Green Terror


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Herefordshire, England
This is a bit of a long shot without a photo, but since a re-arrangement of my tank I've noticed what I can only describe a flaky skin on small patches of my Green Terrors head and body. There's just on odd few scales in a couple of patches that have gone a bit grey and look a bit flaky.

Anyone any idea as to what it might be?

I've dosed the tank with melafix and pimafix for now. Hope it doesn't get any worse.
This is a bit of a long shot without a photo, but since a re-arrangement of my tank I've noticed what I can only describe a flaky skin on small patches of my Green Terrors head and body. There's just on odd few scales in a couple of patches that have gone a bit grey and look a bit flaky.

Anyone any idea as to what it might be?

I've dosed the tank with melafix and pimafix for now. Hope it doesn't get any worse.

Nope!! I cannot even guess, but I'm just bumpin you in case someone can Id your problem.
when you rearranged the tank, did you put more decorations in? Like bogwood, rockwork and the like? If yes, then it is prob just the GT just running into some of the new stuff and rubbing off some scales. If you can get a pic, would def be a good thing!

Ox :good:
when you rearranged the tank, did you put more decorations in? Like bogwood, rockwork and the like? If yes, then it is prob just the GT just running into some of the new stuff and rubbing off some scales. If you can get a pic, would def be a good thing!

Ox :good:

Think you're right. Alot of my fish came out in the same grazes. A week later they've all cleared up.

Just don't stop your treatment early. Once you've started you def want to see it through just in case. The melafix and pimafix was a good choice tho.

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