Australians Please...need Your Help


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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My cousin is going to move to AU from Europe in 6 months...
BUT she has three common goldfish and she was asking if it was possible to get them to Australia, so I promised I will check.
One of the goldfish is as old as she is because her mother got it as a present when she gave birth to her, so that fish is 17 yrs old now. Other two goldies are younger but she got them from her father, who is no longer alive. So you can see, she is attached to those fish very much and wants to take them with her when they move. Is it possible? They are willing to pay for the quarantine or whatever necessary...

Does anyone know what they would need to do? Would they have to have some papers...? petshops import fish all the time, so it should be possible?

I have never moved with Fish ... But I moved with a dog ... The embassy would be a good place to start.
As far as i know goldfish are on the allowable imports list of fish into aus, but this may nly be for wholesalers, i do not know. different states may also have different regulations, so your friend would need to check this as well. i imagine that the quaratine period would be quite long too.
try a google search for the list of allowable imports and go from there.
Hi hi! good choice coming to oz. Now, im def no expert but as far as ive heard from friends etc, i dont think she'l have much success. Firstly, quarantine is exceptionally strict when it comes to water etc entering the country, and that no doubt includes anything in the water. Secondly, the stress the fish would undergo during the move should be enough to worry her, as im not sure exactly what goldfish would tolerate. And thirdly, even if she was lucky, the quarantine period for some animals can be up to 6 weeks, even longer, and the cost is MASSIVE. She (and the fish) would probably be best not risking it, but nonetheless, as these fish seem to have so much personal value attached to them, its definitely worth checking anyway!!
Hope this helped :)

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