Riddled With Disease


Fish Fanatic
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Herefordshire, England
So I've been keeping fish for 4 years, and never experienced any diseases. I quite rated myself as a fish keeper because of this....until recently....

I have a 600l aquarium. Ammonia and nitrites nil, nitrates around 30. I was slow to notice my two red severums had what I could only diagnose as flukes. It took an outbreak of whitespot for me to realise I have to do something about it. I've done one course of protozin, but all except my silver dollars have responded to this....My clown loaches and siamese foxes are still riddled with the stuff, and are showing signs of fin degradation.

My severums have gone into a hosptial tank in which I'm trying an Interpet flukes treatment, along with a bit of melafix for the ulcers, and fin breakdown. I'm not holding out much hope here, but these are my favourite fish and really don't want to lose them.

I really don't know what to do next. I'm waiting 7 days in the hospital tank before I can retreat, but what do I treat first, the flukes of the whitespot, or the secondary infections?

In my main tank, I'm running the carbon before I do a 20% water change. But what do I treat next? The whitespot again, or is there a chance I'm mis-diagnosing whitespot for flukes?

Oh if only there was a magic pill............
it wont let me post the link must be protected

google the tropical fish center it on the first google page at the bottom


use this link its about second from the bottom
Thanks Biffster.

It's still difficult for me to diagnose, maybe because I'm dealing with both diseases. Strangely in my hospital tank which I'm treating for flukes one of my severums (the one with ulcers as well) has almost fully recovered, whilst the smaller one seems to have got worse.

I think I'm gonna give it a couple of days, and give him a short salt bath....dosage recommendations welcome...

As for the big tank. I've just added a 75% dosage for treating flukes. Gonna give that a couple of days and see what happens. If there's no improvement I'll start a second course of whitespot treatment (after running the carbon and doing a small water change). Fingers crossed. Gonna have to put some myxazin in too somewhere along the line..........................
mind as gone blank we have covered all the bases i will go an consult a book :cool:
So I've been keeping fish for 4 years, and never experienced any diseases. I quite rated myself as a fish keeper because of this....until recently....

I have a 600l aquarium. Ammonia and nitrites nil, nitrates around 30. I was slow to notice my two red severums had what I could only diagnose as flukes. It took an outbreak of whitespot for me to realise I have to do something about it. I've done one course of protozin, but all except my silver dollars have responded to this....My clown loaches and siamese foxes are still riddled with the stuff, and are showing signs of fin degradation.

My severums have gone into a hosptial tank in which I'm trying an Interpet flukes treatment, along with a bit of melafix for the ulcers, and fin breakdown. I'm not holding out much hope here, but these are my favourite fish and really don't want to lose them.

I really don't know what to do next. I'm waiting 7 days in the hospital tank before I can retreat, but what do I treat first, the flukes of the whitespot, or the secondary infections?

In my main tank, I'm running the carbon before I do a 20% water change. But what do I treat next? The whitespot again, or is there a chance I'm mis-diagnosing whitespot for flukes?

Oh if only there was a magic pill............

Hope you get sorted :) as i know what your going though, as the day i got my first fish I've been having this problem, no matter where i go to get information about this problem no one knows a good answer :( I might be wrong but your lucky if you find the answer here too :( but if it was white stop or ick you will be getting numbers of people giving you information. Good luck i will be watching you post :)

Signs of skin flukes, gill flukes, eye flukes are.
Red inflamed gills, can look like there bleeding.
Pale gills with excess slime.
Opaque body with excess slime.
Flicking and rubbing.
Darting or erratic swimming.
Swimming in a jerky movement.
Sores on body of fish.
Spitting food out.
Gasping a surface of tank, laboured breathing.

Some flukes are egg layers so you have to retreat to kill the young as they hatch.
Also flukes cause bacterial infections. As in the suckers or hooks, they carry a nasty bacteria which enters the fish blood stream when it pierces the skin.

Signs of whitespot are.
Tiny white spots.
Or the fish will look like it's been sprinkled in salt.
Thanks for that Wilder.

I've definitely got whitespot which is still breeding despite me medicating with protozoan. It's definitely getting the better of me.
Lost one of my severums, most of my foxes, and it doesn't look like any of the loaches or the rest of the foxes will make it.

I'm on the 3rd day of a the second four day course for whitespot so you'd think it'd stop spreading but now my silver dollars seem to be picking it up again.

And my Severum that had fully recovered is avoiding the whitespot but seems to be showing signs of flukes again. He has sort of 1mm long white protrusions over his body which seem to come and go.

It's not looking good.
How are the fish?

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