Croaking Gourami With Bulging Reddened Eye


New Member
May 27, 2007
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Stow on the Wold, UK
I've just noticed that my croaking gourami's left eye is extremely swollen and red. Its right eye seems fine. The redness seems to extend from the eye to the tip of the snout/nose (or whatever fish have) and perhaps onto the top of the head.

I can't get a photo to post at the moment (the fish seems rather camera shy though generally its behaviour seems normal).

I'm going now to perform a water change and I'll check ammonia, nitrites and nitrates beforehand.

Just wanted to post quickly in case anyone had any ideas.

Check water stats.
Can you issolate the sick fish as you will need to use a bacterial med.
Any pools of blood in the eye area.
Check water stats.
Can you issolate the sick fish as you will need to use a bacterial med.
Any pools of blood in the eye area.

Thanks for your reply. I performed a 20% water change and checked the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate at the same time. They are all zero.

I don't currently have any way of isolating the fish but I could buy a small tank tomorrow if necessary.

I don't think there are any pools of blood in the eye area.

I'm still trying to get a decent photo, this is the best I can currently produce (it is rather out of focus and, because of the perspective, the bulging of the eye can't be discerned):


Here's a few more photos. The first shows the good eye but the bulge of the left eye on the other side of the fish can be made out.




Having reviewed the suggested template for requesting assistance, I hope that the following information helps...

Tank size: 150L
pH: haven't measured but >7
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: haven't measured
gH: haven't measured
tank temp: approx 27C

(I can test for the pH, kH and gH if they would be of use, I just haven't done so yet.)

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):

Bulging single eye, red discolouration around eye to snout and top of head. Fish seems languid, resting fins against the bottom of the tank. (Though this behaviour is not unusual for this fish.)

Volume and Frequency of water changes:

Weekly, 20%.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:

No additives, sand/eco-complete substrate with natural rocks.

Tank inhabitants:

3 harlequin rasboras, 3 otocinclus, 3 red-nosed tetras, 2 marble hatchet fish, 1 sparkling gourami, 2 chequered barb, 2 corydorus, 1 croaking gourami.

They are all extremely small fish, no more than 2cm each. I am only assuming that the ill fish is a croaking gourami - it was actually sold as the sparkling variety.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):

None. Tank was relocated two months ago (due to moving house). Gravel was replaced. Filter media and about 50% of the water retained.

Exposure to chemicals:


Digital photo (include if possible):

See above.


Unfortunately the fish died but I wanted to thank you for your assistance. The medication did appear to lead to an improvement - the swelling of the eye(s) reduced considerably. However, the inflammation and damage to the surrounding tissue caused, presumably, by the bacteria may have been too great.

Thanks again.


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