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  1. P

    Wood Necessary For Bn?

    Thanks for your quick replies! OK, so it is not that extra urgent than. I am glad because I won't be able to go to a pet shop before monday :)   I have a 30 gallon and understocked...   But I didn't realize that it would be a problem having two males together...Hm....Would they fight even...
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    Wood Necessary For Bn?

    Hi!     I am just about to get two longfin BN plecs (young ones) to put in my tank. They will live with female-only platies in a mildly heated tank.   This is the first time I will be having BNs, I had a common pleco a while ago, before I was educated enough on how big they grow (he/she is now...
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    Help With Subtropical Tank

    hi! I have a 180 liter tank (juwel rio 180) - approx 47 US gallons (or so it calculates on google) and would like to stock it with subtropical fish. I do not wish to have a heater (tho I used to have tropical tanks) and the temperature in my tank stays around 19 C in the winter and goes up to...
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    Long Finned White Cloud Minnows Aka Meteor Minnow

    Hi! So where in the UK can you buy meteor minnows? I live in Europe and have been looking for those meteorminnows for quite some time but sadly all I can find is US based sellers so I don't think the shipping would be possible. I go to UK in summer so if anyone knows where I could buy them...
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    Subtropical Fish

    Hi! I had a break from fishkeeping for about a year and now I am thinking about setting up a new tank again. I have a rio juwel 180 (approx 47 gallons, or so it calculates on google) with external eheim pro 2224 and would like to go unheated. That means that the temperature of the tank would be...
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    Freshwater Fish Similar To Mandarinfish?

    Hi! I really really like the mandarin fish (but also other blennys) but I don't have any experience with saltwater tanks and I know these fish are very hard to keep... So I was wondering...Is there a fish that is similar to this fish as for the colors - the multitude of the colors? (And please...
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    Common Goldfish Gone White?

    goldfish do change their colors. It is not unusual at all for a previosuly red and white fish to become completely white...Even if kept in ponds. But your tank really is too small...So an upgrade would be very welcome. But if the fish acts normally and eats normally and doesn't have any torn...
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    Guppy Mia

    Well one of my female guppies was hiding in my tank for 2 weeks so I was sure it got eaten or died...The tank is only 55 gallon. But than it suddenly appeared from somewhere perfectly OK. She stills disapears now so I don't see her for 2-3 days and than reapears...hence she got a name Hexa (Hex...
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    What Are These Zebra Danios see I and the person selling the fish live in EU - so they are illegal?
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    What Are These Zebra Danios

    so, this is NOT my photo, but someone is using it as a photo for selling zebra danios and other cyprinids (similar site than e-bay, just that it is in our country) so what are these zebra danios? Dyed, color morph...? THX
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    that is just a colormorph of CAE, and by the way, they are not catfish but cyprinid...
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    Couple Of Pictures Of The Rainbows

    Nice fish :) Coul you just tell me what is the small fish (in the background) in the 4th photo?
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    Clown Loaches?

    Loaches are cyprinids :)
  14. P

    Where Could I Get Meteor Minnows

    HI! I would like to have some meteor minnows and have been looking for them for quite some time now. The problem is that where I live, it is hard to get even the normal WCMM. and if you want longfin or albino etc is like mission impossible.... the shops here won't order any fish...
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    Pygmy Indian Catfish

    Hi! I saw them in our local pet shop. The problem is i don't know if there even is such catfish? it is really small, brownish and "transperent" in the back (but not to the extent of glass cat). It definetely looks catfish :) i would look thru the catelog but the problem is I have no idea to...
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    External Filter

    Hi! I have never used external filter before, I only have internals (eheim, tetratec, juwel) filters in all my tanks. I decided to go external on my juwel rio 240 (I am not really happy with their filter, and it is a pain to clean)... I am undecided as to which filter to buy (for my size of...
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    Where To Get Sand For Goldies

    Thanks guys :)
  18. P

    Where To Get Sand For Goldies

    Hi! I just wanted to know where you could get cheap sand for goldfish in UK. I don't want sand that compacts too much (not too small). I know goldies like to dig thru sand so compacting shouldn't be that much of an issue anyway...Oh and maybe it would be great if it was a bit darker sand (but...
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    Cory Prices

    Hi! I noticed that in our local pet shop for example panda cories cost like under 3 euros, the same with paleatus but other varieties like spoted or any other cory cost from 10 euros up a piece. Is this normal? I tought that panda cories are more expensive than other more commonly available...
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    Need Id

    Hi! so i have this fish in my 63 gallon at 21 C and is doing great... It is active by day and is almost always "glued" to the glass, eating any algae (i don't have any algae on the glass since i got the fish) it can find. But it also eats flakes, worms, tubifex, catfih pellets (well everything...
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    I Suspect Cats, Or Could There Be Another

    get a dog, it will surely keep neighbours cats out of your garden ;) (just kidding, but it works for me :) )
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    Opinions About This Situation Please

    well when i first bought guppies i got 8 and 7 died within week and a half. But the females had fry like two days after i bought them. Tho there was only one adult female survivor fry all lived (the fry was from diferent females) and I have them to this day (and their offspring)... I know that...
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    Need Fish That Would Eat Guppy Fry

    THX for all the replies... I think I will have a closer look at cherry barbs and kribensis. i have trouble getting rainbow fish here and when they are available they are usually the bigger varieties... dwarf frogs eat guppy fry? (I can't get them either, only those big albinos :( )
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    Need Fish That Would Eat Guppy Fry

    HI! But arent barbs nippy? I have fancy guppies...
  25. P

    Need Fish That Would Eat Guppy Fry

    Hi! i have juwel rio 180 with 4 glass cats, several guppies (10 adults and some fry) and a garra. I would like to add a fish that would eat baby guppies but only when they are very small, but would not harm the adult ones... I like WCMM but people say that they would not do a good job of...
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    Algea Eaters

    what about Garra sp. ? I have some, they are great, and not aggressive, just really like their food :) They also eat other stuff so there is no danger of them starving to death if there is no more algae left... And also mine are out all the time during the day, unlike my plecos...
  27. P

    Top 10

    1. goldfish :) 2. angelfish 3. WCMM 4. synos 5. yellow tinfoil barb 6. SAEs 7. garra sp 8. guppy 9. longfin danios 10. glass catfish
  28. P

    Suggestions, 180 Liter Tank

    Hi! I got a "new" juwel rio 180 (180 liter tank) dimensions of the tank: 101x41x50 cm I have 11 glass catfish in there along with 13 male guppies...I can lower the number of guppies to 5 at any time (have to have 5 in there because they are 5 different colors and my other half wants to keep...
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    Hm...isnt That Way Overstocked?!

    We went for a drink and they had a tank in there. I think it is way overstocked. i think I even see some fish with belly tucked in (if ya know what I mean) - what so you guys think? Or to chichlids need to be overstocked to reduce aggression (that is what it was said to me, not by the owners of...
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    How Big Tank For Glass Catfish?

    The title says it all really... How big (minimum) would a tank need to be to house a shoal of 11 glass catfish? (That is how many comes with the tank I am planning on buying) - overstocked tho THX
  31. P

    Tankmates For Guppies

    the title says it all really... So what do you keep with your guppies. I want something that would eat tiny fry, not harm the adults. Not nippy...i am going to our main city tommorow and will go into few fish stores so I just want some ideas :) (yes, my tank is cycled, I have 14 guppies, 1...
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    Good Or Bad Idea :a :l?

    sorry, I know I am not much help but...Dis you say 3 pounds for a cardinal tetra is cheap? We have them here like for 1, 50 Euros...And yes, cardinals, not neons... But than again, here the guppies are 4 Euros each - not much logic in that, ha? :)
  33. P

    Fish Names Anyone?

    Hm.. Well my goldfish are all named and also my pleco had a name (had to rehome him tho). And now my garra has a name (Glu)...But I never name my guppies - they just multiply too fast and anyhow there was even a time when I didnt really know how many of them I had, with all that fry...
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    Why Do Fish Die So Quickly In Mineral (sparkling) Water

    Hi! I just had to kill one of my fish recently because it was beyond treatment...I decided to use sparkling mineral water and the fish was dead in just a few seconds... But I am just curious - why do fish die so quickly in mineral water. I know that because of the presence of CO2, but I mean -...
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    Online Places For Plants

    Hi! The tank is juwel rio 180 liter - standard measurments. It has plant substrat from tetra and than there is a layer of gravel on it. Filter is tetratec internal - 1000. Temperatrue is 23-24 C We have quite hard water in our country (a lot od Ca, Mg) tho I don't test it myself. i only test...
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    Online Places For Plants

    Hi! I am looking to buy some easy plants for my 180 l tank. I already have anubia, a java fern, cryptocorinas and some hygrophilia (two species)... All the plants except hygrophilia are doing great (and they say hygrophilias are easy?!) I am looking for some none demanding plants, the fish in...
  37. P

    Future Oddball Fish Stocking Options, Suggestions?

    yeah..but if it has lived with goldfish for that long than I would think he would suck on them too if he was inclined too... i also have a pleco with goldies and never get a problem with them sticking on fish or such. You just have to feed them right - just as you would feed any other fish. You...
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    Fish Suggestions

    Hi! I am starting yet another fish tank. I already have two community setups but now I would like to have something different. I would love to get some bigger fish for this tank... so what is the biggest fish I could keep comfortably in this tank? i know the tank isn't really big but it is not...
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    95 Gallon Tank How Many Fancy Guppies

    well - it isn't a problem with normal fish, but fancy guppy tails are really long and heavy... I also had a problem like that. But after a few generations of letting them breed in there - the tails were getting a shorter. They were still very colorful, but had significantly shorter tails unlike...