Sick Betta


Fish Fanatic
Mar 27, 2007
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I noticed my betta started acting weird a coulple of days ago, he was very lethargic just staying at the bottom of his tank and not doing much. but he would allways come to the top and eat his food.

Now today he wont eat a thing. He's just laying on the bottom of the tank, moving every hour or two. And when he does come to the top he is just gulping air and going back down to the bottom. This is weird as i have a good pump in the tank so the water is airated.

Also i have noticed he has a big white sore on the back of his body. Il try to get a pic but i will describe it the best i can. Its on the left hand side, about the same size as a pin head, it's a bit cauliflowery. Also it looks like he has a cut behind it

Ive done a big 50% water change today and started treating with melafix. The stats are amonia 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate around 20ppm. He's in a 5-6 gallon tank by himself, i do weekly 20% water changes and the stats are always the same.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help


  • Whitespot.jpg
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could do with a better look at that lump if you can get a pic

He has just gone in the cave, god knows when he will come out.

Is there any tips for taking a good pic. Every time i leave the flash on i just get a big white glimmer on the glass and when i turn the flash off its too dark! any hel will do, im using my phone camera which is 5 mega pixel so it should be sufficient, but i cant get any good pics :S
I would treat for fungus by the looks of it, do you have any fungal meds? If it looks like there is a cut behind its possible there could be an ulcer there
could do with a better look at that lump if you can get a pic

He has just gone in the cave, god knows when he will come out.

Is there any tips for taking a good pic. Every time i leave the flash on i just get a big white glimmer on the glass and when i turn the flash off its too dark! any hel will do, im using my phone camera which is 5 mega pixel so it should be sufficient, but i cant get any good pics :S

i always use my phone camera with 5mp camera , turn flash off, but leave tank lights on , thats what i do
could do with a better look at that lump if you can get a pic

He has just gone in the cave, god knows when he will come out.

Is there any tips for taking a good pic. Every time i leave the flash on i just get a big white glimmer on the glass and when i turn the flash off its too dark! any hel will do, im using my phone camera which is 5 mega pixel so it should be sufficient, but i cant get any good pics :S

i always use my phone camera with 5mp camera , turn flash off, but leave tank lights on , thats what i do
Hi, G_Thing,
I was just reading your post and I wasn't quite sure if you were aware that bettas are actually surface breathers, and will eventually drown if they can't do so.
The gills somewhat supplement, but aren't able to supply enough on their own.

... And when he does come to the top he is just gulping air and going back down to the bottom. This is weird as i have a good pump in the tank so the water is airated. ...

That particular action of surfacing for air is perfectly normal for a labrynth fish, and nothing to worry about, although you are certainly very right to be concerned and ask advice about the rest of it.

But it seems likely that you've caught a problem early, and I hope that with proper diagnosis and prompt and appropriate treatment, your fish will recover quickly.

While I know nothing of photography myself, I've also heard, apart from pooloflight's already mentioned trick of having only tank lights on, that it helps in reducing glare to take tank shots at something of an angle.
Kind of tricky getting shots of your fish's back from any angle unless they pose nicely...
ok im pretty sure this is either white spot or a cut.

Im treating with melafix is there any other meds i could use??
Thats not white spot.... white spot is a lot smaller and more spread over the fish on the fins, gills, body to me that looks like fungus and if its inflamed and red beneath and ulcer. You need some experienced people to take a look like Modaz or Netty/Bronzecat if your really worried Id send a PM
The white spot has doubled in size the last day.

I think he is going to die :( (I dont know how to do a crying face)

He hasnt eaten for three days now, and when he came out of the cave he was just swimming on one side. Can please some one tell me what to do?

I have only lost one betta before (And this is no joke the betta is lost i went away to work for the summer and when i came back it had disapeared from the tank and no one will own up to it (My brother and father were in charge) the red one was there but the blue one had gone) and i dont want to lose this one. If you need better pics or something else then please let me know, just please hep me.
Melafix wouldn't do any good even if it was whitespot. You'd need to treat with the appropriate medication.

If you can, get some Myxazin. This is effective in the treatment of body/fin rot, ulcers and other bacterial infections. If it looks more like a fungus problem then Interpet do a range which includes fungus treatment.

If he's struggling to get to the surface for air, you need to reduce the level of his water to about 5 or 6 inches.

Also what temp do you have his water at and does he have any tankmates?
There is no tank mates. My mother said he's lonely without the other betta,(I did have them separated).I have told her they would kill each other if they had a chance but she just doesnt understand.

The temperature is around 29 C
Temp is could even go down to 27/28c.

How is he doing today....any change in him?
Temp is could even go down to 27/28c.

How is he doing today....any change in him?

Will putting the temp down help, as ive heard when a fish is sick you put the temp up. but i dont know much about bettas so i will do as you say.

Ok now the white spot has started to go, its being covered, but i dont know if its going to be a red sore or if its just his scales covering back over.
He still wont eat, but he has spent all day just at the top of the water, which is better than him being in his cave i guess. He just looks so weak and scraggy, his tail is in tatters where is has allways been perfect. Im going to defrost some bloodworms now and tempt him to eat these
Higher temps are good for speeding up the Whitespot cycle but for general keeping we keep the water at 27/28. If he's stressed he may be biting his tail which is why it's looking scraggy or he may have been rubbing up against things if he's had Whitespot.

Keep him as stress free as possible. It helps sometimes to keep the lights off for a while and just turn them on when you try to feed him.

Good luck with the BW...hope he takes it. Sometimes pellets soaked in garlic juice can tempt them to eat and it's also good for their immune system.

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