Holiday Feeder, Marine


Fish Crazy
Mar 7, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
Hi Guys,

I recently purchased a small 25 L nano tank that it set up as a Fish Only Marine. I read so much about marine tanks online but was confused, so i decided to take the plunge with something smaller. Anyway, it seems to be working out OK right now, but I wanted to know what I would do if I were to go on holiday. My larger freshwater tank is easy, i can use holiday blocks or a fish feeder, but there apperas to be more that can go wrong with the marine setup, such as salinity levels etc.

I can't easily have someone come down to check the tank on a daily basis.

If you've got a tight fitting lid there should be very little evaporation so the salinity should remain stable. Don't know what your hardware is but if I'm away for more than a week, I get someone to check on all the equipment weekly.

My trouble was finding flake or pellet food that didn't need submersing for it not to just float on top of the water (non of my fish will take food from the surface). Found some good pellets from ocean nutrition that my fish love so I'm trying not to worry about my pending holiday.
If you've got a tight fitting lid there should be very little evaporation so the salinity should remain stable. Don't know what your hardware is but if I'm away for more than a week, I get someone to check on all the equipment weekly.

My trouble was finding flake or pellet food that didn't need submersing for it not to just float on top of the water (non of my fish will take food from the surface). Found some good pellets from ocean nutrition that my fish love so I'm trying not to worry about my pending holiday.

That's really helpful thanks. I would like to someday upgrade my small nano marine tank to something more substantial but it depends on me being able to set things up so that I could go away for a week or so at a time and have things work out well. I could certainly have someone pop down 2-3 times a week, but to be on hand to feed the fish 4 times a day would be excessive.


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