Sick Guppy


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
St. Louis
One of our female guppies appears to be sick and I am not sure what it is. She has lost color in her rear fin and its kind of dragging.

Tank size: 29 gal
pH: 6.8
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 40
Chlorine: 0
Alkaline: 60
tank temp: 75

Tank mates: Balloon Mollies, Guppies, Platys. Danios, Tetras and Gouramis

Here is a couple of pics

Is her spine bent ? Looks it in the picture ?
When you say dragging....what do you mean ? Is it still feeding ? Is it bloated in any way ? Any other visible signs of illness ?
Is her spine bent ? Looks it in the picture ?
When you say dragging....what do you mean ? Is it still feeding ? Is it bloated in any way ? Any other visible signs of illness ?
No the spine isn't bent. It looks like when she swims her tail fin is kind of weighting her down. She is still eating. Outside of lack of perkiness no ther signs of illness.
I did a 20 percent water change and added some aquarium salt. I did a water change about 2 weeks ago. I will see if that helps...
Did she give birth recently?
We thought that she was pregnant at one point because she had a huge gravid spot but we didn't see any free, unless the other fish got them. Our female platys is acting the same way and she gave birth.
she most likely gave birth and was stressed from the process. She should bound back in a few days!
she most likely gave birth and was stressed from the process. She should bound back in a few days!
Hi, I have one in exactly the same condition. I put it down to birthing while still very young. Should recover.....time will tell :unsure:

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