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  1. G

    Java Moss...In A Cup?

    I have been given about a golf ball size bundle. How long can it stay in its cup as im too busy to secure it too anything tonight. And how delicate is moss, how tightly should i bind it??
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    Java Moss...In A Cup?

    hello, the other day I decided to buy some java moss as its low maintenance and is fairly attractive, and I have bought some bamboo which I hope to cover with moss and some rocks too. The only place I could purchase the moss was online, so i thought i was buying a plant with some roots that i...
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    Moss Balls

    I have just acquired a moss ball and was wandering what would happen if i was too rip it in half to make 2 balls??
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    Lava Rock Effects

    Hello, I have added a nice lump of lava rock to my tank and I was informed it should lower my ph i.e. make it more acidic. Is this true? And what other effects will it have on my tank? The reason I want to lower my ph is that my tap water ph is around 8, and I have just checked my tank and its...
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    New Inhabitants In My Shrimp Tank

    Hi all, Over the last couple of weeks I have noticed some new inhabitants in my fish tank and i have no idea what they are! These creatures are around 1 mm in length and swim mainly just under the top water level. Some stick the glass but most seem very active just swimming around. At first I...
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    Whats The Best Sand

    As soon as you put "Aquarium" in front of any product the price sky rockets. Its the same as "aquarium" salt. You can buy salt at a supermarket that doesnt have a cacking agent in it and its quarter of the price. People use argos playsand for the exact reason its £3 for 15kg :shifty: But as...
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    I Wonder If This Is Big Enough...

    That is such a cheap tank, £128 is a bargain :hyper: Do you think you could get me one?? :drool: Glad to hear you've had fry good indication that your water stats are fine in such a new tank. Boris is such a placid little fella, there is always exception to the rules and he is proof of this.
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    Whats The Best Sand

    Im no expert on sand but i think the cheapest is argos play sand, BUT i have heard a lot of problems with this sort i.e. toxins build up ect The other sand i have read about is toys 'r' us play sand which is a bit more expensive but is impeccable. but im only quoting what i have read and have...
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    Was your tank planted? I was going to buy a betta today but didnt risk it just in case it ate my shrimp, has anyone successfully kept a male and some shrimp as the person that worked there said they should be ok, but im not too sure
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    Netty -

    I was wondering why my messages had gone........ Apparently the link is too some site with adult material, why people do this i dont know, seems a bit sad to me
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    Tri-tail Betta!

    Its a joke
  12. G

    My First Betta :)

    Variety is the spice of life and this is a free forum to air your opinions. Im sure when you need help there is always some one here to help you :good:
  13. G

    A Question With My New Setup

    There are a couple of people on this forum who don't use heaters but a water change is probably the most important thing you can do to prevent disease and infection. As for how much of a water change you should do, reading around i think the minimum is 20% and maximum is 50%, but most people...
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    My Bettas Tail Is Starting To Shred.

    It looks like the same problem I had when my betta was biting his own tail. They often do this when they are frustrated or distressed. If you haven't seen him bittinh his tail then it could be the filter. What sort of filter do you use?
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    What about using electric tape to cover the hole until tomorrow. Ive heard of people putting tape over filter outlets why not put it on the divider until tomorrow? If you havent got any in the house most petrol garages sell a roll for pennies
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    What's The Most Popular Tail Type?

    Went into my local fish store today to see what he had in stock and found he had a blue VT in with about a hundred tetras chasing him. Not only that there was another betta in the tank looking dead and battered at the front of the tank. So i told him his betta was dead so he went to remove it...
  17. G

    What's The Most Popular Tail Type?

    I have exactly the same problem with buying betta's in the uk. All the LFS stock's are poor looking VT's. I have bought two bettas from Modaz in the past which were really beautiful and arrived in excellent condition but they have sadly passed on, but he doesnt have any on his web site (or any i...
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    If This Dont Work I Resign

    Congratz!!! Hope you have some lovely offspring!
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    If This Dont Work I Resign

    I was also wondering this. I thought you would try and get different colour pairs so you get all different colour spawn. But im a noob and know nothing about betta breeding!
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    Meet Vax

    Are there any feather tail breeders in the uk then? Once my tank is scrubbed and im sure all infecton is gone id love ot get another betta
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    Sick Betta

    Thanks for all your help!! Im scrubing away as we speak
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    My Husband Is Trying To Drag Home A 150+ Gallon Tank

    Isnt it cruel keeping tetra's in the same tanks as angels?
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    Sick Betta

    Thanks for all the kind messages. It was really upsetting taking him from the tank cant believe the way i reacted, but when youve had something for a year and you have looked after him for every day it does get to you in a way. :( Ive steralised the tank, I emptied it, Then put some bleach on...
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    Sick Betta

    Unfortunately my betta passed away during the night. He has not eaten for nearly a week so i guess thats what killed him in the end. I dont know what to do now. Do i buy another betta or just leave it there.
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    Sick Betta

    Will putting the temp down help, as ive heard when a fish is sick you put the temp up. but i dont know much about bettas so i will do as you say. Ok now the white spot has started to go, its being covered, but i dont know if its going to be a red sore or if its just his scales covering back...
  26. G

    Sick Betta

    There is no tank mates. My mother said he's lonely without the other betta,(I did have them separated).I have told her they would kill each other if they had a chance but she just doesnt understand. The temperature is around 29 C
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    Sick Betta

    The white spot has doubled in size the last day. I think he is going to die :( (I dont know how to do a crying face) He hasnt eaten for three days now, and when he came out of the cave he was just swimming on one side. Can please some one tell me what to do? I have only lost one betta before...
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    Sick Betta

    ok im pretty sure this is either white spot or a cut. Im treating with melafix is there any other meds i could use??
  29. G

    Sick Betta

    He has just gone in the cave, god knows when he will come out. Is there any tips for taking a good pic. Every time i leave the flash on i just get a big white glimmer on the glass and when i turn the flash off its too dark! any hel will do, im using my phone camera which is 5 mega pixel so it...
  30. Whitespot.jpg


  31. G

    Sick Betta

    I noticed my betta started acting weird a coulple of days ago, he was very lethargic just staying at the bottom of his tank and not doing much. but he would allways come to the top and eat his food. Now today he wont eat a thing. He's just laying on the bottom of the tank, moving every hour or...
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    Tank Suggestions

    This is the filter i have, ive managed to get the nozzle that spouts the water out just above the water surface so that the current is not so strong any more, I don't use outside rocks as they are too much of a liability and rather get the caves and ornaments form a lfs so i know they are safe...
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    Tank Suggestions

    The temp is 25 C, and its just over 5 gallons i think, so with the split they have nearly 3 gallons each which i thought was plenty, where can i get the big nylon plants, all my lfs sells is the small ones that go just about half way up the tank!
  34. G

    Tank Suggestions

    Hi I got my first 2 bettas on Friday and have added them to my tank (separated of course), and now i have a few questions. Firstly in my tank i have the filter on one side and the pump with an air stone on the other, but i read that disturbances in the water stress bettas out, so i decided...
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    Bettas Uk

    Thanks for the quick reply, il have a quick look now, then a proper look tomorow. I cant commit to nething for a week, as i have 11 sword tail fry that are about 3 months old in the tank im planning on putting the betta in that will have to go :(. I think my uncle will take them off me but they...
  36. G

    Bettas Uk

    hi, ive been looking to buy a betta for a while, but cant find any thing decent in the lfs. So i was thinking of buying off then net, but i dont know where to start. Is there any other sites except for kg betta(they have nothing in stock at the mo) that delivers in the uk ? Thanks in advance for...
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    Cat Fish Id

    Thats what they are, and if they are never seen then i aint goin to bother then, Thanks
  38. G

    Cat Fish Id

    I seen a cat fish in the lfs today, it didnt have no name but it looked like an earth worm, and it dug down into the gravel. I was thinking of getting one or two of these but i want to do some info on them first like do they need to be kept in groups, do they get on with other fish and do they...
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    New Fish House Project (its Quite Big) 2800 Gal

    That looks amazing, do you know what fish you're gettin yet??
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    Who Else Has To Change There Clothes After A Water Change

    i dont get wet as my tank is tiny, but when i get the floor wet my mother goes mental as the tank is in the front room, have to put loads of towels and rags down and be very carefull as she's usually watching me like a hawk!