Top 10

this is hard

1 Clown Knifefish - beautiful and graceful to watch in the aquarium
2 L25 Scarlet plec- beautiful markings and cos they hide so much an event when it comes out
3 Clown Loach - stunning fish with so much character, ace in a group
4 Oscars - I love my two, like the pet dog of the aquarium world
5 Fire Eel - Interstingfish and look better the bigger they get
6 Discus - beautiful and graceful in a shoal
7 Channa Pulchra - lovely colouring, brutish looks
8 Flagtail Prochilodus - Great fish with cartoon character looks
9 Ornate Bichir - Lovely markings, great the way they budge everything out the way at feeding time
10 Stingray - the holy grail of fish keeping for me! one day
1 vinny
2 rotkeil severum
3 kribs
4 blue acara
5 geophagus surinamensis
6 L81 golden nugget
7 electric blue jack dempsey
8 discus
9 thorycthis elliotti
10 corys
1. goldfish :)
2. angelfish
4. synos
5. yellow tinfoil barb
6. SAEs
7. garra sp
8. guppy
9. longfin danios
10. glass catfish

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