorn. She can never post something nice she just starts mouthing off...

Anyway back to the OP your Bettas are lovely!! :good:
Hi everyone, just thought i might put in an opinion, not that i think anyone would be interested in hearing it. Plus i kinda think we shouldn't bully each other out of an opinion, cant we just simply write 'wow, thats an interesting opinion you got there, i completely respect it, however i don't exactly agree..', is this too hard? Plus, at the moment i have my betta in about a 15 liter tank, so i guess i cant talk, (sorry guys, im australian and tend to deal in liters haha) he loves it and i even often find him sitting on the bottom, rarely utilising the space, but...i am a big believer in this comment my mum always gives me when she sees Bettas in those tiny containers at ur LFS - 'sure, they can survive in that tiny space of water, as im sure i could if someone locked me in their cellar, and fed me and watered me as i needed it..but would i be happy?' Just something to think about i guess, wouldn't everyone love the extra space?

Have fun contemplating everyone! :) :)
Plus i kinda think we shouldn't bully each other out of an opinion

Hi Prue

Its wasn't really about bullying. Its about a certain person who only ever posts on the betta section to have a dig at peoples tanks. Check their other posts? They very rarely have anything constructive to say, and are always aggressive in their manner.

The poor OP only wanted to show off their fish. I have PM'd the OP to apologise for certain peoples behaviour but as they are only 13 years old, have been reluctant to come back on.

Honeythorn - you must learn to read, cus you totally ignored the initial post by the op and once again managed to ruin someone elses thread. loach??????

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