Sick Goldfish


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2007
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Just starting up a new tank, ive decided to chuck in some goldfish to get the cycle going, as ive been told they are by far the hardiest things around. Its been two weeks, ive already lost one to i think whitespot. But its weird... He started with a few white dots, they went away in a day as i started to treat the tank straight away, then he remained really lethargic for the next 3 or so days, laying on any plant or rock he could find. And now he's dead. All the others now have whitespot, but only marginally, with a few spots here and there regardless of the fact that i continued to treat the tank. 2 more of my goldies are now really lethargic, my favourite is constantly sitting on the bottom of the tank. Is he going to die??? Should i isolate him, or continue treating the tank as a whole. And is this really whitespot as i didnt even think goldfish could catch it. Why everytime i start a tank do my fish die to whitespot!!!??? Would really appreciate some help, ill cry if they die.. :sad:
in my experience white spot comes after another illness. so it could be something else. My calico i have been watching as he has been really lazy and it turns out he has fish lice, not nice!! So have a really good look to see if you can spot something else.... :good:
Whitespot is usually a sign of stress. Stress comes from Ammonia. Ammonia accumulates in uncycled tank. Thats why when u start tanks, your fish get whitespot.
Oh im so bummed. I love them. I have checked them over a million times, i was worried they had a fungus at first, but there is no sign of anything on zorro (my favourite - who's sick). I just dont want to watch them die..i keep thinking i should be doing something...
As you can see for for yourself cycling with fish is not an easy option for the poor fish who have to endure most often fatal conditions. Fishless cycles are more humane and also cheaper!
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Goldfish are massive waste producers so the first goldfish alone needs 20 gallons the ten gallons for every
other goldfish added to the tank.
Also they need double the filter size to the tank because they are massive waste producers.

White spot add the med then increase aeration as the high temp and med reduce 02 in the water.
You need to raise temp to 30 but aeration is very important.
Remove black carbon from the filter if you use it.
I wasnt doing a fishless cycle, they were just the first fish i added after the cycle was done. Ammonia is zero, and ive just gotten down my nitrite and nitrate, so the cycle was technically complete. All i have in it are 4 goldfish for a 40 gallon. Ive dealt with white spot before, so ive already raised the temp etc and im onto my fourth 3 day dosage. My filter is a CF1000, perfect for the size tank i have. Plus i have plenty of aeration, with an air stone all the way along the back wall and i keep the vents open. Anything im doing wrong now?? I have 2 that still seem to have it, one of them only recently got it which doesnt make sense if the white spot treatment is doing its job.

Ph is 6.4
Some fish are more prone to whitespot them others, stressed fish are likey to get it.
Goldfish are big so they might not need another host.
Doing everything right by raising temp and increasing aeration.
Treat for another week once spots have gone.
Good luck.

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