120cm Nature Aquarium.

Dave Spencer

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto.
Sep 21, 2006
Reaction score
N. Wales
Here is my latest scape after three months or so. Maybe another three or so and it should be complete, ready to be stripped down for the next one. :good:


That looks beautiful, such a well thought out and desgined scape. Brilliant job there. I love how the plants have attached themselves to the wood, think it looks far more effective than just bare wood poking out. Im gonna keep an eye on your scapes from now on, possibly get some ideas for my own!
nice, have i seen this on ukaps?

how about some copper halequins? will provide a nice contrast to the greens of the mosses.

how about a red stem in the back right, something like alternanthera reineckii purple or rosafolia, or some rotala rotundefolia? as a bonus it will help to conceal the lily pipes, but looks supe mate. a cuc of amano shrimp will go well with a few ottos :good:
Thanks for all the comments everyone.

There were Copper harlequins in there, but I found them too sensitive to the CO2 levels I was adding to clear some Staghorn and Spirogyra algae. The Honey gouramis are still in there, but I am not sure what I am going to use in place of the coppers.

MarineMoney, don`t follow my tanks, follow takashi Amano`s. :drool:


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