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  1. P

    Help Needed-moving With Fish!

    Thanx for all your adivice, I feel a bit better now! :rolleyes:
  2. P

    Transporting Fish

    It's amazing....we posted almost the same topic! I know how stressed you must feel about this ....I feel so guilty of moving...
  3. P

    Help Needed-moving With Fish!

    Sorry to sound stupid, but how do I get air into the bag? And how do I fill the tank up with new water, because I know I'm not suppose to put more than 30-40 % of new water in when cleaning it?...It's 20 min drive away....Will catching the fish not cause terrible stress? How many fish can I put...
  4. P

    Help Needed-moving With Fish!

    :crazy: Please, could any one give me advice! We are moving from one home to another...its 10 km away. I've got a full and active fish tank....It takes 180 litres, so it's VERY heavy with all the rocks, ect. I'm very worried about the moving, I'm worried about the temp dropping, the shaking af...
  5. P

    Please Help...

    Thanx for all the advice....Yes, what was strange to me was that when I tested the Nittrite and Nitrate levels with my liquid test (the test test the 2 together...) the count was 0. That's why I was so surprised with the strip results of above 250! I will keep on with the gradual water...
  6. P

    Please Help...

    Ok, I'm going to try my best with the info.... -My tank is 180l, with a build in filter -I've had it for 1 year.....I do a 20-30l water change every week, washing the filter material in the old water before I put it back. I check the temp of new water, 27 degrees, then also adding 'water...
  7. P

    Please Help...

    Ps.....It can't be the new plants?
  8. P

    Please Help...

    Ok...I'm using liquid tests....Sera NH4, NH3 test. The water here are ph 8.....(The guy at the shop said it will make no difference to try and change the ph because our water are treated so it will go back to the same ph again...). I thought that I will do a propper cleaning and 25% water change...
  9. P

    Please Help...

    thanx, I will try and get something for internal parasites.....I stay in South Africa ....
  10. P

    Please Help...

    I have tested the's fine. I had my tank for a year....The last few months everything went well....I bought a few new fish and 2 new plants( 1-2 months ago).....All the fish that died, was new ones, but wasn't bought at the same place (3 different places).....My tank is 180l....
  11. P

    Please Help...

    I have lost 4 fish(2 clown fish, 2 guaramies), in the last 2 weeks! :unsure: Before they die, they only become very thin, looks like sceletons! Their heads is only bone and the rest of their bodies become thinner and thinner, and within 2 days or so, they just die! This is VERY sad and I...
  12. P

    Adding Salt?

    Thanx, I also heard that salt and scale-less fish is not a good idea. Sorry, I don't have a picture. My silver dollar seem to bennifit from the meds, but my gouramie is still in bad shape.
  13. P

    You Will Not Believe This!

    With all that's happening in my tank, 2 ill fish and meds...I'm the 'proud' owner of future baby angels!!!! I've got almost 50-60plus little wiggling eggs! I've put it in a guppytank, keeping it in my big tank...I have NO idee or clue what to do with them!!!? I really don't know if I must let...
  14. P

    Adding Salt?

    Thanx, I phoned the fish petshop...they were also a bit sceptic with adding salt to my tank with my clown fish...So I used Tetra Medical, General tonic....35ml on my 160-180l tank. The silver dollar is not well yet, but not worse! Maybe I'll repeat my treatment. Ps: I live in South-Africa
  15. P

    Adding Salt?

    I've got some problems in my water is fine, but my silver dollar has rupture of the skin around his mouth! :unsure: So alot of people advise me to throw salt (1ml/1l) into my tank...They say this is good for the fish and help in preventing and treating disease. But I read on the net...
  16. P

    Safe Temperature Fluctuations

    I was also wondering about this, because my tank was always 24-25 degrees, but with the cold weather, the temp drops at night so I upped my temp to 27-28, but some of my fish now doesn't look very well!!! I don't know if I must change it back and if this will be another shock?
  17. P

    What's Going On?

    Thanx!!! :good: Regarding the electricity cutouts? Do I need to buy a generator, but that is R6000!!!!VERY expensive!
  18. P

    What's Going On?

    It suddenly became VERY cold here in South-Africa....It was 24 degrees and suddenly it is 12 degrees during the day and dropping to 0 degrees at night. We don't have central heating here so inside the house it becomes VERY cold. I wonder if this can effect my fish, i've put the heater in the...
  19. P

    Very Sorry To Ask You This, But....

    I tried but can't, need to register again? In the meen time, I really need help....
  20. P

    Very Sorry To Ask You This, But....

    As you know, I've been struggling with my sick gouramie for 2 weeks now. Today he is REALLY suffering :unsure: (None of my meds helped!)....It breakes my heart to see him like this, his got a big ulcer with stuff coming out and he is a bit bloated. He is definitely dieng. I don't know if I can...
  21. P

    Changing Meds

    Sorry, I'm still struggling with my fish..... The fungus is better, but my blue gouramie now has an ulcer. Is it ok to change from one type of meds to another, in the same tank? Some one told me this can interact and kill all my fish? Now I'm to afraid to do so? Onother question: My Nitrite is...
  22. P

    O.k. So Now I'v Got A Bigger Problem!

    I tried the other day and it said that I can't post there....
  23. P

    O.k. So Now I'v Got A Bigger Problem!

    I mentioned before that i've got fungus with my silver doller...So I waited 3 days, started to repeat the treatment, because the fungus came back...It's day 2 now, and my blue gouramie developed an ULCER!!!!!It looks BAD!!!! :unsure: I' ve done a water replacement(20%) and decided to stop the...
  24. P

    Cleaning My Tank Glass....

    How do you clean your tank glass? I just cut a piece of filter material (new) and wipe hard on the inside to get all the little brown dots of the glass...Is this ok? I saw that little pieces of fibre is coming of the material as I use it, will this hurt my fishies? :unsure: Thanx
  25. P

    Ph Of Water?

    Thanx for this, so if I'm not being totally stupid now, I don't have to worry to mutch about my pH?
  26. P

    Ph Of Water?

    My tap water pH is high, around 8...I tested my tank water...NO2, NH3 and NH4, all in normall range....but my ph is 7.4. Is this harmfull? I's struggling with fungus (as previously mentioned) and did a water change yesterday. I want to repeat my treatment cicle for the you think it's...
  27. P

    How Does Your Water....

    My tank is 180l, I've got 4 catfish, 2 silver dollars, 3 angles, 3 gouramies, and 8 small fish(don't know their names yet! :blush: black tetras?)....I change the water every week, but feed them every day, I rinse the filter material 1-2 weeks....But I got a new log when I started my tank...maybe...
  28. P

    How Does Your Water....

    I got my fish tank in January, ect....My levels are ok, got some algae, but mostly the water looks a bit yellowish to me. Is this how it's suppose to look or is your water bright like tap water? :unsure:
  29. P

    Pearl Guramies

    Sorry more questions.... My one pearl guramie has a white spot on each eye, it looks like when some one is becoming blind...I thought it might also be a fungul infection, like mentioned with my silver dollars. But the meds for the fungal infection didn't help. What can be causing this eye...
  30. P

    Allergic To The Tank

    We went to see a allergist with my son...He is VERY allergic to moulds, the first thing the dr asked: Do you have a fishtank? We still have it, and he seems fine, I think it's because the filter is 'build into' the tank? I cleaned the filter material last week (my hubby usually does this), and...
  31. P

    Please, Need Help Urgently!

    Hi, I'm very new to all af this....I've got silver dollars, guramies, 'catfish', angles and one 'clown' fish (sorry, I don't know all the fancy names yet). One of my silver dollars developed a fungal infection, white, woolly patches. So the fish shop gave me Protozin to use....but I had to halve...