Repetitive Behaviour In My Pictus


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2007
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I just bought a pictus catfish this avo and put him in my tank just after i got home. Since then, he started out sitting by himself in the corner of my tank and when i turned the lights of tonight he began swimming up and down the tank, back and forth, over and over again. He's still doing it right now. Is he bored? Is my tank big enough for him? He's only about 2" and i have a 30 gal tank... the other thing is that im wondering is he ok on his own or would he be happier with a buddy? I really want him to be happy, im just not so sure his behaviour is natural, please help!!
right...and that means? Its not shy. its swimming wildly up and down my tank. Im still not sure if this behaviour is because its going insane from claustrophobia or its just had a large intake of fish caffein...
Read the profile, research is they way to learn
read the profile...and many more. The problem at the moment is finding consistency as everybody has their own opinion. Thats ok, guess il just see how he goes. If he dies, i guess he wasn't happy!

Pimelodus pictus appreciate the company of their own kind, if you keep them alone or in too smaller groups they wont be comfortable and will act out of character, they also need space to swim which means a minimum of a 4 foot long tank and at least half its width left open for the catfish to swim freely without connecting with objects. If the tank is too small or over crowded with decore they cant swim properly and again will act out of character.
Everything I read says a minimum of 3 together. Of course...I would just grab a couple of more and make an even 6. I would much rather have above the minimum, just in case I get a bad fish. IMO, there is nothing worse than a stressed out fish, particularly if I know I can keep it from happening.

I would say get a few more and make everyone happy.
Ok, i hav read minimum of three but ive also read one is ok. my tank is definately not overcrowded with decor but the few hidey places i have he does not seem interestd in. i dont think i have the room for three of these psycho fish. do you think there is any chance he'l calm down? plus, just on the random side, what is the best thing to feed him? ive heard bloodworms..?
And my tank is 3.5 foot guessing everyone is going to say its too small for him now.
I think im going to take him back. I really cant stand seeing him like this. He's only a little one a i think he's missing his mates. I really couldn't get another two so i might just call it quits..

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