

Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
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North East UK
I got in from work to find my mustard gas in with my pure white VT.
The white guy obviously came off worse, and i believe had managed to squeeze through a gap in the divider. I have no idea how as they have lived happily side by side for over a year, and the divider has never shown signs to have any gaps, but when i checked properly it does have a gap afew mms thick that wasnt there before.

The white fish is shreded, he barely has a tail left if im honest, although im not suprised as the mg is double his size. The MG is also shredded although not to the extent of the white. I am removing him from the tank asap however do not have a spare tank, anyone have any bright ideas as to what i can do to stop him getting back in until the shops open tomorrow?
Argh i really hope he pulls through, has anyone else had a problem like this?! Did the betta fins grow back? :unsure:
Do you have, or can you borrow a clear plastic storage tub? Set that up overnight with tankwater and a heater until tomorrow when you can get a separate tank for him.

A breeding trap with some sort of cover will also work.

If you can't do that, get a deepish plastic tub . The sort you get strawberries or blueberries in and put this in the tank so it fills with water. Put one of the fish in this WITH THE LID ON!! , floating in his side of the tank. it should be fine overnight .
I'm sorry, that's awful! Where is the gap? If it is near the bottom you might be able to shove some gravel in it to close it up more until you are able to get a new one, although what honeythorn said will work better. Is it possible that he may have jumped over the divider? I don't have any experience with batas fighting, but mine has had fin rot. His fins grew back, but a lighter color and a little bit curled.
Fins do grow back. Melafix is very helpful, just be careful not to overdose.
I have found that over time plastic in warm tank water will warp and change shape or become hard and brittle. if your getting a new tank tommorow great. if not use a big plastic tub and seperate them. then I would strip the tank and silicon your divider in, takes about 24 hours to cure but the divider wont shift again.
What about using electric tape to cover the hole until tomorrow. Ive heard of people putting tape over filter outlets why not put it on the divider until tomorrow? If you havent got any in the house most petrol garages sell a roll for pennies
this happened to me a week ago, the little one who jumped the barrier came off the worse. its not fun to find that, but at least they are both ok, and maybe a little smarter for the experience. :nod:
Thanks everyone for your replies, sorry this is late.

I managed to find a plastic tub and put him in that foating in the tank overnight, im not thinking he may have jumped, although the divider is a good few inches above the water level so i didnt think it possible since he has never attempted it before.
Im going to get some melfix today, he seems happy in himself, and is still managing to flare at everything despite him having no tail whatsoever.

The divider is siliconed in on one side and at the top. The tank has two dividers, and the boys in the middle and left have never managed to get out, only the one on the right which is what is leading me to believe he could have jumped, although im taking no chances and he is not being let into the tank until i find out what it is.

Do you think id be better off buying one of those kritter keeper things and putting a heater in it for the time being until the problem is solved?

Thanks for all of your advice!
Oh i feel your pain on this one. Ramjet got through some how into Pinkys side (before Pinky died) and Ramjet came off worst. All i can see is check the divider as much as possible. I didnt think he could fit through anything and the gap was so tiny....but somehow he fitted....are you sure he didnt jump over? When i was replacing the divider a few months ago it was funny to see how small a spot they can get through...Ramjet was doing laps of the divider showing me where the holes were! he had the cheekyest look on his face.

I treated him with Melafix after his battle with Pinky. It worked a treat but it took a few months before his fins grew back. there is still some damage and i ended up treating him for a month untill there was no sign of attack. Here is some photos so you can see how much he has healed...

When i got him...

After the attack... (these pics make me sad :( )




After months of healing...

A big plastc critter keeper ( the biggest you can get ) will be fine for a spare tank for now. If you get a heater and filter for it, you can use it for a hospital tank to treat him with Melafix :good:

Always have a spare tank to hand, always. Pennplax do a little airpowered filter called "Smallworld" a lot of petshops sell them and they're about a tenner for a pack with the filter PLUS the airpump. The filter sold by itself is about £4. Just right for a betta or a spare tank. Getting a spare 25watt heater is also a must .
Thanks electric yellow for your pics and advice, he looks exactly like your fish, hopefully his fins will grow back as well as his!

Honeythorn, thanks for the advice. I know it should be heated and filtered lol, i had a hospital tank about a year ago but gave it to someone as they had a betta in a bowl and never got around to getting another. Plus i wanted one that didnt have to be running as i dont have the space for another tank.
At the moment he is in a breeding trap until i can get him either a new tank or get the divider fixed tomorrow. I cant for the life of me think where i can buy a divider from though, tried pets at home today and they had no dividers or kritter keepers (except spongebob ones that were £30!) .I have treated him with melafix today and he is busy making bubble nests as we speak. His rival is also torn and has a huge spit up his tail.

Where did you guys get your dividers from, or if you made them where did you get the materials?
A lot of folks make them from the plastic canvas that they sell at craft stores.
I believe Modaz sells divider kits on his ebay site?

I'd get some perspex cut to size, drill small holes all over it to allow water to pass through, and silicone that directly to the glass, or slide for a tight fit into well siliconed dividers. It's more rigid than the plastic canvas stuff, and won't bend or tear to form any gaps. You can also get it in colours which could make for an interesting look to the tank if you like that sort of thing.

Just make sure the top of the divider nearly touches the cover glass/plate!!!
I believe Modaz sells divider kits on his ebay site?

I'd get some perspex cut to size, drill small holes all over it to allow water to pass through, and silicone that directly to the glass, or slide for a tight fit into well siliconed dividers. It's more rigid than the plastic canvas stuff, and won't bend or tear to form any gaps. You can also get it in colours which could make for an interesting look to the tank if you like that sort of thing.

Just make sure the top of the divider nearly touches the cover glass/plate!!!

My dividers are already made from perspex drilled with holes, however i only siliconed in the top section as the bottom section is burried under about 2-3 inches of gravel and os held by rocks either side and i assumed it would be fine. I think i will have to silicone around it as well, or i was just going to stock a net divider up along side the plastic as a temporary measure. The divider is also a good few inches above water level.

I did know modaz sold them, unfortunatley i need it asap as the he is in a 1 gallon holding tank atm and i obviously want him out of there soon and back in into his tank, so something i could get by tomorrow morning would be better :good:
There are no craft shops around here unfortunatley, well not any that i know of in easy reach.
The sewing section in most department stores should have it.

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