If This Dont Work I Resign

GULP! released her, also a burgundy devil dragon female with a melano male released this morning, timed it so when i get back on boxing day the males should by rights be ready to be removed.
Hey modaz! super impressive looking bettas you got there. I'm a little jealous that you have them :nod: I just had a couple of questions reguarding the pairs in your pics. It's probably a stupid thing to ask, but, is there a reason why they are matching pairs? I mean both of the first pair are a yellow color and the second pair are a purple color. Does it matter if both male and female are matching colors? Or can you have one yellow betta and one male purple betta? I just wanted to know what the reasoning behind it was. Regardless to the reason, they are definitely some beautiful fish.

:good: Good Luck with the spawning attempts,

Hey modaz! super impressive looking bettas you got there. I'm a little jealous that you have them :nod: I just had a couple of questions reguarding the pairs in your pics. It's probably a stupid thing to ask, but, is there a reason why they are matching pairs? I mean both of the first pair are a yellow color and the second pair are a purple color. Does it matter if both male and female are matching colors? Or can you have one yellow betta and one male purple betta? I just wanted to know what the reasoning behind it was. Regardless to the reason, they are definitely some beautiful fish.

:good: Good Luck with the spawning attempts,


I was also wondering this. I thought you would try and get different colour pairs so you get all different colour spawn. But im a noob and know nothing about betta breeding!
sometimes when you throw seperate colors together you get some ugly brownish or just wild color bettas. useing very similar or even sibling bettas insure more constant fry.
i used the matching pairs to maintain the strain colours and to hopefully bring some of the males colours of the CT into the females, the purple ones are siblings and they hold a very intense butterfly gene which i want to improve since they are HMPK and not many HMPK are seen with the Butterfly patterns in the UK.
The secerate to breeding fish is to know the gene pool if you can get a pair of fish that provide high % of uniform fry then by crossing them with other lines you can lurn what results in the best gene pool thus giving strong colours and strong fry, as well as finage.

Some types are known to produce almost sterile offspring and this is usualy the best looking fish. Or some times the adults just dont look after the young.

Just look at the fish cracker produces knowing you brood stock and their history is the most important thing in breeding.
yes very true, I had a choice of 3 females for this chap and this one was the only one that showed a colourloss gene and since they both came from the same source they are likely to be siblings or if not related in some way, due to his colour he has definately got the red loss gene that produces the yellows. The burgundy devil ive added to the melano has ofcourse the black banding on all 3 fins and the scaling on her body, the melano shows a slight blue scaling so ive gone for the black he holds and the scaling effect not a particular colour im looking for in the scaling though just the scales itself being a different pigment to the base colour, he also has a some burgundy in certain lights in his anal fin so used this factor as well when choosing him.
IT WORKED, loads of eggs, from both pairs, not a scratch on either crowntail, but the other 2 are a little shreaded to say the least.

PARTY TIME!!!!!!! :hyper: atlast i can be classed as a crowntail breeder :lol: :lol:


Oh fantastic!! Congratulations!!

Ooh, the filter arrived this morning, many thanks!
Modaz! :drink: :band: :hooray: :- :kana: :flex: :clap: :cool: :drinks: :yahoo: :- :mama:

Although I had been about to say that since the Crowtails do look rather punk-ish, Barry Manilow might be the problem.
I wouldn't breed under those circs either, lol.
Try compromising with Greenday next time, see what happens.

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