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  1. M

    Soft And Hard Water:no:

    And I request that the name "killifish" be censored to assuage my puritanism. -dan
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    Very Tiny Nano Thoughts

    Using the internal dimensions (4mm glass), the capacity is approximately 11540cc = 11.54 L. For each centimetre of vertical capacity lost (by not filling up to the rim, for instance) reduce by about 579cc (0.58 L). -dan
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    Test Kits

    Are they? I thought that PC World was owned by DSG and Pets at Home by Bridgepoint. -dan
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    3d Backgrounds

    I used to have the Juwel backgrounds but removed them when I rebuilt the tank. To me, the problem with any of these 3-dimensional backgrounds is that they displace so much water and significantly reduce the capacity. Now I just have the stone wall of my living room as a background - looks...
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    Newbie Starting Fresh

    A rip off perhaps but I find it comforting that, for those simply too introverted and/or agoraphobic to leave the house, there is still a means of obtaining this stuff (albeit at a price). -dan
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    Newbie Starting Fresh

    I used "Jeyes Kleen Off" ammonia when I was cycling my tank: It is available online though the delivery will cost more than the product itself! Google Search Some online aquarium shops appear to be stocking this product specifically for fishless-cycling. 9% Ammonium Hydroxide apparently. -dan
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    Heating Cable

    I have a Rena Cor Heating Cable: It is a substrate heater for planted tanks and does not replace a standard aquarium heater. (I no longer use it in my tank since I have purged all sub-aquatic electrical cables for aesthetic reasons.) -dan
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    Interpet Control 25-30w

    According to Wikipedia, those sizes correspond to T8 and T12 (since, for diameters measured in imperial units, the digits after the T correspond to the number of eights of an inch: T8 = 8/8 = 1", T12 = 12/8 = 1.5", T5 = 5/8 = 0.625"). -dan
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    3d Backgrounds

    Have you seen here? I've not used the guy so this is not an endorsement but I kept the link a while back because I thought that it looked interesting. -dan
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    Changing Filter In Venezia Tank.

    Although this topic is a month old, I just wanted to add a clarification (well, a rebuttal really) based on my experience. You can do exactly as the original poster asked. In fact, I replaced the Fluval 205, which came with my tank, with a 405 in exactly this manner. Although the boxed retail...
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    Minimum Number Of Individuals And Replacement

    So, basically, it is perhaps more important for some species than others. Your tetras are clearly different species so, to go by the 'rules', form two distinct groups of less than the recommended number. My 3 rasboras look happy enough to me but then they might be so much happier with two more...
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    Minimum Number Of Individuals And Replacement

    151L (about 40 USG). 92x55x30/41cm (the last dimension is minimum/maximum since the tank is bow-fronted). The volume I've given is the actual usable capacity. Why? -dan
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    Minimum Number Of Individuals And Replacement

    In the year I’ve been keeping fish, quite a few have died, primarily from causes which have been difficult to determine. However, apart from a disastrous experience with Threadfin Rainbow fish (where all four specimens snuffed it), the losses have generally been single individuals from a group...
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    Algae Idenfication/destruction

    Hi, I've got some new tubes, aeration equipment and a circulation pump ordered. If these (whilst following your other advice) don't improve the situation then I guess I'll try the blackout method next and, finally, anti-biotics as a last resort. -dan
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    Algae Idenfication/destruction

    Thanks, I've ordered a whole bunch of stuff to address the issues you identified. I've also read that Cyanobacteria are associated with extremely low nitrate levels. The NO3 in the aquarium tests as 0 (and the tap water as approximately 5ppm). The local Water Quality Report suggests that it...
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    Algae Idenfication/destruction

    Hi, Thanks again for all the replies - I will attempt as many of the suggestions as possible! The only reason I’m reluctant to use an air-stone is that some posters suggest that the fish become accustomed to the higher levels of dissolved oxygen and therefore its possible future withdrawal...
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    Algae Idenfication/destruction

    Hi, Thanks for your reply. I will examine for texture and scent tomorrow! From your response, I can identify five issues: 1) Excessive nutrients 2) Low oxygen 3) Too much uneaten dry food 4) Lack of water movement 5) Colour/age/temperature of lighting tubes It seems, perhaps, that (1) and...
  18. M

    Algae Idenfication/destruction

    Hi, Could anyone help to identify the predominant green algae type in the photos below and recommend any steps toward its eradication? (It actually looks worse in digital photos than to the naked eye but, to either, it is rather unsightly.) When I moved house, and aquarium, 10 weeks ago I...
  19. M

    Croaking Gourami With Bulging Reddened Eye

    Hi, Unfortunately the fish died but I wanted to thank you for your assistance. The medication did appear to lead to an improvement - the swelling of the eye(s) reduced considerably. However, the inflammation and damage to the surrounding tissue caused, presumably, by the bacteria may have been...
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    Croaking Gourami With Bulging Reddened Eye

    Thanks for your help. I shall procure the recommended product ASAP. -dan
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    Croaking Gourami With Bulging Reddened Eye

    Having reviewed the suggested template for requesting assistance, I hope that the following information helps... Tank size: 150L pH: haven't measured but >7 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 kH: haven't measured gH: haven't measured tank temp: approx 27C (I can test for the pH, kH and gH if...
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    Croaking Gourami With Bulging Reddened Eye

    Here's a few more photos. The first shows the good eye but the bulge of the left eye on the other side of the fish can be made out. -dan
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    Croaking Gourami With Bulging Reddened Eye

    Thanks for your reply. I performed a 20% water change and checked the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate at the same time. They are all zero. I don't currently have any way of isolating the fish but I could buy a small tank tomorrow if necessary. I don't think there are any pools of blood in the eye...
  24. M

    Croaking Gourami With Bulging Reddened Eye

    I've just noticed that my croaking gourami's left eye is extremely swollen and red. Its right eye seems fine. The redness seems to extend from the eye to the tip of the snout/nose (or whatever fish have) and perhaps onto the top of the head. I can't get a photo to post at the moment (the fish...
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    Brownish Algal/fungal/bacterial Growth On Sand

    Unfortunately, none of my Otos look even slightly interested.
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    Brownish Algal/fungal/bacterial Growth On Sand

    Hi, I recently moved house and, with the opportunity provided by the necessities of transportation, decided to change from a gravel to a sand substrate in my tropical, freshwater tank. Despite extensive daily attention, I never managed to overcome the proliferation of algae in my previous...
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    Post Mortem Not Emergency (advice Leading To Prevention)

    Hi, I basically have a three-layer substrate. Gravel, over Eco-Complete, over sand. There are a couple of bits of mopani wood, some slate and a lot of plants. It has seemed stable for some months now (though, I admit, I haven't closely monitored pH, more ammonia/nitrite). The rainbowfish had...
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    Post Mortem Not Emergency (advice Leading To Prevention)

    Hi, Yesterday, I noticed that one of my threadfin rainbowfish had red, inflamed gills. It was at the surface of the water trying to extract oxygen from the air. I performed a 20% water change and had intended to seek advice from the LFS today but, unfortunately, the fish died during the night...
  29. M

    Co2 System Problems (many)

    Thanks, guys. I think I've managed to get the bubble counter going okay - however, the pump is still making an unpleasant grating sound (I've recorded it and attached the file to this post) and I don't see any CO2 being dispersed into the water. -dan
  30. M

    Co2 System Problems (many)

    Okay, I'll give it another go. There may still be a problem with my pump (maybe it was the lack of water in the bubble counter) - I'll see. Thanks very much for your help, nry. -dan
  31. M

    Co2 System Problems (many)

    Thanks nry for your help - much appreciated. It was my assumption that both valves would operate in the same direction. Also, I thought that one could look at the length of 'exposed stem' and probably determine whether it was open or closed. For instance looking at these photos, from left to...
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    Fluval Vicenza Aquarium Setup - A Journal.

    Well, as you can tell, it has me concerned as well. I wonder what the pressure actually is - anyone care to do the maths? Basically, yes. The only shut-off valve is that on top of the filter (which is obviously required). I guess that if I wanted to change the hoses, I'd go with a couple of...
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    240 Litre Planted Community Journal (new Pics 29/5/07)

    Just read your journal... really good stuff. I really like Onions Plants but read that they were for 'high light' aquaria only (Aquarium Gardening). Obviously you had, and still have even after the reduction, much more light than my tank (only 2x24W) but your aquarium is also much bigger...
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    Aquarium Lighting Concern

    To be honest I'm thinking of doing a fishless cycle anyway. Not that I'm ignoring your advice but there seems to be so much pain surrounding the process (judging from some of the threads I've read elsewhere) that I just have to experience it! My wife has now got involved in choosing the plants...
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    Co2 System Problems (many)

    Hi, I’m having considerable trouble with a CO2 Injection System and wondered if anyone could help. The product in question is a D-D Complete CO2 Set: Although this was supposedly a representative photo, the product is no longer supplied with two gauges (only a low pressure gauge) or this...
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    Fluval Vicenza Aquarium Setup - A Journal.

    The cabinet was easily assembled (finest chipboard, with a matt black/silver laminate, no less), though it took a while to adjust the level to within a couple of millimetres (I had both left-right and front-back imbalance issues). I had chosen the area of my living room which seemed most stable...
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    Aquarium Lighting Concern

    London Place which is at the end of St Clement's street but I can see the bottom of Morrell Avenue from my front window. -dan
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    Fluval Vicenza Aquarium Setup - A Journal.

    Thanks Guys! To JamieH, I must admit that the choice is puzzling me somewhat. I guess that the competing tank would be the Juwel Vision 180 which is available online at slightly less expense. The light unit seems comparable (2x25W as opposed to 2x24W, though the Juwel's bulbs are much longer)...
  39. M

    Fluval Vicenza Aquarium Setup - A Journal.

    Accepting the slim chance that this will be of interest to anyone, I have determined to describe my experiences with this aquarium in prose form (i.e. words with, hopefully, a few pretty pictures). First the tank/stand itself: Fluval Vicenza 180 Silver Trim Aquarium Set Fluval Vicenza 180...
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    Aquarium Lighting Concern

    I haven't really considered this yet beyond a bottle of Seachem Flourish (or the like) and the Eco-Complete substrate used. I shall look into the method you suggest. There is a tendency, I think, to focus overly on the fish to the detriment of the habitat; which is something I'm trying not to...