What's Going On?


New Member
Apr 7, 2007
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It suddenly became VERY cold here in South-Africa....It was 24 degrees and suddenly it is 12 degrees during the day and dropping to 0 degrees at night. We don't have central heating here so inside the house it becomes VERY cold. I wonder if this can effect my fish, i've put the heater in the tank up to 28 degrees, it was on 26/7 degrees. The temp strip against the tankwall measured 25/6(when put on 26/7) but dropped to 24 degrees during the nights. Since I've put it on 28 degrees the strip stay on 25/6. My loach and big catfish suddenly became gray(lighter) and the gaurami got gray flakes everywhere and looks ill? I'm also worried for electricity cutouts, because how will I keep my tank warm, will all my fish then just die? How do I deal with this situation? My tank stands in a cold spot, but I cant move it, 180kg! :unsure:

Thanx for any advise
Get a second heater to bring it up to 10 watts per gallon. You could also fill some bottles with hot tap water & float them in the tank, but this get a little labor intensive.
Get a second heater to bring it up to 10 watts per gallon. You could also fill some bottles with hot tap water & float them in the tank, but this get a little labor intensive.
Do that and you should be OK, and if you want, as said above, put some hot water in bottles and float them.

Good luck! :good:
Get a second heater to bring it up to 10 watts per gallon. You could also fill some bottles with hot tap water & float them in the tank, but this get a little labor intensive.
Do that and you should be OK, and if you want, as said above, put some hot water in bottles and float them.

Good luck! :good:

Thanx!!! :good:
Regarding the electricity cutouts? Do I need to buy a generator, but that is R6000!!!!VERY expensive!
Regarding the electricity cutouts? Do I need to buy a generator, but that is R6000!!!!VERY expensive!
First, test the water bottle method, if it works, then when the electricity is out, you can use them, if they don't work, then try to find your self a cheap generator.
if you dont want to get a generator try to find a UPS (uninteruptable power supply) or back up battery made for computers
it will keep the heater running for about 6-8 hours and will kick in when the power goes out
they are pretty cheap now so you should be able to get one or maybe even two and link them together to keep the heater and anything else running when the main power is out
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