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  1. J

    Riddled With Disease

    Thanks for that Wilder. I've definitely got whitespot which is still breeding despite me medicating with protozoan. It's definitely getting the better of me. Lost one of my severums, most of my foxes, and it doesn't look like any of the loaches or the rest of the foxes will make it. I'm on...
  2. J

    Riddled With Disease

    I put the temperature up to 28C a couple of days ago. The PH is 7.5 in both tanks.
  3. J

    Riddled With Disease

    Thanks Biffster. It's still difficult for me to diagnose, maybe because I'm dealing with both diseases. Strangely in my hospital tank which I'm treating for flukes one of my severums (the one with ulcers as well) has almost fully recovered, whilst the smaller one seems to have got worse. I...
  4. J

    Riddled With Disease

    So I've been keeping fish for 4 years, and never experienced any diseases. I quite rated myself as a fish keeper because of this....until recently.... I have a 600l aquarium. Ammonia and nitrites nil, nitrates around 30. I was slow to notice my two red severums had what I could only...
  5. J

    More Green Terror Advice

    They're in a 55 gallon. I was planning to upgrade soon, but I still think I might get rid of the male terror anyway. They've both got a good temperament by themselves but I'm worried about the stress on the other fish with all this spawning going on.
  6. J

    More Green Terror Advice

    Hi, My green terrors have spawned for the second time in two months. I'd only just taken her off her last lot of babies and now within a week she's laying more. I'm not going to raise any more fry so when should I take the little ones off her? I read somewhere the male will hassle her to...
  7. J

    Breeding Green Terrors

    I feel terrible for doubting my green terror mum now. She hasn't eaten them, and hundreds of babies have emerged from the gravel....hope she doesn't kill herself trying to headbutt us every time we walk past the tank.
  8. J

    Breeding Green Terrors

    So my GT's eggs have hatched. I saw a few wriggling in the gravel in a small ditch she made, but now I don't seem to be able to see any. Do they work their way through the gravel to hide, or should they be there on the surface? I'm especially worried as the lfs advised me to put in an...
  9. J

    Breeding Green Terrors

    Hi Nelly, Thanks for the info. All my fish are juveniles at the moment. My aim was to double the tank size by April next year (to coincide with moving into a bigger house). The community tank is 240litres. There are 6 one year old clown loaches in there - who seem to have no conflict with...
  10. J

    Breeding Green Terrors

    Hmm. Yeah, they're definitely green terrors. Kind of thought about keeping them in a species tank, especially since the aggression I witnessed yesterday. I guess the 165l will have to do for now, and I'll upgrade when they mature. I'll see what happens with the fry. Thanks
  11. J

    Breeding Green Terrors

    So, I had a Green Terror that I was unsure was male or female. It's colours were strikingly male, but it's body shape was female. I took a gamble and put another younger male in the tank with it. They've been getting on well for a couple of months. 3 or 4 days ago though the female became...
  12. J

    Normal Fishkeepers

    Oh thanks. I thought letting it come out of the water was well dodgy so tried to avoid it, but if that's less stress than forcing it off then I'll do that. Will try changing the direction of powerheads. As for lighting - I've got 150W metal halide so can't see it being a problem. I've had it...
  13. J

    Normal Fishkeepers

    When people do water changes generally do you just syphon out a number of buckets and then add the same amount in fresh water? I ask because I have a stupid bubble tip anemome that loves to stick itself to the glass in the top corner, so everytime I do a water change I have to prise it off the...
  14. J

    Holiday Feeder, Marine

    If you've got a tight fitting lid there should be very little evaporation so the salinity should remain stable. Don't know what your hardware is but if I'm away for more than a week, I get someone to check on all the equipment weekly. My trouble was finding flake or pellet food that didn't...
  15. J

    Electric Blue Hermit Crab

    Quite. I managed to ease him out, and have put him in a breeding box for now. Guess I've leave him there a couple of days while my jawfish settles in.
  16. J

    Electric Blue Hermit Crab

    I'm probably being paranoid but I added a rather small banded jawfish to my tank three days ago. As expected he's made a burrow right at the back of the tank. For the last 24hrs my rather aggressive electric blue hermit crab has been stalking his burrow, so the fish won't come out to feed...
  17. J

    Green Terror

    Think you're right. Alot of my fish came out in the same grazes. A week later they've all cleared up. Thanks.
  18. J

    Pics Of My Green Terror Male Or Female

    Female....The metallic colouring in the males can generally be seen in all their fins. I have a female that looks male but for this added colouring.
  19. J

    Plague Of Starfish

    Oh...that's where all my coraline is going. I've been adding iodine, thinking there is a deficiency, but that makes sense now.
  20. J

    Plague Of Starfish

    Hi, These small, mutant, white starfish have been in my tank for the last 6 months. Despite syphoning some out, their numbers continue to grow. I hadn't noticed any ill affects unitl recently. My white star polyps which I've had for 14months have started to die off. On inspection there were...
  21. J

    Green Terror

    Ok thanks. I'll get on it now. Thinking about it, I do rinse my filters out in aquarium water but it is prone to blocking. I think I should get the whole think out to de-clog the trickle filter parts too.
  22. J

    Green Terror

    The tank is 240litres. There's 6 young clown loaches, 2 young ornate birchirs, 2 golden nugget plecs, and 3 talking catfish along with the green terror. I'm aware I should go upto about 400litres when my clown loaches get a little older - but I didn't think I was over stocked yet. The...
  23. J

    Green Terror

    Just did the tests now. Ammonia 0.1, Nitrite 0.5, Nitrate 30, ph stable. We just added a few boulders to the tank. She was in there the whole time, but she hates us being in there. I'd really like to do a good gravel clean but I don' want to stress her out any more. Looking again today, the...
  24. J

    Green Terror

    This is a bit of a long shot without a photo, but since a re-arrangement of my tank I've noticed what I can only describe a flaky skin on small patches of my Green Terrors head and body. There's just on odd few scales in a couple of patches that have gone a bit grey and look a bit flaky. Anyone...
  25. J

    Green Terror

    Thanks for the bump...Much appreciated.
  26. J

    Green Terror

    This is a bit of a long shot without a photo, but since a re-arrangement of my tank I've noticed what I can only describe a flaky skin on small patches of my Green Terrors head and body. There's just on odd few scales in a couple of patches that have gone a bit grey and look a bit flaky...
  27. J

    Green Terror

    S/he looks the same in all the pictures, but not as metallic in real life. I've been comparing him/her to photos I've found on the web. Some females I've seen are really uncolourful but others look identical to mine. I guess I'll leave it a few more months till it matures fully.
  28. J

    Green Terror

    Yeah...I'm starting to think female again now. It depends which photos I look at. I wanted to give it a mate but I still don't know what to get.
  29. J

    Green Terror

    I've had it about 5 months, and it was about 2 inches when I bought it.
  30. J

    Green Terror

    Green terror Does this work?
  31. J

    Green Terror I'm in two minds as to whether my green terror is male or female. It's tail fin is the colour of a male, but it's lacking a humped forehead and doesn't seem as metalic as the pictures of the other males I've seen. It's about 5 inches...
  32. J

    Clown Loach And Green Terror?

    I've got a green terror in a tank with clown loaches. Had him about 6 months so he's not fully grown yet but they get on fine for now. He seems to think he's a loach. He's always dancing with them first thing in a morning.
  33. J

    Strange Occurences

    Thanks. I'd never heard of Mandarins jumping before. I did invest in some moon lights some time ago which seemed to stop my jawfish jumping, evidently not well enough. I think the culprit is probably my big electric blue hermt crab. Not sure about a cover glass though - it's just not gonna...
  34. J

    Strange Occurences

    Don't know if my fish had hatched a slightly narrow sighted plan of escape but within the space of a week I've had three fish jump out of my tank. First my bluecheek goby jumped into the filter compartments in the middle of the day - I found him two days later alive and well. Next my Jawfish...
  35. J

    My Gobies Keep Dying

    I saw them eat alot of all the frozen meaty foods I put in, but no worries now - 72hrs later I saw his head poking out of the 1" wide, 45" deep weir. After some trauma we managed to get him back into the tank. HE'S ALIVE AND WELL!!! Gonna have to manufacture some kind of guard to stop him...
  36. J

    My Gobies Keep Dying

    Ok. My tank is just over 1 year old. Ammonia nil, nitrites nil. Salinity 1.024 and constant. I got a boisterous pink stripe goby when the tank was 6 months old. He seemed happy, ate well, and was in no way shy. He did develop some kind of growth on his big lips but it didn't seem to bother...
  37. J

    Stock For Baby Biorb

    Ok. Thanks guys. If only I'd left it at that to begin with.
  38. J

    Stock For Baby Biorb

    Yeah 15 litres - that's right. It's a pain as I only got it to re-house my male fighter but unfortunately he is no more.
  39. J

    Stock For Baby Biorb

    I bought a baby biOrb for my male fighter that could no longer live in my large tank - stupidly I bought him females to accompany him (on advice of lfs) thing led to another and now I have an empty baby biOrb. I want to restock with some really tiny fish that remain tiny but I don't...
  40. J

    My Jawfish Is A Wus!

    It happened all the time before I got the blue lights. I didn't get the lights for him but noticed he stopped jumping when we put them on - but kinda thought maybe that just coincided with him being more settled and having a more permanent burrow but now after this happening there's only one...