Fish Names Anyone?


Fish Addict
Feb 23, 2009
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I have some male and female fish, (mostly female) I've never actually named then though, does anyone have any names? I need about 15 male and 20 female names, any help would be greatly appreciated :)
And Mommy Molly is going through her first pregnancy! Babies anyday now!! :good: So I'm gonna need names for those little guys too! lol

P.S. I put this in the livebearers section cuz 3/4 of em are livebearers... heh..
Sorry Sims3Dude, I have no names for my fish, it just never occurred to me to name them. I suppose some people do name them and I know folks with long living fish often do.
only a couple of my fish have names my faves. my plec called sid my fave mollie casper and my black male mollie jim. and my first 2 fry nemo and dory lol the rest are nameless lol
I only have names of certain baby guppies that I know are male/female and have their colors and also name my otos. Babies I end up selling anyway and keeping a few.
Oh ok, lol I think it's wierd that most people name their cats, dogs, hamsters, etc but no one ever seems to name their 'lil fishies.. lol oh well I can't think of any names so I guess i'm going to leave them how they were... lol

Well my goldfish are all named and also my pleco had a name (had to rehome him tho). And now my garra has a name (Glu)...But I never name my guppies - they just multiply too fast and anyhow there was even a time when I didnt really know how many of them I had, with all that fry...
I named my 5 Blood parrots sunshine, moonbeam, lunar, shadow and bella... I name my pleco's gilbert and daisy. I only name a few of my mollies... spot and mama. I only named a few because when i fist started getting mollies and swordtails and platties... I had a hard time keeping them alive ( I heard we get bad batches of fish here) and ever time i named them they would die.. so I wait a long time before they get names but they will soon.. I've had them for months now so I know they won't be going anywhere any time soon.
Ya, well there's this molly that's having her first pregnancy, I want to name her but I can't think of a name.... :huh:

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