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  1. K

    Changing Rock In Freshwater Tank

    The Kissing Gouramis are the medium size (only 3 to 4 inches long) I have had them for almost 3 years. I have never had any imbalances with my water. I apolgize I don't remember the breed of catfish I have but they are small only about an 1 and a half.
  2. K

    Changing Rock In Freshwater Tank

    I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 Kissing Gouramis, 2 Opae Blue Gouramis, 3 Saebre Tetras, 3 albino catfish and 2 catfish. I have had this tank for 4 years. I am wanting to change the rock in my tank and want to know the best way to go about it. I have currently white rock in there. Any suggestions?
  3. K

    Emergerncy! My Water Is Suddenly Cloudy!

    The smaller tank has been operating without any fish. I have a test kit and checked the levels. They are a little off specifically the PH level and amonia but nothing too abnormal. I checked on the tank this morning and the cloudiness is starting to clear up.
  4. K

    Emergerncy! My Water Is Suddenly Cloudy!

    I have had this tank for over 2 years and never had a problem like this. Should I use my smaller tank until the problem in the larger tank?
  5. K

    Emergerncy! My Water Is Suddenly Cloudy!

    What is a media doner? Any way I have a 29 gallon tank (sorry I don't know my metric equivalent) with 2 large kissing gouramis, 3 serpae tetra, 3 neon tetras 4 zebra danios and 2 cat fish. I have a 10 gallon tank that I am not using. It has been cycled in ages.
  6. K

    Emergerncy! My Water Is Suddenly Cloudy!

    I threw the old one away and replaced it.
  7. K

    Emergerncy! My Water Is Suddenly Cloudy!

    I have a 29 gallon tank and it has suddenly turned cloudy to the point where I can see anything! I have an autistic son and this morning he decided to drop a dill pickle in the aquarium. My wife got it out as soon as possible. I cleaned the tank yesterday including change the filter. The water...
  8. K

    What Is Going On?

    2 Kissing Gouramis 6 Baloon Mollies 3 Swordtails 6 Guppies
  9. K

    What Is Going On?

    I do exactly that! I do a 25% water change about every 2 weeks. My PH reading is 6.2.
  10. K

    What Is Going On?

    There has been a drastic change in the water in my 29 gallon tank and losing a fish a week for the past 3 or 4 weeks. My water conditions were ideal up til a couple weeks ago. Now my nitrate is way out of wack and I can't get my PH and Alkalinity up no matter what treatment up! I have tried...
  11. K

    Evil Blue Gourami

    Sounds like the same problem we had with ours. We thought he would like another partner, it turned out we were wrong! A couple weeks later he killed the other Blue Gourami. We decided not to even bother getting another. He looks like a jerk! We even gave him the name Guido because he reminds us...
  12. K

    Blue Gourami Getting Darker

    No not at all!
  13. K

    Blue Gourami Getting Darker

    I noticed today that our blue gourami is getting darker on its back half. Is this common for this to happen?
  14. K

    Sick Guppy

    We thought that she was pregnant at one point because she had a huge gravid spot but we didn't see any free, unless the other fish got them. Our female platys is acting the same way and she gave birth.
  15. K

    Sick Guppy

    I did a 20 percent water change and added some aquarium salt. I did a water change about 2 weeks ago. I will see if that helps...
  16. K

    Sick Guppy

    No the spine isn't bent. It looks like when she swims her tail fin is kind of weighting her down. She is still eating. Outside of lack of perkiness no ther signs of illness.
  17. K

    Sick Guppy

    One of our female guppies appears to be sick and I am not sure what it is. She has lost color in her rear fin and its kind of dragging. Tank size: 29 gal pH: 6.8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 40 Chlorine: 0 Alkaline: 60 tank temp: 75 Tank mates: Balloon Mollies, Guppies, Platys. Danios...
  18. K

    Rocks Turning Green?

    Nope its just green. I notice the Molly fry "pecking" at it.
  19. K

    Not Sure About What Breed Of Fry I Have

    We have 4 new fry not sure what they are! We have 2 Swordtails one of which died shortly before we discovered the fry and 3 female orange Platys (different breeds). We weren't sure if any of them were pregnant or not. Our experience has only been with Guppies and Mollies. Anyway they are very...
  20. K

    Rocks Turning Green?

    In our 10 gallon nursery/ medical aquarium the white rocks are turning green. What is causing this? Is it going to harm the month old guppy, Molly and week old Platy frys?
  21. K

    I Have Hit The Mother Load.....litteraly!

    I had 2 VERY pregnant Balloon Mollies who I thought were pretty close to delivering so last night I put them in a breeder. Both of them have had fry before and at the most they had about 20. I figured if I am lucky one will deliver. When I woke up this morning to check on them I was totally...
  22. K

    Post-mommy Syndrome?

    Wow that is weird! I have 5 female balloon mollies who have all given birth and none of them have acted like that! BubbleJ gave you some great advice and is correct in saying that she maybe not yet! Don't be suprised that some of the weaker fry die along the way. I have had over 100 fry...
  23. K

    Pregnant Guppy?

    Don't get to excited about it because you can have a mess of fry then you will go insane! :lol:
  24. K

    How Many Guppies?

    I tried all males once and that is exactly what happened and I lost a few in the process til I got females.
  25. K

    Dwarf Platy

    I have 2 myself, had them for almost 1 year, and they are in with 2 Kissing Gourami and they don't bother them.
  26. K

    My First Tank.

    I found ammonia at my local Wal-Mart. I opened it like an idiot and took a whiff of it and almost knocked me over!!!
  27. K

    My First Tank.

    I have mystery snails in my tank and they pretty cool to watch. I have not had an infestation problem with them, we have a few small ones but the bigger fish have had them for a snack. :blink:
  28. K

    Fishless Cycling

    I checked it this morning at it was at 4 PPM is that too fast of a drop?
  29. K

    Can Water Changes Induce Birth?

    I have noticed when I do water changes or a short time there after we have had a couple of births of fry. Is this posible or just a mere coinsidence?
  30. K

    Dwarf Balloon Platy

    This is one of my 2 dwarf platys, they are my "survivors." They have survived every mistake I have made with my aquarium.
  31. K

    Fishless Cycling

    I have a 29 gallon tank and set it up 2 days ago. I started adding ammonia today it took me 24 drops to get the ammonia level up to 6ppm. I am going to have heavy stock of fish to put in there. I am going to use the "add daily" method am I not correct? I am going to use the same amount of...
  32. K

    New 29 Gallon Tank

    Pure ammonia and I was suprised to find it so cheap (less than $1). At my fish store the girl suggest to use fish food to introduce ammonia but I thought pute ammonia would be better.
  33. K


    In my opinion not until they get bigger, I jknow it sounds like a smart answer but that would be my guess. Unless you know who was pregnant.
  34. K

    Pregnant Guppy Update With Pic(new Pic)

    She does to me but I can't say for sure how long she has to go. Try to get a pic of her more of her from the side.
  35. K

    New 29 Gallon Tank

    I actually meant to do so after I am done cycling...
  36. K

    New 29 Gallon Tank

    We bought a new 29 gallon (109 Litres) tank yesterday and doing a fishless cycle. I have read the articles on this board but I am confused about a few things. I have added water conditioner and that is the only chemical I have added. I have heard various of opinions of adding bacteria to the...
  37. K

    Is My Platy With Fry?

    I have never had a pregnant Platy before. One of the male platys is following her around. I have multiple pictures of her including one with the possible guilty party and he has been up in her stuff all day long...... :unsure:
  38. K

    My Guppy Babies

    I was wondering that myself. My guppy fry have a bit a black on the tail fin. They are about 3 weeks.
  39. K

    Is This Swordtail Pregnant?

    I didn't think she was that close but she had them last night and we didn't notice unti it was too late. Apparently they were a tasty snack for the others all except for one!
  40. K

    Pregnant In A Breeder

    We have 4 or 5 Pregnant fish (2 Mollies 2 guppies and a swordtail). When should I put them in a breeder trap or net, we have both? I don't want to put them in there to soon and keep them in there too soon because of premature birth and the chance of dead of fry. How long should I keep them in...