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  1. M

    Tiger Barb Behavior

    I fish in cycled? I dont think you are correct there when i introduced my 2 mollies my ammonia was 0 and nitrites at the most minimal they could get, and my tank had been cycling for a long time fishless without them, you need to get your facts right. But yes you're quite right, this post now...
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    Tiger Barb Behavior

    Grief is not what I would exactly call a comment on a forum, its merely the truth so that part of the equation doesn't make a difference. Yeah you are doing everything in your power to make them comfortable, responsible fish keeping, that is great. Of course people on here are going to help...
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    Tiger Barb Behavior

    To be quite honest, there is no reason whatsoever to use fish whilst cycling a tank, its cruel. Its perfectly feasible to do so without stock and there is plenty of information available to guide you through fishless cycling. Im not trying to be harsh or undermining but its unnecessary.
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    120cm Nature Aquarium.

    That looks beautiful, such a well thought out and desgined scape. Brilliant job there. I love how the plants have attached themselves to the wood, think it looks far more effective than just bare wood poking out. Im gonna keep an eye on your scapes from now on, possibly get some ideas for my own!
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    My Community Gang

    LOL well I hope luigi is happy with his name, we'll soon see!
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    My Cycled, Fish Added & Adorned 86g Community Tank

    That tank is something thats been lifted straight from my dreams...absolutely beautiful tank. Im jealous!! One question, are you ground floor? I am soo biased when it comes to plants, do a little research and get some real ones, yeah they take some maintainence and a little knowledge, maybe a...
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    Johnnys 530 Liter Video Of Tank And Stingray Feeding

    I would really prefer to see that ray left where he naturally belongs, no offence to you on that. I know this is a touchy subject as someone might say that all fish should be left in their natural habitat...but i think its easier and more accessible to create a good home for less demanding...
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    My 125l And Planted *updated* 05/05/2009

    you have a lovely tank their, getting a natural yet groomed and attractive aquscape isnt easy but you've done a great job. I like to see tanks which show that their keepers have put their brains into the layout. I love the use of spacing and the curvature used to create little recesses in your...
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    My Community Gang

    Talking of fish names, I used to live in sweden and we were eating at a thai restaurant called koh phangan, this restaurant has a pond running under the entire floor, anyway we decided that we'd name one of the fish in the pond luigi as my italian friend said she'd like to eat it :( I tolf her...
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    Backtotropical's Main Tank

    this thread has obviously been going for a while and ive been following looking at the progress. I love your choice of fish, very beautiful, i think they are a welcome addition to anyones tank. However, I think the aquascaping could do with alot of work, in my mere opinion, it looks a bit messy...
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    Help Me With My First Planted Tank

    Okay well im not an expert but my tank now is planted and is doing well with the addition of co2 injection, but as aaronnorth said think about your lighting first and what plants you want. My substrate is sand and have had a few issues with it compacting and crushing the roots of some of my...
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    My 4ft Planted Tank

    Its mine and my mums tank so we have to share stocking! 3 Clowns 1 Ram cichlid ...did have a few more but have to be taken out due to bullying 4 Candy stripe loaches 4 Phantom tetras 1 Ruby Barb 5 Cardinals 2 Dwarf gouramis 2 Danios (like bigger groups i know but some died in my mums old tank)...
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    New Filter Fluval 105 Or 205?

    i got a 205 as i mentioned in another post and its fantasic, clarity and water quality top notch. go for 205 id say.
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    Fluval 205 Or 305?

    obviously bigger if you can afford it and there realy isnt a huge gap between 205 and 305 but for knowledge purposes i have a 205 on my aquarium which is approx 200L and my water is like glass, sometimes it doesnt even look like there is water in there its that clear lol!
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    Diy Co2

    I understand that. Ive setup my co2 and all is going well, my first bottle has been running for 2 days, im going to add the 2nd bottle in about another 3 days so making a 5 day run for the first when the 2nd has been introduced. However im not going to change the first bottle after day five, ill...
  16. M

    Danio Behaviour

    I've never really observed my danios closely as they're always actively swimming about and surfing in the out take from my filter! However, this morning my danio female picked a corner and its almost like she is patrolling it, she is swimming round and round the wood that is leaning against the...
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    My 4ft Planted Tank

    I have thought of that actually, and would be more open to try it if my tank was positioned a bit better. With the abundance of wires at the back it takes ages to get the background slid under, straightened and secure..and with the width from the tank to the wall being a bit more than just arms...
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    My 4ft Planted Tank

    Actually I havent thought of that, but thanks to you I have now :) Good idea and it would look pretty cool because i've never seen that before. Thankyou!
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    My 4ft Planted Tank

    why thankyou :)
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    thinking of setting up a marine tank

    Hey, I know you've got some good advice already just thought id chip in as i did the switch over to marine and then back again. I would say go bigger, as big as your means and your pocket, not only for the stability of your parameters but to enable you to have a selection of fish that you...
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    My 4ft Planted Tank

    Thank you very much, your comments are appreciated :)
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    My 4ft Planted Tank

    4ft planted tank, hope sizing is okay spent ages getting it down to minimum size. Plants are still in debateable phase, meaning my aquascaping is taking alot of consideration, but isnt that meant to be the fun part...
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    Diy Co2

    Marmite, wow i've never heard of that one before very interesting I might try and do some research on it. The sugar use is unbelievable! I want to mass buy it just for the co2 production lol. My co2 is going well, my ph was 8, and i got up during the night to check it and it was at 7.5, ive...
  25. M

    New Tank - Cloudy Water - No Fish Added Yet - Please Help!

    Just wanted to say that its nice to know someone cares about the wellbeing of the fish and tried to do the best thing. However, it took me a while to stop trusting shop keepers/people who dont know what they're talking about and not buying everything that a manafacturer claims to be a miracle...
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    Sick Silver Dollars

    Okay forgive me if I am wrong but I take it by you saying that your tank has been up for three weeks, that its a completely new tank? What are your tank parameters..? And to be quite honest if it is a brand new tank you shouldnt even have ANY fish in there at all yet.
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    Ram Cichlid Aggression

    Hi my tank is fully mature, been going around 2-3 years. PH8 (it is a little high for community and has been since the start but thats a long story which ive explained elsewhere) Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate under 20 KH is 12 (Live in a medium-hard water area) GH 18 Temp 26 Tank size 200L...
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    Diy Co2

    Ill do that, im going to run air at night and not during the day to allow the levels to build up to sufficient standard as you said. Thanks
  29. M

    Diy Co2

    Thats good to know! I always get panicky about trying new things on my aquarium as I dont want to cause any detrimental effects for my fish. I have set up my diy co2 and i am getting a bubble per second. Im really apprehensive about the fact that i have to leave it on at night...if i run two...
  30. M

    Diffuser Question..

    Yeah unfortunately it is and ive soon learnt that this piece of equipment isnt much good, oh well... Okay well I dont want to use an air stone as ive heard they are not that great so I'm going to put the end of the tube at the end of my intake pipe as I read the filters impeller will distribute...
  31. M

    Diffuser Question..

    Okay forgive me this is a stupid question for some, but im new to CO2 production and have just created a DIY home system, however I didnt pick up a diffuser like I meant to and only have an air stone sitting here..however am I able to use the diffuser from my CO2 optimat kit...or is that not...
  32. M

    Diy Co2

    Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but the higher the KH levels the less likely I am to have PH crashes due to the buffering quality of KH. Havent tested for KH in a while, but I assume that if I have low KH levels and want to add co2 I might need to use bicarbonate soda or crushed coral...
  33. M

    Diy Co2

    Hi, I've a 40Gallon planted tank, sand substrate unfortuntely...not the best for plant roots in my experience. However my plants are sustaining but not flourishing, so im thinking about giving a DIY CO2 unit a try. .I'm aware that I may need to use two bottles for enough co2 production as my...
  34. M

    Is Fish Keeping Cruel?

    I think everyone has had their say on this subject and I probably will not say anything that hasn't been said before, but yes, fish keeping on a certain scale is cruel...I do not agree with wild caught fish to any extent, not in this day and age anyway, now that there are so many opportunities...
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    Ram Cichlid Aggression

    Hi, Got a 4ft planted tank with drift wood, caves, plenty of hiding spaces etc and had three Ram cichlids. One Ram was very big and the two other ones smaller but equal size. Ive just had to remove the big Ram of which we have had for two years and one of the smaller ones and put them into a...
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    Clown Loach Lost Its Colour

    lol at last post. My loaches are a bit weird, they are quite clumsy, I suppose as you say the world clown is not put in there for no reason. I'll defo keep an eye on him. His tank mates are 2 mollies and a siamese fighter. They are all very peaceful towards eachother. But I do think there is...
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    Clown Loach Lost Its Colour

    Ive got two clown loaches, one has lost its colour quite dramatically. I did have a problem with my water condition which resulted in two angels dying. Also, as my loaches always hide I cant exactly tell if they are getting sufficient food or not, my two mollies are very greedy and speed around...
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    Help Please...

    thankyou, it looks good on first look. I'll do some more research on it.
  39. M

    Help Please...

    Hi, My filter is the Juwel Compact H, it came with the setup. Once money allows which will be in about 2 weeks, I want to buy an external filter which filtrates through peat. I like the idea of the gradual softness it brings, which may prevent me from using ph buffer. I think you are right, I...