Ph Of Water?


New Member
Apr 7, 2007
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My tap water pH is high, around 8...I tested my tank water...NO2, NH3 and NH4, all in normall range....but my ph is 7.4. Is this harmfull? I's struggling with fungus (as previously mentioned) and did a water change yesterday. I want to repeat my treatment cicle for the you think it's safe? How much does ph matter?
As long as you keep your pH consistant it is not vital.
if your ph is below 6.4, i'd be worried. also, ammonia is more toxic in high ph.
have a read of this
Thanx for this, so if I'm not being totally stupid now, I don't have to worry to mutch about my pH?

As long as you keep your pH consistant it is not vital.

correct :good:

if your ph is below 6.4, i'd be worried. also, ammonia is more toxic in high ph.

depends completely on which fish you have what pH is worrying, Ian's tank sits at a ph of around 5.5 and it's absolutley fine.

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