Online Places For Plants


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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I am looking to buy some easy plants for my 180 l tank. I already have anubia, a java fern, cryptocorinas and some hygrophilia (two species)... All the plants except hygrophilia are doing great (and they say hygrophilias are easy?!)

I am looking for some none demanding plants, the fish in the tank are garas, Saes and guppys, they don't munch on any of my current plants...

So where could I buy a variety of non demanding plants online - in UK? and of course not too expensive...


All the plants except hygrophilia are doing great (and they say hygrophilias are easy?!)

Worrying. They are easy to grow plants. Therefore if these aren't doing well, then something vital is missing. Hence why I would rather find what's missing before purchasing any more plants, which might end up like the Hygros.

But that's just me. :D
Are you adding any ferts? It strikes me that only the slow growing plants are doing well, while the fast growing Hygrophila isn't.

I'd say it's something to do with nutrient demand..

As much info about the tank as possible (lighting, additives, stats, size) would be helpful :).

The tank is juwel rio 180 liter - standard measurments.
It has plant substrat from tetra and than there is a layer of gravel on it.
Filter is tetratec internal - 1000.
Temperatrue is 23-24 C
We have quite hard water in our country (a lot od Ca, Mg) tho I don't test it myself.
i only test for nitrate, nitrite and ammonium.
No3 - 0
NO2 - 0 - 0,1
NH4/NH3 - 0
lightning...Hm - two 30 wats (aquaglo - if it matters?)
i don't use any additional fertilaizers for plants and i do not use Co2 system (am affraid to kill my fish - I like plants but like fish better)
Well but my stocking is low - only 14 guppies, gara and two SAEs(medium) - maybe that is a problem? (tho I don't think so...)
Hm yes so my fish are not nibbling at the plants. Anubia has three young leaves (doing great). But it is relatively new set up.
I used to have plants in the same tank before - the same I have here and they grew nicely, the only difference was that the tank was in a different position, had some different lights and there were more fish in it...
maybe I damaged the plants roots and they still need to recover?
Well there you go, sounds like you have a nitrogen deficiency.

You never said how the Hygrophila was suffering other than that it wasn't doing great, judging by your stats and by the fact that the slow growing plants are fine, I'd say that's what it is.

Your best bet is to add some Tropica Plant Nutrition + fertiliser.
If you want even better fertilisation, you could look down the EI route - which is better value for money too, but requires a bit more thinking.

For easy plants I recommend Tropica's easy grow range - excellent value for money compared to other places as you get more plants in each pot and they are rooted and more healthy than elsewhere.

For cheap cuttings of plants, greenline are my favourite but have limited stock at the moment.

I found Java plants to be good for cuttings too.

Plants alive are very cheap, but I had a bad experiance with them and so have others in the past.

A lot of people have also had good experiences with them though.

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